Why Didn't Palpatine Attempt To Hunt Down Grand Master Yoda?

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Why didn't Palpatine attempt to find Yoda after revenge of the sith?

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Despite Palpatine being very much aware of the Grand Masters survival, it seems as though little effort was put into his capture. The empire devoted little resources into hunting down surviving Jedi, especially grand master Yoda.

In legends, the bounty on his head was just over 30,000 credits, an insignicsnt amount compared to the trillions spend on the death Star and the imperial navy.

The bounty was also extremely difficult to collect as it explicitly stated that the Jedi should be brought in alive, an almost impossible feat for most bounty hunters.

In legends,one of the main reasons for this was Palpatines lack of concern for the Jedi. He truely believed the Jedi were no threat to his rule as order 66 had been a success. In fact, he even scolded Vader for hunting down Jedi, seeing it as a complete waste of time.

In Palpatines opinion not even Yoda posed any threat. He had already failed to defeat him once and he believed that he would again. It seems as though the only reason he allowed the remaining Jedi to be hunted down was to test and further corrupt his apprentice, Vader, who had a personal vendetta against the Jedi.

However, Palpatines rationale for not caring about the Jedi survivors extended further than a simple lack of fear or arrogance. Palpatine sought revenge against the Jedi for their defeat of the sith long ago. Rather than allowing the Jedi to be killed and become one with the force, Palpatine wanted the Jedi, and particularly the Grand Master to suffer as he saw the galaxy was transformed into the siths domain.

This sadistic reasoning does make some sense. Many surviving Jedi, distraught with greif, would fall to the dark side of the force. Instead of dying a Jedi, in tune with the light side, these Jedi died twisted and bitter husks of their former selves.

This would theoretically darkenthe force even further, strengthening Palpatine and further preventing the Jedi from ever defeating him.

Ultimately though, Palpatine was mistaken. Palpatine had used the Jedis hubris to propell himself to power. Ironically though, the grand Master and obi wan used Palpatines own arrogance to defeat him, training the young man who would go on to defeat him.

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*Fun fact:* There's a Legends mini-comic in which a Viper probe droid accidentally finds Yoda in Dagobah, only to be destroyed by the little green before alerting the Empire.


Luke did say/warn: "Your overconfidence is your weakness."


Twice the pride, Double the fall
~Count Dooku


I dropped phone on my face and accidentally clicked this. Not disappointed


If he did go after him, he could ask for some help from Commander Thire


One : he didnt care about that crazy old frog because he knew it would be probably going to penace somewhere


Not “almost impossible for most bounty hunters”
Completely impossible for any bounty hunter


Let’s be honest Vader couldn’t collect that bounty either


Who is more strong - Palpatine or Yoda, comment down below
