Explore the Bible: Why Read the Old Testament?

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Tune in for the latest installment as Amir and Rick discuss the significance of the Old Testament in the full scope of the Bible! Whether you’re a seasoned Bible scholar or new to the faith, you’ll find this conversation encouraging and supplemental to your walk today.

You can find a written document of this episode here.
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I truly praise God for introducing me to the whole Bible as a 22 year old. I am now 76 and love to share stories from the Old Testment. As you said, 'God is Holy' and that becomes abundantly clear in His relationship with Israel. I find this hugely encouraging as God never gave up on his often wayward people and He will never give up on me. He is a faithful, loving, righteous God who wants an intimate relationship with each one of us. He loves us. He cares for us. How blessed are we to know Him.
Shalom and Maranatha!


Fortunately, by the Grace of God, my first Sunday School as a child taught her tiny class a combination of Old and New Testament teaching. She started us and taught us how to follow the scarlet thread from the beginning.

Old and New were interwoven creating the most beautiful picture of our Salvation. Seeing the prophecies being fulfilled was an anchor in my life.
thankful my teacher and her family had such a heavy presence in my life. Her entire family was a living testimony. So thankful that God provided our class with the whole Word of God.
Never underestimate the power of a blessed and called Sunday School teacher. That is where I learned a deep foundation in the early 1950s.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE OLD TESTAMENT!!!! It's so amazing and so much can be learned from it.


Thank you this was such a great episode, I totally agree both testaments of the Bible are equally important. If you don’t read the old you miss out of so many things and so much blessing. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Thank you, Dr. Rick and Amir for this important lesson. If only we could pour it into the minds and hearts of the world.


God introduced me to Israel on Oct 7. That’s when I started taking one year Bible study course. I always tell people that Israel is God and God is Israel. When you have a love for Israel, it’s a supernatural love from God. That perspective changed my life forever. I pray one day to visit God’s Holy Land and just to absorb it all ❤


Pray for me to understand, live out, and read the entirety of The Holy Bible many more times.


Another blessed teaching on our wonderful Bible. Thank you, Amir and Rick.


Amen Brothers Amir & Rick! Thank you for these amazing informative videos...! God Bless you both & yours! Maranatha!!!


I love both the Old and New Testament. The whole Bible is God’s Word.


Thank you for confiming the importance of the old testament. ❤


Thank you, Amir and Past Rick. The day I start studying the Tanakh right through first in the old KJV and then later the Hebrew, for the first time I understood who Yeshua really is. It is actually possible to preach the Gospel of Yeshua only from the Tanakh alone. I have also learned a lot about Father GOD's love for me, also gives me so much peace and hope, and above all also His love for the Jews, Israel, it helps you to understand Israel today which is the reason why I stand with Israel 100%. Shalom from South Africa.


Please pray for my girlfriend. She needs help with her


GOD BLESS two of you Amir and Pastor Rick.❤❤❤ Philippines


Thank you Amir and Dr Rick ive just purchased Daniel from our local Christian bookshop here in Australia im so looking for to reading it. Ive nearly finished the whole of the Old Testament and am up to Revelation in the New Testament. Reading both has made me realise you cannot do one without the other. God bless you Amir and Dr Rick. Praying for the peace of Israel always 🙏 ❤


I love reading the stories iñ the Old Testament ❤


I just love the Old Testament, the stories are incredible and we learn so much, it is a shadow of things to come. Thanks Amir and Dr Rick for this information 🙏❤️⚔️


God never change He is the same God yesterday today and forever more. God's promise to Israel never change at all. God bless you all Behold Israel Ministry. Thank you Amir and Dr. Rick. 🙏❤️🇵🇭


When I got saved in 1977 I started reading from Genesis right through to Revelation. I persevered through Leviticus and the more difficult books . I didn't want to miss anything such was (and still is) my hunger for God's word.Thank you Amir and Rick.


Amen! Thank you Dr.Pastor Rick Yohn and BI Amir! God bless you all ❤️🙏🇮🇱 🇱🇷
