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I react to Haminations: Pain & I'm Short!!!


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I’m 5’1 and my most painful moment was when I was racing someone and I tripped I was wearing shorts and I was running on the blacktop and tripped and could see my bone when I scraped my knee know thank you for listening


4:55 so that’s why phineas is like that


i like how bryson is smart about these conversations even tho he has a smooth brain but he is smart in a ridiculous way and painful way😅😅


u should watch i look young by haminations for a next vid


I am 5’2 and the worst pain I have felt is two times the worst one was I was playing a game and I moved the TV so I could see it better. It was like a 200 pound TV and I moved it a little too far off my desk, and it fell on my head, I got a hole in my head and I went to the ER the second time was I was running in the black top at my school when I tripped and my kneecap fell off and there was the skin and I almost fainted out of fear. Thanks for listening.


Prince starting to watch a lot of haminations lately


*3:44* fr though😂
One time my 9 year old little brother and my dad we’re playing in the living room
And I had to go to the bathroom so I just went in real quick but when I came out
My dad and my little brother were playing with real swords…REAL SWORDS!!!
I told them I didn’t think it was a really good idea but my sister put on like
Some fighting music in the background!😂 thankfully nobody was hurt!
And we all just continued the night watching some movies!❤


I've gotten three injuries that I remember, the first two may be out of order, as they happened at the similar age but different times, one I received on my head, where I received a rather big scar that healed over (ngl, kinda wish that there was still a scar, but I'm glad that there isn't), and the other one I got on my knee in a way that I honestly don't truly understand myself, yet I still have a scar from it, and the last one... Was received when a door was slammed on to my fingers... The skin was pulled back, and if memory serves me right, there wasn't any blood coming out 💀


Currently I’m 13 and 5ft 7inch. My biggest pain is hugging shorter people, I personally hate hugs, but I’m sometimes generous enough to, so I have to do a full lung foreword and it hurts my back so bad.


The door slam on his fingers happened to me in 1st grade. Also in 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade we would go on a overnight field trip where in 3rd we were sleeping a lodge and I fell off the bunk bed at the top and all the air left my body I was in so much pain. Then in 4th Grade when we were in the mountains it had rained and the mountain was slippery and I slipped and landed on my back and again all the air left my body. 5th Grade nothing happened to me.


Bro when his fingers got trapped it happens to me at the same time 😂😂


Probably the worst pain I felt before was stepping on a rusty nail 3 days before Easter and could barely run from how much my foot hurt thank you for listening.


I’m 4’8 and my most painful moment is waiting for a good livestream about fall guys, it’s actually emotional pain then physical pain.


The worst pain I’ve ever had so far was when I was about 7 - 8, I was at my friends house with my brother ya know, and I thought it was a good idea to put my arms into my jacket and walk around like that. After about 20 minutes of doing that, I stepped down from the patio door, and I fell, cutting my face and it was a very painful experience, and I can still hear my brother screaming from that. I still don’t know what l tripped on to this day.


My most painful moment is getting shot in the eye from a ping pong or tennis ball I went to the hospital and I got a few eye drops


Bryson was speaking facts in the second video.


The worst pain I ever had was when I was playing with my sibling on the scooter, I fell and technically cracked my head open on the bricks. I wasnt the only one hurt because EVERY SINGLE HOSPITAL ROOM WAS TAKEN. If you saw tanjiro in the final fight (Manga), I looked like that. I skipped school until it healed, it still hurts to this day.


The most painful thing I’ve ever went through is falling off a tree getting a big tree trunk stuck in my arm and having to go to the ambulance and get surgery:)


At the age of 10 I went to this milkshake and ice cream place with my dad. I was chasing my friend because we were playing tag and the car park had lots of sharp black stones on it. I ran over them and, fell over and BADLY cut my knee. Luckily my dad had a first-aid kit in his car and managed to bandage it, but it wasn’t like any ordinary cut you would normally get on a concrete floor. It bled so much and it stung really bad and we couldn’t do anything about it until we got back to my dads house. I still have the cut to this day.


The painfullest moment I've had is falling off the the back of my brother's bed hitting the chair and then falling onto my shoulder I cried for an whole hour but luckily I just popped it out of place
