How To Avoid Getting BURNT OUT During The Ascension Process

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Ascension Symptoms Help - FREE (E-Book)

★Coaching With Victor★


⭐️Mood Shift (Reduce Symptoms & Smooth Out Your Awakening)

⭐️Kundalini Awakening Course (Stimulate More Kundalini Energy)

It's very common for lightworker people to feel exhausted all the time.

After my kundalini awakening in particular, I would get super burnt out quite often.

In this video I talk about one of the most annoying and life impacting awakening symptoms... Fatigue.

It's a very unique and multifaceted fatigue though, as we all know :)

It's more like a physical AND mental burn out... a total exhaustion on all levels, rendering us basically useless.

Our body simply stops keeping up with the demands of life and all it's stressors.

The thing is though... we will likely be contending with these ascension energies for quite some time so it's more of a matter of...

"What can I do to manage this situation?"

That is the route I have taken. I have learned ways to manage it... to avoid getting burnt out.... ever.

I catch it early and apply these 7 tips to my own life and it works!

In this video I share those exact 7 tips to help YOU avoid ascension burn out...

Talk to you awesome people tomorrow,


Рекомендации по теме

videos are too relevant. thank you so much for helping me. i feel so lonely in this and you give so much hope


I was so burn out yesterday i missed this video. Feeling so blah. Asleep early now up at 4am. Good to see I'm not the only one burnt out


Balance is so important. Take the middle path. Can't wait to see your work out vids. Thanks man.


Dude you are nuts with your information. It is so consistently spot on, I have to subscribe. Big thumbs up.


Thanks Vic. I am going through the same thing right now. I love how you talk about honoring the body. It does indeed have an effect on the process, it helps me keep centered. Thanks for the work you put in these videos, I have been following you and the people in the comments and it's very conforting to know a lot of people are going through the same thing! Namaste!


wow i did exactly what your client did today. I ate pop tarts, turned on the TV, had a nap and was a little bit judgy. I felt bigtime guilt until I saw your video 😊
That's so NOT me anymore it felt weird.


Always good to close my day with some Victor Oddo! You don't need me to tell you that you're doing it right man. Much love.


It's honestly so comforting how every time I feel a certain way Victor has a video for it or posted a video of it. Truly grateful for you and what you are doing for those in need of help.
Infinite love and good vibes ✨


Thank you Victor for the great info! Got 4 of your recommended books from your previous video today. Bless you and your family! Mind, body and spirit all being accounted for. You Rock!


Great video! My life has been turned on its head and I can't really say much yet... but my life is going to be heading down a completely different path than I expected. Taking these tips!! Namaste 😊😊


Yes agree..tomorrow is a pedicure and sleeping in.. drinking more water has helped my caffeine intake and taking B vitamins helps my energy and mood even. Thanks Vic💕


Hey! Right on time as usual. Thank you Victor.


Victor, I found this video at just the right time. Thank you for these tips. I was wondering why I was feeling so exhausted. Now I know.


Thank you Vic. Really makes a BIG difference watching your videos. You are inspirational and funny at the same time. You lift our spirits 😘


Great reminder to ground our energy more through cardio exercise!! My energy is literally buzzing atm & overflowing to the point where it's hard to handle ✨✨✨ I tried meditating but I'm still in a state of euphoria lol 😅 Crazy how even high vibrations can feel overwhelming to the physical body!


This message is so helpful, thank you!


G'day Victor. Really enjoying your work. It has become part of my daily routine. And always great to read comments too. I am always aware of the human physical condition and also our spirituality . These two things make up what we are. It seems like such a contradiction sometimes. We have to somehow reconcile this dichotomy I suppose. And as I overcame heroin addiction 20 years ago (one of the biggest accomplishments of my life) I know I can be predisposed to addiction. That buzz when I am in that state of bliss when this whole "awakening" process is unfolding can be very addictive. But we are still very physical entities so we need to honour our physical body's needs too. We need to enjoy this human experience and if we pay attention our body will let us know what it needs. Thanks for your thoughts on this Victor. Cheers and love to you and everyone .x


First time of course you've got an 8 on your hat, I've been seeing those and 88 like crazy this past week. Great tips because I did not even get out of my sweats yesterday and napped on the couch all afternoon. Looking forward to the ascension fitness program.


Fantastic video Thanks Victor! My body has been warning me to chill out, tame it back.. but i just keep pushing through! This is the clear message I needed lol ❤️😅 Thankyou again ✌🏻💗


Good advice on the stimulants! Non coffee drinker 40 years, then picked up the habit. Exactly what you said, the more you try to squeeze out of yourself the bigger the crash. Never happened b4 the habit developed.
