EASILY Fix Sound Playing Out Left SPEAKER or EAR ONLY | Davinci Resolve 17 Audio Tutorial

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It's not uncommon with new audio recorders and microphones to use a split stereo audio track to record isolated mono microphones and plug into the 3.5mm camera input and then for the software like DaVinci Resolve 17 not interpret the recordings correctly. Learn how to fill your right channel of sound with your right and several other tips like the Fairlight FX stereo fixer to quickly center pan mono lavalier microphones like the Rode Wireless Go ii even after they have been edited to a timeline with incorrect track settings. Plus I have a great bonus tip about what to do when you have both a lav and a boom recorded from an interview set up!

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00:00 - Left Speaker Only Fix Tutorial
00:35 - Fill Mono to Stereo - Single Microphone
01:07 - Stereo Fixer - Fairlight FX
02:56 - Clip Attributes - Split Stereo Fix
04:13 - Change Split Stereo to Mono - Clip Attributes
06:19 - Split Stereo to Dual Mono - 2 Microphone Fix
07:20 - Split 2 Microphone Channels to Mono Channels - Clip Attributes Method
09:24 - Ducking Unused Microphones
10:32 - Mute Safety Tracks

Recommended Playlist - DaVinci Resolve Tutorials

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Hi! I’m Chadwick. I’ve been a full-time professional video editor and filmmaker for nearly 20 years. Creative Video Tips helps you create videos that make a difference and stand out. I post new videos every week to help you learn how to make better videos. So learn video editing with how-to tutorial videos about everything from capturing great-looking and sounding video to the post-production editing that pulls it all together. I also upload gear reviews about filmmaking gear too! I'm a huge Sony Alpha Fan, DaVinci Resolve, and Final Cut Pro editor.

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#CreativeVideoTips #DaVinciResolve #Fairlight
Рекомендации по теме

00:00 - Left Speaker Only Fix - DaVinci Resolve 17
00:35 - Fill Mono to Stereo - Single Microphone
01:07 - Stereo Fixer - Fairlight FX
02:56 - Clip Attributes - Split Stereo Fix
04:13 - Change Split Stereo to Mono - Clip Attributes
06:19 - Split Stereo to Dual Mono - 2 Microphone Fix
07:20 - Split 2 Microphone Channels to Mono Channels - Clip Attributes Method
09:24 - Ducking Unused Microphones
10:32 - Mute Safety Tracks


I watched a couple of videos about this topic, but yours is by far the best.


This channel changed my editing life for the better! Thanks bro!


Thank you so much for your help! I am starting to film videos for my channel and it's so hard to learn audio editing! Thanks for helping us out!


All of the other videos I looked at just said change it to stereo and it still didn't work for me-- until I watched your video! Thank you!


What the f. Didn't know this until after browsing through your channel. Had to render the one-sided audio last week to fix it.

You just earned a new subscriber!


I was struggling editing my podcast until I found your page! needed this. Thank YOU!


This dude is the goat😂😂 you saved my life my guy. I just editing my first full video on davinci resolve 17 and it’s such a banger🔥. But after the export the audio was one sided and I kind of thought I was screwed. This solution 100% fixed the audio balance🙏🏽


Seht gut erklärt. Gerade auch dann wenn man schon den Schnitt hinter sich hat und alle Audioschnipsel zu Stereo umwandeln möchte. Danke Stereo Fixer.


I gotta say your content is top notch. Clear, cogent professional. And unlike a lot of Resolve "Guru's" you actually know the product. Bravo!


thank you very very very much !!! I am learning so much from you. each video has handful of tips !!! still can't believe all these amazing and high quality well made tutorial is free for everyone. I can feel your hard work and experience . you made it so easy to understand for everyone but I am sure it is from your dedicated long time experience and time you put ! I just play your DaVinci Resolve playlist all day. first I watch all the videos (51 vedios) and then pick the one I want to learn in detail . and keep watching and watching again .then when I do editing after, all the things I learnt from you I just remember it and make my editing so much smooth and faster . thank you very much !!


Great tip, I was playing around with buses to overcome this problem from multi cam editing. This is way simpler, thanks for sharing.


Thank you for showing this tutorial, I just wanna point out that after I saw the mixer brought up on my end. I was able to notice through a few different videos I recorded, before May my thunder ports on my iPhone was still clogged with lint. And I only had left channel audio on playback. After May when I did the cleaning of my port, I now have both channels available on playback. Hope this helps somebody as well. Cheers 🍻


Thank god! I was going crazy. Hope you had a great New Years! All the best for 2023 to you and your family.


Love that you put you Video tabs where I can see them without going to Show more.


Bro! the devil is on the details! the ones that "you didn't have to" but went the extra mile anyway to make it better. I'm so glad I found your videos! :)


Thanx!!! Didn't know about the stereo fixer and every tutorial I found on Youtube only talked about mono to stereo :-) Subscribed!


I appreciate how teach the skill and then suggest how it fits into a good work flow. :)


The first solution was exactly what I needed. Thank you very much. 👍


Great video. I was recording from two locations in the room on separate channels and wanted to only use one of the sources. Thank you Davinci for the Stereo Fixer plug-in!!!
