Smoking vs Vaping - Which Is Worse?

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It's no secret smoking cigarettes is bad for your health, but what about the alternative that has been getting increasingly popular: vaping? Check out today's new video as we compare the health risks to smoking cigarettes vs vaping and find out what really happens to your body when you inhale smoke from a vape.


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My 82 year old grandmother has been smoking most of her life. We got her a vape to try and get her away from the cigarettes. Now she just sits outside with a lit cigarette in one hand and a vape in the other.


I was a pack a day smoker for 20 years and I completely switched to vaping and I can tell you that smoking is most certainly worse.


I started smoking cannabis years ago as a teenage, switched to cigarettes. Spent my whole life fighting Cigarettes addiction. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder, got diagnosed with cptsd. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.


I was personally able to quit smoking entirely by using vapes, and then to quit vapes by diluting the nicotine to essentially zero over time. However my experience is probably not typical, and my method was semi-accidental. My favorite flavor was running low, so I ended up diluting it multiple times with a zero-nicotine version, intending to order the "real" stuff soon. A few weeks later I did the math and realized that the nicotine I was consuming was so low as to be essentially zero. A few weeks later I put down the vape pen, and almost 10 years later, haven't consumed any nicotine since.


smoked for 10 years, switched to vaping for 10 years, when I finally decided to quit all together it was as simple as some Nicorette gum for a few weeks. I was pretty amazed how easy it was honestly and wondered why I didn't try sooner. I also jogged and exercised a lot while vaping, something I couldn't easily do while smoking.


Im using a vape to quit smoking.
Day 16 no cigarettes and I've already cut the nicotine in half.
Each week I will lower the nicotine until I'm fine on 0.
Been smoking over 20yrs and chain smoked 2 packs a day.
Vaping might not be good for you but it's helping me quit without major withdrawals so im greatful.


One thing that is often overlooked is the accessibility of vaping. You don't have to go outside to vape. You don't even need to take a 5 minute break, you can just take a quick puff and get back to it. This level of accessibility leads down a road of indulgence that requires a tremendous amount of discipline to control. Be careful folks, this stuff is pernicious.


I used to smoke 2 packs sometimes even 3 packs a day for 13 years. I had a lot of breathing problems because of it. I finally decided to quit August of last year after seeing my own mom quit smoking after 38 years for her. She used vaping to quit and so did I. Definitely can tell the changes in my health because I’m breathing way better and not waking up every day coughing nonstop. I think what helped me was not just vaping, but having a support system and knowing that someone else is doing the same thing that helped me through it. Now mom is talking about quitting vaping and she’s slowing down how much she vapes to ween herself off of that. It might take a little longer for me because I do enjoy the flavor, but it probably is best to quit vaping as well. It may not be the healthiest alternative, but for some people it does help them quit. A long journey that has beneficial results in the end. I commend anyone making the choice to quit.


I started smoking when I was 13-14 years old. I had aortic aneurysm surgery when I was 24 years old. Also, my heart valve is bicuspid from birth. I didn't smoke for a while and then I started again. Last year I quit smoking for 4-5 months and smoked electronic cigarettes. My breathing improved, my sense of taste and smell improved. But after a while, I had heart palpitations and numbness in my tongue due to nicotine accumulation. Then I went back to smoking. 2 months ago, a tumor was detected in the bladder and the tumor was removed by surgery. So it's early stage bladder cancer. I don't smoke anymore and I stay away from electronic cigarettes. Life is too short for regrets.


I smoked a pack a day for 22 years. 5 years ago, I switched to vaping. I feel a million times better, I can smell the air around me better, and I'm saving a lot of money. Now, on the rare occasion that I do smoke a cigarette, it's completely disgusting to me and I feel like my blood has been swapped out for wet concrete.


Its funny that they brought up diacetyl, no vape juice uses it anymore and in the UK I'm pretty sure its illegal to use. Meanwhile its used in cigarettes (about 10X as much as vape juice when it was used) and nothing said about it. Do you know why? Because nobody has ever had "popcorn lung" from cigarettes. Vitamin E acetate was never in vape juice, it was in illegal blackmarket distillate carts. Also juice with zero nicotine has zero nicotine. This video is full of half truths


From someone who smoked, then vaped, then quit, both had a major impact on my lungs and the massive difference in my breathing, running, swimming, after quitting spoke volumes.


1) So to sum up the video.. Vaping is a safer alternative to cigarettes' as long as you avoid vape liquids that contain Diacetyl and Vitamin E Acetate (Fun fact, most liquids don't actually contain either of these no-a-days).

2) The argument that "it could be dangerous in future" isn't really an argument.

3) 3-4 ingredients in Vape juice vs 600 harmful chemicals in Cigarettes.

4) For people that say that have tried a vape and it makes them cough more.. Vaping and smoking have different sensations on the throat. So of course your throat would be more irritated when inhaling vapor. Also things like wattage of the vape, strength of nicotine, and type of flavors, all have an affect on how it feels on your throat when you inhale it.

5) I'm not saying that vaping is "safe". I agree that clean air is better that smoking or vaping. What I am saying is that vaping is a safer alternative to smoking, and can be an effective tool for those trying to quite smoking.


I smoked for 37 years and switched to vaping 10 years ago. The first thing I noticed was my smoker's cough disappeared. Then I started to breathe better and have more energy, i also had my sense of taste and smell return. My doctor says my lungs are clear and is very happy i stopped smoking cigarettes.

According to the Royal College Of Physicians in the UK and my primary care doctor, vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking combustible tobacco cigarettes.


I was a pack a day smoker for about 15 years. I’ve been vaping for 2 years and occasionally switch back to cigarettes when I travel to countries where vaping is illegal. Apart from how much better I feel physically while vaping, I’d have to say that because the ritual of smoking is gone, I don’t take 10 minutes every hour to smoke. I have more time and hit the vape when I need a boost. Food also tastes better. I know I should be quitting entirely but i think switching to vapes is a step in the right direction.


I smoked cigarettes for 15 years, almost a pack a day. In 2019 I switched to vaping. I now smoke maybe 2-4 cigarettes a year and can’t stand the taste anymore. I haven’t been able to quit vaping though. I’m in the camp that believes both are bad for you but from what I’ve experienced cigarettes are worse, I had more side effects.


I used to smoke 10 cigs a day then switched to vaping, first thing I noticed is that I can now do sports. Back when I was a smoker, running 5 miles would've been unthinkable. Vaping doesn't seem to limit my respiratory functions the way smoking did, which is all that matters to me.


I had a coworker who had been smoking since he was 18, all through the army, would go through about a half a box a day. Would buy several hundred bucks worth of cigs on wholesale. I got this guy to quit smoking, and he started making his own vape juice, to the point he stopped nicotine intake entirely. This is a 20 year plus smoker who decided to quit because of vaping.


I work in a high stress job and there were a lot of smokers as a result. Thanks to E-Cigarettes almost all of them have quit smoking. Most people have moved from smoking to vaping to quitting. Only a few have gone back to smoking or vaping but honestly it's pretty impressive to see so few people in the smoking area anymore.


I just quit smoking and shifted to vaping one week ago and what I realized is that I don't feel back/lung sore when I wake up in the morning and does not have bitter taste and very bad breath because of the tobacco. Vape set me free for 22 years of cigarette addiction. I don't cough anymore and I don't feel very tired the whole day in my shop and I don't feel sleepy now.
