The struggle of finding the perfect dumbphone

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im aware that there's bigger problems then not being able to find the right dumbphone but I wanted to talk about why I can't find a phone that works for me

mainly any phone I've decided I've wanted I've realised is unavailable or out of stock :(

thank you for watching!

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It's amazing how dependent we have become on apps and how downgrading to a simpler phone that can't access them/use them as conveniently can disrupt our daily lives.

I got my new flip phone today, it was 39 euros second hand, box open, barely used.

My friend asked me: "Are you sure you want to do this? This is a big decision"

And I'm like, bro, I'm downgrading to a flip phone, not joining a monastic order (I've thought of doing that as well).


As a 31 year old I must say that I'm quite happy that I wasn't in this situation during my teenage years. Now I'm also struggling with phone and social media addiction and I cannot imagine how horrible it is to be influenced by this in the child- or teenagehood.


I remember everyone having a regular phone in the 2000 and everyone never took it out, unless there was a call. People were so into talking to each other .


"Compromise or customize" is a pretty good summation of the choices. A phone that found the balance would be great.


I wish more companies would create more dumb phones. They could even be targeted towards teens, and I'd buy one. I'd prefer a slider keyboard phone over a smartphone anyday! And I grew up on the old slider and flip phones.


The way you talk, your non-verbal expressions, and all the thoughts you have about the social media apps and the industry of mobile phones seems vert honest. I hope you, me, and all the people here someday can quit this f* addiction


just wanted to say the wind in the background is so beautiful. It moves in a fantastic way. it sounds like the perfect wind that could exist sonically, its what you would expect in a cartoon or film


I 100% understand your thing about your brain being sucked into your phone, it legitimately feels like I'm going down in some hell elevator that I cant stop sometimes. And trying to explain this to other people is always so hard lol, they never quite understand. As for the phones, you might want to look into the sunbeam phones, I swear I remember one having an app store but I'm not sure. Good luck!


I feel the exact same, addiction is not the only reason I don't like using a smartphone. I don't like using one even for everyday things, like calls and text, or for utilities. It doesn't look like a phone, it is just a boring black rectangle and frankly to me it looks like an entertainment/consumption device. Let's be real here, what do we use our phones the most for? 5% of it, yes, that is calls and texts, and maybe calendar or notes, but the other 95% is entertainment and consumption of media.


I love your style of creating vids. Takes me back to the beginnings of YouTube. Those were the good old days.


i love that a bunch of people are going back to dumbphones. i miss the simplicity.


i've also been having this struggle. social media takes up too much of my time than i'd like. i feel like most of my anxiety stems from my presence on social media as well. good luck in finding the dumbphone that works for you !!


it’s surprising to me how few qwerty dumbphones there are. most communication these days is text so it makes more sense to me to have a qwerty style keyboard and essentially make a dumber blackberry.


I want to go to College and be the girl that has a flip phone.


The thing about getting sucked in as soon as you look at your phone is so true. I open my phone to look at a text, but then sometimes end up looking at the snaps people sent me, or googling something, or the text I looked at turns into a 30min conversation. This doesn't happen always but when it does it feels like such a time waster. I also notice that whenever I see I got a text I really feel a need to look at it, and reply immediately which can sometimes get me out of the zone when studying.


Your agm 7 tick tock rant actually just saved me alot of trouble. I feel the same way, Thank you


I ended up going with the CAT s22 Flip. It's not an actual dumb phone, but it's an old-style flip phone. It runs Android, touch screen, I can use all my apps for work if needed in a crunch, but the screen is too small to doom-scroll, trying to use a keyboard on the screen, even with swype is almost impossible, using a T9 keyboard works great for text messaging and notes, but not great for browser logins and such.
So, I have found it to be an excellent bridge that has gotten me completely axed from my old, bad habbits. I can't believe how much time in the day it saves me. Even people at work - EVERYTHING is done through Teams (chat) and such. At first they were upset by it, then teased me about my 'old' phone, but now they just call me through the app if they really need me for something.
So, especially for someone who needs a phone for work as well, I think something like the s22 is a great 'bridge phone' if not a good solution.
Plus, if you're into chat and radio apps like Zello, EchoLink, Teamspeak, etc. - it has a PTT button built in :)


Go for dumbing down your smartphone.
I personally need:
1. Good camera
2. Good GPS navigation
3. Online banking on the go
4. WhatsApp with fast texting using swipe gestures.
5. Some tool apps, like a ruler, levelling device, dictionary, Uber, NFC payments, apps for buying plane tickets etc.


The problem i have at looking at dumbphones of today is they mostly have really really poor cameras. I don't know why this has to be the case, as the last "feature" phone i got back in 2010 had a really amazing camera on it. It was one of those Sony-Ericsson phones.


same !! didnt know searching for a dumb phone can be this hard >< love the insight ty for sharin !!
