The Sacred Science of the Pineal Gland...The greatest secret never told... The Sacred Secretion

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The esoteric science of the pineal gland, and the sacred secretion known a Chrism...

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When you realize God is within you & you are within God then you won’t need to say “I wish he’d hurry up & come back because I’m tired” because HE NEVER LEFT! Your Creator is right within you where he has been from the moment you were created! Didn’t he say he’d never leave you?? ❤️ let’s start a God is love movement & the phony bologna people can stay on their self-righteous high horses & wait for their version of God to arrive. My Creator never left, I’m just learning how to connect with him because religion fed me lies for 2 decades 😍


"When the student is ready, the Master Teacher will appear."


Interesting coincidence

33 vertebrae / Exodus 33:3

"Go up to the land flowing with milk and honey. But I will not go with you, because you are a stiff-necked people and I might destroy you on the way"


Found this today, checked on my moon cycle and it starts today... love the way everything happens at the perfect time! Appreciation!!!!


I am soo humbled and grateful to have come across you. I've been and to be honest still are wrestling with my awakening I guess only bc of the way I was raised. Struggling terribly with confusion but I am learning to be gentle and patient with myself and keep my faith that my Father God will lead me to true God fearing, genuine, honest followers if Him& HE is working. My biggest fear is false prophets. Would so appreciate your prayers. THANK YOU soo much for sharing your knowledge! God Bless You&Yours🙏


A could listen to your philosophy's on life all day, always give's me a glimmer of hope considering what is going on in the world just now.


I have recently found out about you by watching Derrick Bros channel. I have been praying to know the truth no matter what it may take. I have been searching and I have been so excited the last few days. I'm seeking and relearning how to be a true Christian. I was raised in a pentecostal church from very young age turning to drugs yet Jesus saved me. I know he is real I have been in his arms. I'm still struggling with a few things I want and know he will deliver me through I believe. I thank you so much and see your light and I'm truly happy and inspired to know I'm on the right track. Much love for your family and your very large extended ones.


Icing on the cake of a day of synchronicities, thank you so much for this


As soon as I was done watching this video I looked to see when my moon was aligned. And it is right now. I'm mind blown. Turned vegan not too long ago. Randomly stumbled onto this video. There's been too many coincidences... someone/ something is telling me something. I intend to find out.


Had to leave this comment about the last few days! I've been vegetarian for a year whilst practising abstinence too. Over the last few days I've found myself keenly looking at becoming vegan (my next step), also been noticing the moon way more than normal - came to your vids for a catch up and asked myself when in the month does the sacred secretion start - you answered this in this very video!! I checked when the moon is in Cancer - and it's TODAY!!! Also been seeing 33/333/3333 loads over the past few days! This is amazing!!!!


I watched this 3 times in a row. Will watch it again.


Wtf after searching for years and years and diving deep into old occult knowledge this 15.20 min vid gave me exactly the information I felt it was missing. I can not thank you enough for it and also that as a none native english speaking man I could understand every single word. I subscribed and now I will check out everything what you have to say. Wholeness Bro and if you ever come to Cambodia be my guest.


im a struggling drug addict last week on monday 29th May i decided to do cold turkey.... on the exact day the moon was in my star sign Leo


I have seen hundreds of videos on meditation, pineal gland, 3rd eye, spirituality and so on. However, none has been so concise and clear. Thanks you. You have been a motivation to continue my spiritual journey.


"The kingdom of heaven is within" Your Temple. 🙏🙏🙏


This is the most beautiful and encouraging humbling talk i have heard this week . Thank you for sharing We all beautiful light if we can united with love and care .


Brother... I am honoured to have found my way to hear your message! Your message is TRUTH !!! It is profound but above all it is HONEST... thank you!


God is love, GOD IS LOVE, everyone repeat that because that is God. If God dwells in you so do you dwell in God. There’s no separation of the 2. God resides in us all, there is only one God who is our Creator. God is not a religion nor is God a belief, God is infinite love, infinite wisdom & infinite light. We all have the same God, our Creator, because there is only one. When love dwells in you so does God because GOD IS LOVE. You don’t need to go look for God in a church, or in a religion or in a belief because you will not find God there. When God created you the 2 became 1 & that’s the only place you will find God, within yourself. If we all knew the true teachings of Christ as in the lost books of Thomas which the church removed from the Bible being taught today (which is 10% true, 90% man made up crap to keep you in spiritual bondage) you would read Jesus told the disciples “is it not written in your laws & have I not told you that you are Gods?”. That’s right, if we live in God & God lives in us then we are God & God is us. How? Because God is our consciousness & we are connected to God & all creation because God is infinite love, infinite light, & infinite wisdom. God is everything & everything is God. Don’t let phony people tell you God is a belief, or go to church & you will find God. God became a part of you & you became a part of God when you were created. God is infinite energy, a force that flows within us, we just did not have access to the teachings of Christ telling us how to be at one with God because those books were removed from what religion tries to tell you is “the true” word of God, today’s bible. Look into the lost gospels for yourself. This man is speaking on how to connect to God & if we all were one with God then we would have the power to change this world in months. I’m only learning myself because I’m having to sift through the religious crap that I was taught in church growing up. I want to be one with my Creator & so I am learning. God gave us great power, we have the ability to heal ourselves, but “religion” won’t tell you that. Religion serves man, not God. God does not seek to be worshipped, God is light. Light doesn’t ask you to worship it. Man wants to be worshipped. God is the energy that flows through all living things because you are energy. Judgemental people get on here perpetuating the lies religion has spread for centuries & it needs to stop. The native people did not need to be taught how to connect to God because it’s innate. Religious Christians slaughtered the natives because they did not believe the same as them so the natives who communed with God naturally & cared for the earth were killed because religious people always think their religion is the right religion. There’s no right or wrong religion because it’s a man-made concept to profit man. There’s only 1 God, our Creator, & he’s the same for each of us. People scorn & criticize what they do not know. That’s your religion...scorn, spiritual bondage, & condemnation. Jesus was not a Christian, he was a shaman. Half these people on here with their self-righteous attitudes would probably hang Jesus back on the cross because they couldn’t comprehend his teachings. Please look into the lost books of the Bible & if you’re going to teach someone about God then teach the truth & not keep perpetuating the lies of religion. Share what you learn, treat each other with compassion & stop the hypocritical nonsense. The kingdom of Heaven is all around you & we have full access to it if we are one with our Creator.


I told my Dad this in 1997 & he didn't understand... It's true what your saying... See for me it scares me when I get that Holy because I get so up there people get afraid of me& I don't like that... My Moms RH O neg, pure blood... And I get so pure in this working that I've done in my past that I feel like I need a glass of wine to bring me down to be relatable with those I love. I want to be relatable to them! I scared most of my old friends off because I was so Holy that I had a hard time relating to people& I had to taint myself a bit lately to get down off my holy horse to just love people back where I came from. It's like taking RhoGam to have the baby cuz your so pure!!! I love that place of being so pure& holy but it's so lonely because everyone you love thinks you are from a different Planet. Then you only relate to those in the same place which seems very Phariseeical to me & I don't want to be that... So I knocked myself down some! I was on a 17yr journey & what you gain in Christ you never loose, people don't understand that! But I have to follow God's will and that is remember where I come from because I truly forgot... & Even then I felt so much love in my life but not as powerful as what I learned in doing holiness for 17yrs. And it's doing Holiness that makes our Christ Nature wake up in us. See I knew astrology was not evil that it's the hearts of man that makes it evil! One thing is I just don't want to be in some freaky Jim Jones cult you know. I'm not Religious, my Mom would always say I'm religious & I would tell her no I'm not... It's not about religion it's about the power you get from discipline & the overwhelming love you feel! You don't feel guilt, literally I had no need to do drugs or alcohol. And today I drink to come down off that Holy High, I know that sounds strange to people but it's true... I'm very shy, always had a very pure heart& would have to drink to hang out and be like my friends because it wasn't my real I.D. or me& I knew I was living a lie so if I drank I could go along but I still no it's wrong! So I try to fit in &this must be really strange to people to hear this. I want them to call me an alcoholic then they don't think I'm a Holy nut! Lol!!! But I am coming back to God cuz the love& awesomeness is so incredibley strong... But I have to keep a balance this time! My friend told me you can be so heavenly minded that your no earthly good& it's true! When I got saved I knew Scripture before I ever read them... And I would qoate a Scripture & people from church would tell me it's in the Bible, they thought I had read it? & I did that all the time! So yes we are Jesus in our Body supernaturally and physically! I knew& understood this from day one of my Salvation on July 2, 1997 when a Jew lead me to the Lord& her Husband was a German in Sonoma County. A year later my dreams started coming true &Karen Hordeol tought me about the Angels because my boyfriend was doing heroin & I felt attacked not knowing much then & I was seeing Angels&Demons. I would see Demons when I did drugs prior to salvation I just didn't know what they where... They told me not to tell anyone in Church that it would scare them. I have so many stories that are profound and Jaw dropping, why would anyone want to live without this awe factor in there lives, simply because they don't know because they have not done it to know the power we have we are InnerEden the tree of life, my logging biz was named the tree of life in GA. Just like working out... If you lift the weight u get the muscle! Same thing spiritually! Fast&Pray& the Demons have to leave. I remember when they left my body in a United Pentecostal Church... I felt them& the next day everything was brighter through my sight!!!


To all who are watching this amazing and highly enlightened teacher helping us to gain deeper understanding, much love and a beautiful day. ❤
