Exposing The Narcissist 3 Minutes or Less Series

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In today's video Jill talks about some things you will need to consider if you are thinking of exposing the Narcissist in your life.

Jill Wise, otherwise known as The Enlightened Target, is a life long survivor of narcissistic abuse. She was raised by a malignant narcissist and married to a malignant narcissist, she has endured years of parental alienation, has repeatedly been targeted by narcissists throughout her life. She has an intimate understanding of all aspects of narcissistic abuse and Cptsd. She uses her experience and what she has learned to help educate others and bring awareness to narcissistic abuse. She is also a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach and works with clients all over the world heal from the trauma of narcissistic abuse, parental alienation and Complex Ptsd.

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The Narcissist I was in a relationship with was always two steps ahead and had already laid her ground work and launched a smear campaign against me to her friends and family.
She literally told me, "If you tell any of my friends or anyone that knows me that I treat you like this they won't believe you because they don't know me like this. I'm only like this with you and they will think you're lying."  
Before she made this statement I found out from her daughter (who blurted it out) during the Christmas Holidays (when everything was going good between us) - she was talking bad about me and belittling me to her friends. It's a real mind fuck


People will only hear what they want to. But, over time many of the same people will come back to you and say that they wish they'd listened. Others expose themselves as flying monkeys or narcs themselves, suddenly gaslighting you because of your well researched opinion. As Simon and Garfunkel said "a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest". Let everyone else do as they will, just know that you are right to save yourself.


Before I understood Cluster B Disorders, I would tell people that my business partner (APD) was great as long as you are not in the "inner circle" (wives or business partners, adventure partners or girl friends).
No, you cannot explain Sociopathy or Narcissism to a (unenlightended) person who has occasional interactions. The feedback that I always got was "He marches to a different drummer". Cummulatively, his recklessness cost businesses, lives, wives, partnerships and reputations. It is a lifetime laundry list of toxic behavior that very few will every reconstruct and see.
My personal life regret is that I unknowingly enabled and rescued and salvaged situations. I had a young family and employees and customers (and I knew nothing of Cluster B disorders). I compromised a lot of myself. The right thing to do, was to "cut and run" regardless of the cost to the business.


I have had these people in my family. They destroy people.
I also dated one. And I knew better.
Also, I poked one of the bears and it is trying to destroy me. So sad. And painful.


I have had some revelations about arrested development and how it's been used/abused against me to further the downward spiral I have been placed into since as far back as I can remember.

When the narc uses your well being against to you enslave you by being the rescuer whenever they feel like it.

It's been a bit traumatic for me to come to grips with because I can see how it all kept me stuck, if you try to break free they will enable your suffering and even outright destroy you to keep you from overcoming the obstacles they've placed against you.

It's hard to comprehend when someone has had nothing but ill intentions towards you while outright pretending they love you, they have had nothing but your best interest at heart.. to realize they have allowed bad things to happen to you because you either went against them in some way or they were trying to break you down and destroy you more.

It's even harder to try to keep the hatred and resentment within yourself at bay in order to get through the day to day without being angry and upset all the time.

It is mind control, it feels almost inescapeable and I see it just about everywhere these days.


Every topic about a narc parent, that you discuss, is so True. Mine is deceased, but she made sure to smear my name far and wide since I moved away, and she realised I figure her out. Her flying monkeys were always there to help feed the gossipping


It seems like the narcissist is getting away with being a monster, but I believe that "their" season of exposure will happen in God's timing. We are to always keep our hearts and minds safe from the enemy. And of course always keep yourself and kids safe from physical attacks. At times I want to yell their abuse from the mountain tops. It would do me no good. Knowing the truth is the best way to go even if others don't believe. God bless!


Thanks Jill! Really need to listen this short message so next time will avoid to put in danger our lives and our love ones


I fantasize about exposing my ex narc. I don't do it because of the very reasons you mentioned. But, I figured out by doing some research and talking to a few of her exes that were acquaintances of mine that she's been doing this to people for over 40 years and it's always short situationships (2 to 3 months). And being she cannot be alone, this has probably been a continuous cycle. So, do the math! She has victimized literally hundreds of people. If someone inflicted continual physical harm on people, over any period of time, they would be removed from society.


Yes "one" LoL of narcs I worked a friend, with started the smear to get me hired. An when I stood up for myself with truth. Got fired same day


Jill you make numerous valid points however the narcissist can be exposed but you must have the tools at hand to complete and accomplish this what I mean by that is many times the narcissist has engaged in financial activities to ruin their victims.
you have to beat them at their own game
I know from experience the only entity that the narcissist cannot compete with is the IRS it is completely out of their reach no matter how much money they have how much money they can pay for an attorney you can not beat the IRS this is the only avenue where you can succeed in crippling them
I am giving all of your viewers
invaluable information
I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and it has been well worth the cost to be free of the covert malignant narcissist in my life
my adult children are also free of the burden of this sociopathic sadistic maniac
I understand that many people cannot afford to do this however it doesn’t cost anything to call the IRS and report someone
fortunately I had the ability to take it to the next level
Lastly report every single solitary abuse event it becomes invaluable in your case down the road


I debated this in my mind long and hard. I figured if I could expose her she would definitely seek revenge. I also figured she had already had the smear campaign deeply imbedded. Settled on just letting karma play out and let her be exposed that way.


I can say people are waking up to who they are. I'm my case my legal fees are paid for. Narcissist will go away if they feel like they will be exposed.


From my personal experience - do not expose the narcissist. The rage and revenge you will get is really intense. Get away, heal yourself… trust God will bring you justice one day. Those people are evil. STAY AWAY!!!


i refuse to waste my time .. i don’t care what narrative others may have.. i’m no contact and healing.. all i have for the Narc & Their Associates/Fly Monkeys is “Flying Monkey Greyrock Kibble” and prayers.. im out😉👍🏿 #Healing


one good thing I have nobody to tell and if I did they wouldn't listen and they would run away screaming for the police


But this is disempowering to hear. This is like telling us that we are helpless, we are sitting duck targets, and the narcissist can do anything - she is immune forever from all consequences as she can not even be exposed to others?


They are already seeking revenge by asking my community to stalk and hoover me. so what does it matter


I have let father and lord Jesus expose my narc/nut ex girlfriend, thanks for the warning. ❤😮


What if you've been sexually assaulted, physically abused, mentally and psychologically abused he tried to unalive me... Being stalked etc. How do you fight them even when you have a TPO
