The Hidden Teachings of Jesus to Activate the Pineal Gland - Christ Consciousness Within

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This Changes Everything: The Sacred Secret of the Pineal Gland and the Christ Within. Discover 'The Most Deeply Occulted Information on Earth' (Inspired by Santos Bonacci).

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This video reveals an ancient, closely guarded secret about the sacred secretion, cerebrospinal fluid, and the Christ within. Across various spiritual traditions, there exists a profound concept related to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. While this sacred secret goes by different names in different practices, it shares a common truth: the temple of God is within you. Discover how understanding and applying this knowledge can positively transform your life.

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Music used (YouTube):
There Was A Time by Scott Buckley
Scott Buckley YouTube: / @ScottBuckley
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'Eternal Focus (Deep Relaxing Music for Stress Relief, Going to Sleep)' by

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I stumbled onto this while I was meditating. These words of Jesus were the first thing that came to mind when that Amazing Love filled my entire being in that moment. "The Kingdom of God is Within.."
I was never 'religious' and never thought it made any sense to me, especially with how the 'church' treated people throughout history.
But in an instant it all made sense. It felt like I Knew the Truth. I Do. It changed me in that moment and I have never felt the same since. I AM at peace, and am so Grateful. There is so much more and I'm sure it's not the same for everyone.
All I know is, something inside of me feels very happy and excited for the future, and fortunate to Be here Now.


I feel like a lot of you that commented don’t really understand the video….
Your still praising jesus talking about he will save you when it’s literally talking about saving yourself


The Holy Spirit Walks on the RIGHT SIDE of Every Person - let him know you are One with Christ !


Every knee shall bow and tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord


“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop.” Rumi

“You are the Universe expressing itself as a human for a little while.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

"Today I am made of particles but the wave is ever present as well" - Me


Everything in this video explains perfectly everything I have experienced personally through vipassana meditation and psychadelics. Activation of the pineal, Christ consciousness… a journey that on first experience felt like a super charging of my body from the feet to the crown chakra upon which a pleasurable bolt of lighting shot down through my crown and exploded me into infinite golden joyful light. I’ve experienced pineal activation 3 times, twice from meditation and once from mushrooms, profound beyond words. I am god. I am Christ. Everything is within me. I am everything. Amazing video ❤


Bill Donahue and Santose Bonachi teach these truths. Very nice to hear your presentation on this deep subject.


Those who seek the truth were only worthy to holding it. For FATHER only helps those who help themselves. Through pain comes awareness and strength so always look for your gifts within your experiences! Everything is for something and that something becomes the gift when we can step outside ourselves and look within. Self awareness is the line we walk and walk it in faith!


Meditation is the key to spiritual experience, with the Kundalini awakening.The sages have spoken about the connection of vibratory awareness . The chakras have potent energy. This is why God, has said that the temple is our body .We need to respect our body.


King Jesus is the way the truth and the Life . King Jesus is not dead hes alive and Real.! He loves all of you .🤍


ASK the Lord to Fill you With LIGHT so you may LEAD others through the darkness !


For me it took 3 months & I had an outer body experience and Jesus came to me as Light & I seen angels that was bigger than buildings


Bill Donahue speaks to this in his talks many years ago. The kingdom of heaven is within.


I got to the 11 minute and heard where the box of closed mindedness comes in. He can not be put in a box! The Father Jesus speaks to and of is God in many forms as His will.
I can understand what you say with the make up of the body. Yet feel like it’s a finish and closed path.
Jesus is the truth the way and the life.❤❤❤


I am 73 years old and what I heard and read today, is exactly what I needed. i have Tarot cards, and my Birth Chart, I never burned these things as it was advised by fellow Christians….must have been an inner something to stop me from doing that….From what I have heard on this video and several of the comments referring to additional teachers, ie Santos Bonacci (Know thy self blew me totally out of the water. I know beyond a shadow of doubt he speaks TRUTH….IT ALL FITS< THE DOTS ARE CONNECTED>. Know I just need to learn astrology, and all the pieces CHRISTIANS tried to keep me from….THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR CLUES>>>>


there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest, and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal


I don't know what words to use to thank you. Thank you.


If we had God in our brains, we wouldn't die. Those who believe in Jesus Christ of the Bible live for him and when they die they live for him. We live or we die, we are Christ's. Rom. 14:8


The fact that nobody talks about the book whispers of manifestation on borlest speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance


Temporary abstinence from food and sex combined with specific meditation is the key to the RAISING and CIRCULATION of Kundalini energy in the body and the beginning of 'enlightenment' if one stays on the PATH.
