BUILD Your Way to Getting RICH -- Steve Jobs' Mindfulness Hack Explained

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When we feel alone and powerless, we think that getting rich is going to help. But for me, I had to get beyond my complaint-filled, negative mindset to actually build. Here's how you can avoid my mistakes.

00:00 Build Your Way To Rich
01:01 Turning Down Google // Garry in 2002
02:40 Negative Mindsets
03:38 Steve Jobs on Mindstate
04:52 Looking forward at 2022

I'm Garry Tan, venture capitalist and founder at Initialized Capital. We were earliest investors in billion dollar startups like Coinbase and Instacart, and I'm a Forbes Midas List Top 100 venture capitalist in the world. We want these videos to be about helping people build world-class teams and startups that touch a billion people. Our startups have gone on to create more than $100 billion in market value so far, and Initialized has over $1B in assets under management.

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My mind is like that of a lot of people: full of stuff, not quite settled. But I've found a way to concretize precisely what Steve Jobs encourages. First, I reflect on key principles in T'ai Chi: "In stillness, be like a mountain peak. In movement, be like the current of a great river." Then, when I sit down to meditate, I imagine my mind as being like the murky waters of a lake or pond. By being still in my posture, and letting my mind simply be, that murkiness slowly settles and clears away. This is mindfulness for me.


I'm here not because I want to start a business. I'm here because I like to spend a little bit of time each day in the company of people who are interesting, kind, respectful, honest with themselves, and want to solve problems. You are one of those people. Keep up the great work. ❤


Love this message... And love hearing that FIRE in your voice. Thank you for speaking your Truth, Garry. Much love.


"If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes it worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does, there's room to hear more subtle things--that's when your intuition starts to blossom and you start to see things more clearly and be in the present more. Your mind just slows down, and you see a tremendous expanse in the moment. You see so much more than you could see before."
- Steve jobs


Inspiring as always. Restlessness distorts focus but once calm, the path towards true success becomes so close that a single action gets the wheel of change rolling.

Being able to track my decisions afterwards encouraged me to embark on a journey to track my life choices and decisions over the course of 5 years with the sole aim of seeing results of how I actually end up, make few significant adjustments then continue or just change my life trajectory totally.

Hopefully, I can pass this knowledge on to my offsprings and just like I'm learning from Garry, they too can make minimal mistakes in life.

Bless weekend y'all.


im 21 and just like you my mind is full of negative thoughts, thanks for changing my mind garry.


I started my first tech job in 2000, and I am grateful for the ride. I have met so many amazing people throughout the years, and the best is yet to come!


I actually came to your channel from a few recent tweets (the “libel” poll one) and strongly believe in the idea of success through doing things ethically. Also the video on your thought process behind investing Coinbase, especially because others couldn’t see it at the time. So perhaps an oddly specific piece of feedback, but I subbed due to the combination of values and wanting to learn from your insights on building great things whilst helping others. Looking forward to continuing to watch your channel Garry 😊


Thanks Garry for this message. My startup - Jamselect - will be a year in March. Your videos has been an inspiration to me in this journey. Thank you 🙏🏼


What a beautiful video! I was earlier seeing your videos daily a month ago. I don’t know why I stopped. Hope to meet you someday to thank you personally!


Incredible life story with a great message attached to it. Thanks for making these!


Thanks Gary. Bright from Nigeria. I love that this fired me up in a way I feel is more sustainable and actionable 🙌


My name is David and I am a physical therapist, health innovator and I like to code. My mission is to improve the healthcare sector by making administration easier for healthcare professionals, make waiting list shorter for patients and monitor patients at their homes. My world vision is to educate people in healthcare so they also become innovators themselves. Because the problem I see in the healthcare industry is that a lot of healthcare professionals say what the problem is but are not that pragmatic about their problems to do something about it. The only way is to educate them and light up the path for those healthcare professionals. There is still a long way ahead but I see the future in healthcare brighter then ever with code, innovators, investors and working together.
Thank you,
David van Dommelen


Gary, I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on building and wealth creation. I've come to think of wealth as tightly connected to ownership, and the best way to own something of value is to create/build it yourself (since usually people don't give you assets for nothing). So, if you want to be wealthy learn how to build (software, hardware, etc.). Lots of the Twitter world is filled with people talking about cold showers and 4am wake-up times but not about studying how to create things, which I think that's actually the most important thing. I'd love to hear your thoughts if you feel so inclined.


Hi Garry, thanks for the video. I agree that once you start being mindful, it's a whole league altogether that you pivot into. I've been living in autopilot until last year i.e. the last 26 years of my life. Being mindful helps you become more self aware and be a better judge of things around you.

I am a Software Engineer and I want to start a business of mine someday and it's a small dream of mine to be accepted in Y Combinator so that I can network with the brilliant minds of Silicon Valley. I hope to accomplish it one day.


Hi Garry! thanks for the message, it was necessary for me right now. we gonna rock 2022!


Thank you for this reminder about mindfulness, Garry. This 6 minutes was so worth it.


I really appreciate your energy Garry and we are blessed with your YouTube channel. Thank you for amazing videos.


Like rain to a desert, it’s amazing how a few words of encouragement feels. Thanks Garry.


Great video! I'm an online tutor and have one particular student that really needs to hear this. Going to send a link to her. THANKS!
