Muhammad: Women are Stupid and go to Hell

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Muhammad said a lot of things about women. The things he said were usually not very nice...

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I'm an ex muslim woman I realized the truth when I was 18 I'n now 24 I still didn't tell my family but I worked hard to be financially dependent and soon enough I'll tell them and if they decide to disown me well be it I can't live like a slave anymore Islam is against life I want to love my life on my own rules.


Well these are the first reason I left islam as a women.. but I have to hide it


Thank you for posting this AP!
I’m an ex Muslim woman. I questioned exactly the issues you raised as a teenager and was just shut down. When I decided to marry outside the religion, I narrowly escaped with my life. Now I have 3 beautiful daughters who will not grow up to know this humiliation.
The world needs to know this madness!


A woman defending Muhammad and islam is like a chicken defending KFC


It’s NOT just ‘cutting’-IT IS MUTILATION.


I'm actually an ex Muslim from one of the major islam countries and i remember i once told my mom about how the Quran allows men to beat their wives and she literally took a double take on that verse and started angrily arguing about how i should read the tafseer of the verse cus the actual meaning of the verse is that allah allows to beat those Woman Who dishonor their husbands in the most shameful ways and I just told her that it makes no sense and also why couldn't Allah just write it that way? like i don't understand why Muslims kept glorifying everything in islam and ignore everything which is true


It has been said for many years that educating Muslim women will mark the end of Islam.


Misogyny is the main reason why i left Islam.


“Women lining up for Islam is like Turkeys lining up for Christmas dinner.”- Pat Condell, best Youtuber ever!


Every time I see women on social media that wear hijabs I cringe. 🤦‍♀️


Im an ex muslim girl from India. I find muslim women (as far as my country is concerned) tend to be ignorant of these stupid verses and get defensive. I have come out to my parents but it saddens me that I can't do it in the society. I feel bad that we can't be open about it and people (not all) from other religions express criticism about Muslims in a general way and us ex muslims also end up being judged bcs they don't know our reality.It feels like being punished for a crime u didn't do.


Apostate Prophet: *Quotes the Qu'ran*

Offended Muslims: "Stop spreading lies about Islam!"


Woow! And Islam still exists?? The problem in this belief is that people who follow it unfortunately cannot even question their own belief? How stupid is that? Censoring your own conscience is inhumane ! We all should have the freedom to question anything we have doubts about! It’s just human nature. Great video again!


I have had Muslim ask me why I don't convert to Islam, as he was impressed with my faith as a Christians, (he just thought it would be better spent on Islam) and I said because I respect myself too much. It wan't snarky, and it actually fit the conversation we were having.
I said that no man would every hit me, or as he told me, correct with a "love tap" . I said a love tap would cause the man to draw back a bloody stub of an arm, if he was lucky.
We had many conversations, over several years and most of the time, or just about all of it, they were respectful conversations to each other. But when I pointed out things in the Qur'an and hadiths that did not shine well on Islam concerning women, it took him aback some to realize I at least understood more than most others, about Islam and women, than he was used to. And I am not the most knowledgeable about Islam, but I know when something is bad, no amount of spin can change what Islam is about.


pakistani ex muslim girl! more power to you!!❤️❤️


Why shall I call women bad,
Whom gave birth to kings
- Guru Nanak Dev
( Sikhism )


Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day. Teach the man how to fish and he can eat for a lifetime. Teach a man Islam and he will ...die praying to Allah for fish


Muhammad is the most perfect example of how NOT to live your life.


We feminists are not allowed to talk about Islam. :( We get fired.


I see you had to change the title.

It’s worrying that youtube are becoming like Twitter.
