How To Get Rid Of Stomach Ulcer? – Dr.Berg On Peptic Ulcer Treatment

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In this video, Dr. Berg talks about how to fix a stomach ulcer. When you have an ulcer, you have damage in the mucus layer which is a protective coating in the stomach. The body produces about .5 to 1.5L of gastric acid (composed of hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride, sodium chloride) every single day.

The difference between Ulcer and Acid Reflux/Heartburn:
The normal pH of the stomach should be between 1.5 and 3 (strong acid). With acid reflux or heartburn, if this pH starts to go higher(more alkaline), the stomach valve will not close properly so the acid starts splashing up. It will get worse with food. While with Ulcer, the food will coat the burning area in the stomach temporarily.

4 Main Causes of Ulcer
1. H. Pylori – microbes
2. NSAIDS – anti-inflammatory
3. Stress (Gastric Ischemia)
4. Idiopathic – unknown cause

Idiopathic Causes
• Alcohol
• Hypercalcemia
• Refined foods

Nutrient Deficiency when you have Ulcer:
• Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, C, Folic Acid

Remedies for Stomach Ulcer (with
• Cabbage Juice
• Chlorophyll
• Licorice
• Zinc Carnosine

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, 56 years of age is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of The New Body Type Guide and other books published by KB Publishing. He has taught students nutrition as an adjunct professor at Howard University. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#stomachulcer #ulcer #stomachacid #howtofixanulcer
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketosis
Рекомендации по теме

I dealt with severe ulcers and H. Pylori 2 years ago. It caused me debilitating pain, loss of the ability to keep food down and severe anxiety that I didn’t know was directly caused by it. I suffered big time, I would lie in bed in the fetal position, deep breathing and sobbing because at one point every moment was extremely sharp and painful. I even considered suicide.

Once I found out what was causing it I took the following things daily and saw drastic improvements. I felt vitality at about 2 months in. Main things that helped: every morning, I’d start the day with a pure high quality matcha green tea, I added collagen powder, bee pollen and spirulina, it unexpectedly provided instant soothing relief. I would eat pure aloe vera inner fillet, nutribiotic’s grape fruit seed extract along with oil of oregano and mastic gum- 3 x a day. When I did eat solid meals, every meal had to have loads of high quality fiber, fiber is so key, even one meal without adequate fiber can make ulcer and h.pylori pain worse. I was advised to have a very small serving of plain black beans daily, which creates a very soothing gel in the stomach. For that 2 months I also followed a “FODMAP” diet, avoiding things like garlic and onion powder seasonings, no red sauces. My diet was clean, plain and rich in high quality, easy to digest fiber.

I was serious about killing that beast. I went from not being able to eat anything to feeling like I had an iron stomach in about 2 months. Even standard doctors have found that these natural remedies are very effective, they won’t often admit that.


Dr. Berg, I have seen couple of your videos especially related to stomach problems, one of the best part of these videos is, you give a hope for recovery instead of making someone scared. Thanks


B1, B2, B6, Vitamin C, Folace acid
Intermittent fasting
Healthy keto diet
Cabbage juice
Leafy greens
Wheat grass powder


I'm suffering from ulcers right now and I appreciate you taking the time to make this video.


Cabbage juice made my thyroid swell and become painful. Zinc Carnosine completely healed my ulcer within a few weeks and it hasn't come back! I recommend it to anyone with a gastric ulcer.


I having stomach ulcer 2 days ago. Happened in middle of midnight extremely painful and unberable pain. I still in medication for now. Can feel the sharp pain and discomfort
I'am so grateful to getting through Dr. Berg video, for letting me to know more about stomach ulcers


I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU Dr Burg. You're my "GoTo" when I want to educate myself on something. I love the way you explain things to us. You always make it so understandable while giving us hope. where "some/most" doctors just want to put a bandaid on the problem, you try and educate us on the "why's n how tos"! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the time you put into helping us. You are much loved


Let me tell you from very first hand personal experience that a Stomach Ulcer Can Almost Kill You and just maybe to add to DR Berg video some potential warning signs. I had a Stomach Ulcer that I didn’t know I had in July 2017 that put me in the ER for 4 days and a $55K bill, mostly billed to my insurance company to which I had to pay about $3K of that myself to half a dozen people. As per hospital tests and also having a Stomach Endoscopy inspection procedure, it turned out to be from #1 DR Berg had on the board there for H.Pylori Bacteria infection. How, no clue on that. But anyway, I don’t drink, smoke and I cook my own food at home 90% the time and cooked and ate a bit of vegetables also.

In thinking back a few weeks in symptoms in between eating when my stomach was empty I would feel what seems like stomach cramps a bit, which was unusual and almost feel like vomiting many the times but never did. Just felt like it and thought was something I ate causing it. When I ate food, it felt better and the funny feelings went away and stomach pains etc. But it would reoccur every now and then best I can remember. So, I took some Ibuprofen to help which at the time I didn’t know made it worse from what I was told at the ER later on when I was there. Anyway, I had a bleeding ulcer which was being made worse, bleeding into my stomach and down into my intestines. To which I had no idea was happening. But that was part of what was giving me the funny feelings and cramps seemingly from my stomach. However I had no idea any of this was happening just going about my day to day things and didn’t think much else about it.

When I’d go to the bathroom thinking back, I realize my poo 💩 was like black in color, to which I thought that’s weird. But that was also a sign that I was passing blood through my intestines all the way from my stomach. But those clues only added up looking back after the ER event. On a Friday afternoon on 4th July weekend in 2017 I was at work and seemed fine at my desk. Occasionally I’ll get up and go bathroom to pee and it all seemed normal. Stomach would occasionally feel discomforting but I was kinda used to it a bit. I left the office and drive home on my 30 min traffic commute. All seemed fine. When I stepped out of my car on getting home to house on standing up from getting out of car, my heartbeat 💗 took off like it was at the Kentucky Durby and I was like wtf. It was racing the entire time going about 20 feet to my door.

I felt like I was totally lightheaded just trying to get through the door and didn’t know what was going on. I almost fell in the kitchen after getting in the door. So I sat down a bit on the couch to which my hearts ate slowed back to seemingly normal and I kinda felt fine. I thought wtf is happening. I fell asleep there on couch. Few hours later I got up to take shower and my hearth rate took off again like earlier. I really realize then something was really wrong. I ended up at the ER via Ambulance 🚑 etc. my blood pressure was really low. It’s one reason my heart rate took off when I’d stand up as I barely had enough blood and pressure for the heart to pump around and I’d get light headed from not enough blood to brain. I was told at the ER I was missing about 60% of my blood and I was like 😳 wtf stunned 😳. That was 4th July weekend 2017.

I ended up having to get 3 full blood transfusions as well plasma replacement. Layer there in the ER for three days as it was holiday weekend and no Gastrointestinal Dr on duty that weekend. Later on release had to come back for the Stomach Endoscopy Procedure to look into Stomach etc. later was prescribed some antibiotics I can’t remember the name of that was quite long to pronounce. But I was told I had an severe ulcer that was eating away and bleeding out much down my intestinal track. It’s been healed now as best I’m aware. But I almost died and could of died in traffic from passing out driving home, at home or after from dangerous low blood pressure as well blood reserve. Having an ulcer if not treated can kill you. Recognize some the warning signs if you have one from my experience so you can learn from it.


Other nutrients/foods for stomach ulcers:
-frankincense resin on an empty stomach
- raw NZ manuka honey
- mastic gum
- glutamine
- gelatin
- bone broth
- vitamin d+ k2
- DGL (licorice)
- organic kefir


I'm so grateful that you dedicated yourself to sharing REAL health and nutrition knowledge.💙


THANK YOU Dr Berg! I’m in tears writing this. My daughter started to have bad stomach pains 2 yrs ago. Her Dr prescribed Mylicon an OTC antacid for kids. But it was just a temporary fix. She would still experience frequent pains on a specific spot in her stomach especially in between meals or when she eats certain foods like pizza, or with dairy. Looking at her symptoms it was probably ulcers. But it was not diagnosed by her Dr.

After watching this video, I started giving her cabbage juice daily. I put a few clean cabbage leaves, blueberry, banana, and diluted honey (must dilute honey with warm water), ice and a bit of water, in a blender. It’s actually very yummy, that my other kids also love drinking it.
It’s been over 3 weeks since my daughter has been drinking this everyday, in the morning with her breakfast and before she sleeps at night. This is her miracle drink. Our answered prayer.

Symptoms are now gone, and she can now eat pizza again without experiencing pains.

We also started adding Slippery Elm drops as recommended by a natural doctor.

We will continue to give her this drink, not only to help her stomach and digestion but for nutrition too. I will also start adding different ingredients like green leaves like spinach etc, and other fruits as well.


I was diagnosed with a gastric ulcer before Christmas and I was helped with omeprazole for a short period. I was extremely stressed and eating badly, so I have changed jobs and began healthy keto and no symptoms anymore, no further meds required. My GP very encouraging of my keto diet as so far I have also lost 20lbs!! Keto all the way! Thanks for the vid @DrBerg 😁


Poor diet
Stress & not eating regularly, that's how I got mine.


This guy always knows what his talking about.


I took antibiotics for 7 days, I felt destroyed and I still have stomachache. I feel so hopeless
Thank you for this video Dr Berg, it gave me some hope and I will try to help myself with your advices. 🙏


A word on licorice. Make sure to buy gutgard or some other deglycyrrhizinated type. Licorice and it's roots contain glycyrrhizin acid which is terrible for blood pressure and testosterone. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice has most of this component removed.


Thanks dr Berg, I am learning and passing the information about ulcer to families. They are very grateful for what you are sharing. Be blessed and prosperous amen


Thank you jesus for this doctor you deserve heaven


Bananas are good also since they help produce a protective mucus coating.


I absolutely love dr berg he has changed my family's life. The way he explains everything is so easy to understand
