Why Didn't Yoda Come Out Of Exile To Fight Palpatine? #shorts

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Bruh, Yoda became so lazy, that he used the force to manipulate a puppet to train Luke, instead of showing up himself


Ghost Yoda to (somehow) alive Palp:
"Dead I am, okay?!
Dead, I would like you to be as well!!!"


Yoda was more powerful than Windu and this one defeated Sidious. Only reason why Yoda didn't kill Sidious it was because this one was escaping.


not only did he have to worry about it facing the emperor, but also ofc darth vader as well. yoda knew he was no match for the two of them


If a gremlin runs away from fight through a air vent and he doesn’t come back… just be happy it was running from you. That’s why yoda meditates, he doesn’t have the need to prove his worth. He ran, he made it in and out. Just like his fighting style. Rest In Peace Master Yoda


"No match for Palpatine" is just an absurd lie. Especially if you're talking about ROTS... It was a draw, a stalemate between the two, which was not good enough for the Jedi due to how much influence Palpatine had over everything. But in combat via force and fighting it was an exact match.


Palpatine had to throw shit at yoda and keep him at a distance because he was terrified of getting him at close range because of how easy he would fuck him up


Easy, George Lucas didnt think of a reason


A reason also is because of Yodas’s power. He’s so powerful that it’ll attract Palpatine from almost anywhere else. He had to use Dagobah’s rich life force and Dark Side aura to shroud him

Yoda is too well known and infamous to hide anywhere populated considering his rare race

Aside from his shame that he isn’t strong enough to defeat Palpatine, he knew it was better for him to hide and wait for the heirs of Skywalker to seek him out and train them when the time is right


Emperor palpatine was powerful but yoda was even more powerful. In rots when yoda fought palpatine, palpatine knew that he was No match for yodas lightsaber skills. That's why he tried to runaway numerous times when they fought in rots. But in the end palpatine got away and yoda couldn't get close enough to end it because palpatines lightning was stronger then he expected. But yoda could easily clap palpatine if he didn't fly off the senate podium thingy


(Reposted for general use.) Palpatine lost the saber duel with Mace, but he did not utilize his actual force strength, which is his most tantamount trait. Yoda and Mace bested the emperor at saber dueling, either because they had an ability (like Mace’s Vaapad) to help them keep up, or simply because they used the force to end the duel (Yoda).

Palpatine beat Yoda in a force duel, Yoda was more powerful than Mace in the force, therefore Palpatine was not in danger of any actual threat from Mace just because he lost the saber duel.

By no means are Mace or Yoda weak, but Mace on a scale of 1 to 5 is a very strong 4 (Like Obi-Wan, Anakin, Darth Maul and Darth Tyranus) whereas Palpatine, Yoda and Luke Skywalker (post ep6) were a 5, with Palpatine being the most powerful/ultimate Sith, and Luke being the most powerful/ultimate Jedi, as confirmed by George Lucas.

The novel of Revenge of the Sith reveals that Yoda had a force vision during his duel with Sidious, and that what he saw in his vision would not occur if he continued his fight with the emperor, a fight he was becoming increasingly aware that he would lose, so he fled.


I know Yoda would beat Palpatine Mace Windu beat Palpatine it's always trickery that helps some sith seem to prevail for a time


You know something is timeless when it came out in the 70's and 50 years later, with alittle bit of updating, is still just as amazing as it was back then. That's the benefit of old Hollywood, when they used puppets and real sets instead of computer animated stuff. 50 years later and it's still just as, if not more, amazing as it was when the movie first dropped. If I were to watch the og trilogy today, and not know when they were created, I probably wouldn't even believe it came out 1977-83.


Bulshit bro, he could kill him no problem but it's hard to do when you have an Empire at your back


Because he was not powerful enough to bear Palpatine. He was outmatched.


Because when 900 years old you reach, feel as good you will not


Yoda was butthurt because he got rocked by the Emp


Before Luke showed up Yoda would have had to fight not only palpatine but the entire empire. Once Luke showed up he was too old to help


The people only preferred Palpatine over the Republic and Jedi because they gave the people no reason to like them. That was one of the big themes with the Prequel. Which, to be fair, I liked a lot.


Yoda technically did better then Sidious only falling off the senate pod after Yoda caused a force surge and being closer to the edge fell off and prior to this Palpatine stopped using his lightsaber knowing he couldn't win in close lightsaber combat. Yoda knew it was the will of the force for someone new who didn't have the background that the Jedi of the CW had who failed. He also knew either Luke or Leia were destined to stop the Emperor and Vader.
