Pregnancy Loss Story and Finding Healing After Miscarriage

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Miscarriage is heartbreaking. In this snippet of the BUILT TO BIRTH PODCAST, Melissa shares her miscarriage story. If you need some advice or encouragement on how to cope with miscarriage, this snippet is going to be so empowering for you to listen to. Pregnancy loss is a challenging experience whether it’s a miscarriage during first trimester or beyond and Melissa’s pregnancy loss story resonated so deeply with me and I think it will with you as well.

In this snippet, we talk about navigating grief after miscarriage, TTC after miscarriage (trying to conceive), and the many emotions that accompany a pregnancy after miscarriage. If you are pregnant with your rainbow baby after miscarriage, you’ll love the rest of Melissa’s story. In the full episode, Melissa shares her positive birth story of giving birth naturally and how she found healing after miscarriage.

If you are looking for positive pregnancy stories and real-life advice on how to have a positive birth, check out the rest of the



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We lost our first baby at 9 weeks last year right before Christmas. It was awful. I remember someone telling me their sister had a similar experience and that this Christmas they had a baby in their arms! I didn’t think it was possible.
But just 6 weeks later I got another positive test.... and I’ll be having our rainbow baby any day now!
It’s so so hard to get through but healing and happiness IS possible ❤️


Miscarriage is such a hard thing to go through. I went through 3 miscarriages before i finally had a successful pregnancy. Im right about to have my son which is very exciting. I pray nobody has to feel the pain of loss back to back to back, let alone once. Everybody keep their heads up !! 🖤


Ive had 5 miscarriages before i had my rainbow baby last year and now im expecting my son in late December or early January which im excited about


I’m currently recovering from a miscarriage myself. Lovely lady, nice sharing her own story. Thank you and best wishes to you all going through this. Nobody deserves this <3


This was so needed, I commented on a video a few months back when I fell pregnant while exclusively demand feeding my 5 month old, on the pill and had no return in period. Sadly the pregnancy was ectopic and we lost our beautiful angel 😔🦋


This is what I needed. Going through a miscarriage starting from 8 weeks so I'm looking at a lot of these videos and I just can't think of things to say.


Beautiful. Thank you for sharing your baby loss story. The physical, mental and emotional toll miscarriage takes is not well known and needs to be shared. We honor you as momma and the memory of your baby Shalom Emory 🌷🦋❤️ -You are loved🌷


Experience this now, looking for healing and i know about the depression, i went through that 2'. Thanks for sharing . I will look out for the book. .🌹❤️


Thank you so much for sharing ❤ I also had a blighted ovum miscarriage this past November and it’s really hard to find stories that are similar, so it was a balm to my soul to find this one ❤️ Thank you!


I was about to be 20 weeks. Every week I tuned into Bridget’s update videos. I was going in for an amniocentesis and getting the anatomy scan done (all on my birthday)when they told me there wasn’t a heart beat, cardiac activity or brain activity. And just like that we weren’t parents anymore. I had to give labor to my angel, Sofia. I’m so sad. It’s very lonely. I hope to one day be able to tune into Bridget’s videos again and make it to her week 20 video. I’m sorry to all the mommas that go through this. I hope we are blessed with a rainbow baby.


I had a natural abortion 2 years ago and last year I got pregnant one year after and my baby is now 8 months 💚 I’m so thankful that u have my baby


I had 2 miscarriages before my rainbow baby girl that was born in March🌈


I had an Ectopic in March of this year. Nobody knows what to say or how to react when I open up about the baby. I still struggle a lot trying to open up and explain to him how I feel. He doesn't understand and doesn't know how to react or what to say.


Does the podcast include anything about trusting your body again during pregnancy after loss?


Missed miscarriage is so incredibly hard to cope with I got a call saying there was no fetal heart beat I knew something was wrong cause I couldn’t see the heart beat i screamed I cried but I still I couldn’t except the fact that my baby wasn’t coming I wouldn’t get the dnc I wouldn’t take any medication to help baby pass I prayed for a for a miracle but I finally excepted it when I was lying in a tub filled with my own blood an it was the hardest I’ve ever been threw an all through this pregnancy even when I was told they don’t suspect that will happen again an I should be in the clear I still worry for my baby every single day this baby means so much to me already an I’m so happy for when I get to hold them in my arms
