4 Copywriting Tips To Double Your Sales with Written Content
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You could be the best at what you do AND you could even spend the most money on ads to get people to learn about you and your business… But If you can’t communicate how you help people in a way that get’s people to take action… No one is going to do anything. In this video, I'm going to share with you some of my best copywriting tips for writing Facebook Ads, Landing Pages, Emails, Blogs & Any other written content to get more conversions (leads, appointments and clients).
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Now before I get into some specific tips and strategies to write ads that convert…
You need to have a solid foundation BEFORE running ads…
And to have a solid foundation, the no.1 thing you need to do BEFORE you even think about running ads is your offer.
You need to have a good offer.
Otherwise, you could use all the best copywriting tactics and strategies in the world… Again, it won’t matter.
So, with your offer you need to first make sure that you 1 - Solve a big painful problem that people have.
But assuming you already solve a big painful problem for people…
Here's what you need to do next to communicate HOW you solve this problem in a way that will get people to take action:
So the first thing you need to do to write ads that convert is this:
Be Specific
The more specific you are about your solution to a big painful problem, the more likely people are to visualize the results of your solution and therefore take action to learn more.
That's why in most of my marketing messages I don't say "Learn how to generate more leads", I say something like "Learn how to generate 10, 15, 30 or more predictable leads and sales appointments each month". Notice how by being more specific with the results, people can visualize it better?
Make a Big Promise
Your big promise is what will happen if someone works with you. Now it’s important you don’t make this promise too small… Otherwise people won’t care. So you want to make a BIG promise about a result you can get. But again, at the other end of the spectrum you don’t want to make this promise HUGE where it just seems unrealistic.
Keep it simple
Make sure your text is at a 5th grade level or less. The easier it is to read and understand, the better your content will convert.
Use illustrations
Say "it's kinda like..." and give people a real life example of what your service is like so people can more easily understand
🛠 Resources 🛠
Now before I get into some specific tips and strategies to write ads that convert…
You need to have a solid foundation BEFORE running ads…
And to have a solid foundation, the no.1 thing you need to do BEFORE you even think about running ads is your offer.
You need to have a good offer.
Otherwise, you could use all the best copywriting tactics and strategies in the world… Again, it won’t matter.
So, with your offer you need to first make sure that you 1 - Solve a big painful problem that people have.
But assuming you already solve a big painful problem for people…
Here's what you need to do next to communicate HOW you solve this problem in a way that will get people to take action:
So the first thing you need to do to write ads that convert is this:
Be Specific
The more specific you are about your solution to a big painful problem, the more likely people are to visualize the results of your solution and therefore take action to learn more.
That's why in most of my marketing messages I don't say "Learn how to generate more leads", I say something like "Learn how to generate 10, 15, 30 or more predictable leads and sales appointments each month". Notice how by being more specific with the results, people can visualize it better?
Make a Big Promise
Your big promise is what will happen if someone works with you. Now it’s important you don’t make this promise too small… Otherwise people won’t care. So you want to make a BIG promise about a result you can get. But again, at the other end of the spectrum you don’t want to make this promise HUGE where it just seems unrealistic.
Keep it simple
Make sure your text is at a 5th grade level or less. The easier it is to read and understand, the better your content will convert.
Use illustrations
Say "it's kinda like..." and give people a real life example of what your service is like so people can more easily understand