The Science Of Transformation, Pineal Gland Time Travel & Mystical Experiences | Dr Joe Dispenza

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Dr Joe Dispenza is back on Know Thyself today for a deeper dive into how to access your innate potential for transformation. With so many people feeling lost and unhappy these days, Dr Joe Dispenza provides a powerful framework for how our negative thoughts, emotions, and addictions shape our very reality. He explains the neuroscience of transformation and reveals practical tools for how to harness this hidden power and change your life from the inside out.
Countless individuals have had life shifting experiences at his retreats from healing 'incurable' diseases to overcoming challenging limitations, Dr Joe reveals how each of these people did it.
He dives deep into the power of coherence healings, collective emergence, and even shares his personal, mystical experiences with this work.

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0:00 Intro
2:37 Your Personality Creates Your Reality
9:20 How Negative Emotions Control You
17:24 Transcend Limitation & Manifest Effortlessly
24:55 The Neuroscience of Transformation
40:55 Safe Sleeve: Prevent EMF Radiation with 15% Off
42:34 What Happens in This Mystical State
51:12 Why Coherence Arises Out of Nothingness
58:53 The Pineal Gland & Kundalini Awakenings
1:08:54 His Mystical Experience of Time Travel
1:26:49 Bridging the Gap of Science & Spirit
1:37:39 Proof of the Power of Intention
1:45:24 Miracles in Coherence Healings
1:47:41 Providing a Safe Space for Men to Feel
1:50:46 The Experiment: Becoming a New You
1:57:11 Facing Challenges in the Every Day
2:07:12 People Change People: The Phenomenon of Emergence
2:16:05 Humanity's Future & Embodied Leadership
2:20:39 You Can Transform, Today
2:27:28 Vision for the New Earth
2:30:32 Conclusion

A New York Times best-selling author, researcher, lecturer, and corporate consultant, Dr Joe Dispenza has developed a practical formula to help people transform their lives.
Dr Joe’s mission unifies complex branches of science in an approachable way – focused on proven research, “Stories of Transformation” testimonials, and the scientific data behind spontaneous remissions. Inspired by the latest findings in neuroscience, psychoneuroimmunology, epigenetics, and quantum physics, his work integrates essential knowledge about the mind-body connection – which teaches people how to heal various health conditions and make significant changes in their lives.
Since 2010, he has partnered with renowned scientists and universities – including University of California San Diego, Harvard University, Stanford University, and others – to perform extensive research on the effects of meditation on the brain and body.


Know Thyself

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André Duqum
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I’m so happy to be with all of you. I had a subarachnoid hemorrhage 6 weeks ago, 3 major brain bleeds, and my wife turned me on to this channel. I have become willing to lay aside my prejudice about everything I think I know about my brain, consciousness, and reality. It’s a new way!! Thank you 🙏


As a stage 4 cancer survivor, coming up on 7 years, i believe this way of being, thinking, is why I know i survived. And the knowing that my husband was by my side during the entire process and still 23 years of blissful true heart happiness, my lens of my life has changed completely ❤


I feel like Dr. Joe Dispenza, Zach Busch, Aubrey Marcus and the rest of the gang need to use their influence to start making cities that function under these rediscovered spiritual principals. Heal from within, colaborate, be kind, spread love. I think once people through modern day social media...start witnessing the miracles of this way of living...inevitably will join the movement. Let's start this movement guys!


This brother changed my life. Apply and do the meditations everyday consistently and watch how much you change in 1 year. Im doing things i thought i couldn’t do last year. This stuff works but it takes consistency


Dr. Joe is saving my life from stage 4 cancer!! ❤❤❤


“Great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations…” that is an incredible line!


some of these teaching have enlighten my life. I healed morbid Obesity and all the damage and disease inclueded with a 380 pound lifestyle creates...I have changed the way I think I am 160 pounds @ 63 years youthing...Thank you for the amazing energy you create in the divine space.


My son and I are currently participating in the remote coherence healing for Autism. The energy is so powerful and I am getting better at understanding how healing occurs. I have had so many somatic healings. I just keep showing up and opening my heart.

My son is also changing. More eye contact. More connection and desire to engage his world. I KNOW he is healing.

I am so grateful for this opportunity since I have not yet manifested being in a live


I stopped the video when he said “relax into the heart” I went and engaged a 30 minute meditation pushing my relaxing into the heart to the limit. Pure letting go. I woke up as Superman


Dr Joe bridges science and spirituality better than absolutely anyone out there. His books changed my life.


I healed myself from Multiple Sclerosis in 2017 with you are the placebo meditation and the book. You can do it too. Go all in. Dont give yourself another option. That's the work.100% determination ❤ and then expect a life of magic and service. I am beyond grateful for Dr. Joe, and i have been doing the exact same giving back since 2017, spreading wholeness and oneness ❤


this video really got me thinking! rapid manifestation secrets by marie runner touches on this too, and it’s a great read overall.


The vision that I see for Humanity moving forward is a mentality of compassion and healing being born


Dr Joe and pacticing the work has changed my life. I've been meditating daily for 1.5 years and the amount of healing and transformation that I have received, on top of a profound spiritual awakening I experienced last December and in practical terms how my day to day life and relationship have changed, is just mind bogling to me. And yet I know I am creating it all and it all comes from within me. I love this work, I love being on the part, I love this life and what I am creating. I am so grateful. Love and light to everyone!


Only Dr. Joe's conversations have to be long hours worthy listening and more....😊😊


My favourite interviewer with one of my favourite guests! When I was sick, I listened to Joe's interviews and videos. He gave me so much hope in such a dark time in my life.


Finally an interviewer asking Dr.Joe about his own mystical experience !! Thank you 🙌


I have Dissociative Identity Disorder, I was diagnosed with it in 2022.
Through introspection and meditation, I have learnt that we have a protector personality. I assume everyone has one. This protector literally protects 'us' from our past moment. Essentially protecting the inner child, our personal child. But, by doing so, the protector is unaware of the present moment. They can only see what needs to be protected, which is the child, who lives in the past. Thus, protection, defence, and resilience lays with our past (not all the time, but mostly).
How to heal the protector is to allow ourselves to understand that we are living in the present moment. The 'truma' or childhood narrative is no longer true! It can not be. The past is no longer real. It is just as real as an image on a TV. You can see the food on the TV, but you can not taste it, smell it, or eat it. Our past is just the same. The protector can see it, but that doesn't make it real.
When depression, anxiety, or anything else comes into our awareness, treat it with respect because, at one time, these protections saved our lives. But, when they do come along, welcome them in, ask them how they are, what they need, but tell them when it is time to go, they need to leave.
Compassion is what we need.
What we think of as negative experiences or parts of ourselves internally is perhaps incomplete. What they are isn't negative but protective instead. If we can see that what we see as being negative is actually protective, what might that change for you? What story might be re-written when applying this idea.

I think of it like this: We have 2 elements and 1 aspect. The 2 elements are: Is this decision I'm making out of 1) Love or 2) Fear? The 3rd aspect is what if I am unaware of something here? When we find out what we were unaware of, start again with the 2 elements of decision, Love or Fear.
If most of our decisions are made out of fear, it is time to seek help or advice. Perhaps ask loved ones, family, friends, or professionals.
This is what D.I.D. has shown me so far.
❤ You are stronger than the past because you are the Master of your own Destiny.


Ohhh.. My teacher! My inspiration! The man who changed my life❤
Due to his teachings and the meditations, i healed so many health issues.. tapped into the mysticism, connected with the quantum and began to channel these higher dimensional beings.. so so grateful! 😇🫶🙏🏻 blessed ❤️

can’t wait to see what the unknown has in store for me🩵


To remain calm in any situation is a super power .
