Predestination and election, is it fair #calvinism #armenianism #christiantheology

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Predestination and Election: Is It Fair?

Many think predestination and election are unfair and confuse reformed theology with double predestination. Let’s clarify:

Predestination means God chooses certain individuals for salvation. Ephesians 1:4 says, "He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world."

Election is God’s gracious act, not based on our merit. Romans 9:16 explains, "It depends not on human will but on God’s mercy."

While double predestination suggests God predestines some to salvation and others to damnation, reformed theology focuses on God's justice and mercy. All deserve judgment due to sin (Romans 3:23), but God’s election to salvation is an act of grace.
We were all destined for hell before salvation, the unsaved simply continue in their sins and are happy to do so.

God’s decisions are beyond our understanding but always just and merciful (Romans 9:14-15).

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