Arch Linux Desktop Configuration (Post Install)

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Once your Arch Linux machine is setup, how do you go about installing and configuring the desktop environment on top of it? In this video, I explore my reproducible install/configure process by performing it on top of a newly installed Arch Linux system.

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I like your workflow and is similar to mine, i.e. reinstalling every so often to avoid bloat, making installations reproducible via a GitHub repo and amending the scripts (additions and deletions). Your GitHub scripts are really helpful to improve mine. Thanks.


Really enjoyed the setup. I am going to work to get towards reproducible setups as well. Love the idea that the configuration is independent from the hardware. Makes a hard drive failure or trading up to a different machine easy.


Thank you, this is very informative. Hope for more videos from you.

alias h='history'
alias x='startx'
alias systemclt='systemctl'
alias sct='systemctl'
#alias c='sh'
alias psg='ps aux | grep'
alias e='exit'
alias mkdir='mkdir -pv'


Thanks for creating this video and sharing this information.


I would suggest to invest a little bit into transforming those scripts into Ansible playbooks. It's not easy and takes some time and discipline, but once it's done, you have a nice collection of reproducible roles to spin up a fresh setup with the tools and configs you like.


Excellent! I should automate my Arch config, as well, just so I can restore it in case of a disaster. I do have timeshift snapshots, but those may be gone, too in case of a serious hardware failure. I'm thinking it might be a better idea just to document the configuration process (writing down exactly what I'm doing and why) instead of putting it all in a script, because the script will grow huge and I *will* forget what it does. Restoring it all might be a pain, but at least I'll know what I'm doing.

When it comes to AUR helpers, yay is the one I use. I really like it, especially since it offers to display the PKGBUILD file before installing anything. And with trustworthy AUR packages, it can be really fast and automatic. It also keeps track of updates, which is really nice.


I think there is an issue with the make install-packages :( and I have no idea what I am doing to fix it lol


Can you do this or something similar on artix?
