5 Habits That Are RUINING Your Hair // STOP DOING THESE NOW! #hairdamage #hairmistakes

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These 5 Habits are RUINING your hair and no one talks about them! It's easy to get caught up worrying about how heat damages your hair or the best flat iron for damage. Truth is, there are things that I've learned over my decades of doing hair professionally that you NEED to be paying attention to and can be far worse for your hair. The best shampoo and conditioner for hair is important, but what about when you get out of the shower?

In this video I'm going to share how your purse could be ruining your hair! Or how your office chair could be the reason your hair won't grow! I'm going to explain why spending extra money on the least damaging blowdryer or the best hair brush could be a total waste of your money!

Join me as I reveal the things NO ONE else is talking about! There's nothing you need to buy to fix these habits, simply become aware of what could be ruining your hair and your hair health could completely change!

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Justin Hickox
915 SW Rimrock Way Ste 201-129
Redmond, OR. 97756
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As someone trying to break the default ponytail habit, "you give it two strong tugs and you tighten the snot out of that damn thing" was worth ten thumbs up. I believe I will never be able to put my hair in a ponytail again without hearing Justin's voice whispering those words in my ear. Thanks for the laugh-out-loud, choke-on-my-coffee, tears-in my eyes, memory.🤣


For the first time in my 73 yr old life I learned to direct the blow dryer heat down, while using my round brush. That was several weeks ago in one of your orevious videos. I heard you ask, "and where do you direct the heat?" I am conscious of that 100% of the time now! You're my haircare Guru, Justin!


I used to use a satin pillowcase. A friend recommended a Mulberry silk pillowcase. Yes, its slippery but I love how my hair looks in the morning. Also much cooler than satin. Plus very affordable on Amazon. Only paid like $11.


I enjoy your channel! One thing I might add to your ponytail advice... Avoid putting hair in a ponytail when WET, and if you do, do a loose pony. I've had clients who had breakage because they were showering and pulling hair back into a pony while it was wet, while letting it dry naturally. Wet hair is more elastic than dry, for anyone who's reading. ;-)


Years ago satin pillowcases were recommended for sleeping to minimize hair breakage. I gave that up when I'd wake up with my pillow no where in sight. 😂


I always blow-dried my hair wrong until I found your channel. Once I started pointing the blowdryer downward it was so much better, I still had some frizz but that was my gray hair appearing. I'm now on a course of your Just De-Frizz and it's helping so much, thank you for that.


Thank you! I got hair miniaturization and hair loss from years of low iron/ferritin


Also shampooing with too hot of water is a really bad thing! Especially for clients with color treated hair. Great video!


I really thought you were going to mention pushing your glasses onto your head, but maybe it's just me 🤷🏼‍♀️ My hair was getting stuck either on the nose bridge or the screws on my glasses.. eventually found glasses with a smooth bridge & no flex on the sides so my hair doesn't get caught (as much)


I put my hair in two braids before I go to sleep, not tight braids, a little loose and it made a big difference.


I've always bent over and dried my hair upside-down... until now! Thanks for your 5 tips!


Great video! I have long hair and on a recent trip I realized that I had been wearing my backpack with my hair under the straps. A hard lesson learned!


Win, win, win! All the wins! Thank you for these tips. Not a secret, just easily overlooked or forgotten.


Great tips...my hair is a couple inches above my waist and color treated and extremely healthy so I think I'm doing pretty well. I hardly ever wear my hair up, just hate the way it feels, i do however wear it loosely up in a giant satin scrunchie when i sleep and also sleep on a silk pillowcase. The other thing i swear by is keratase hair oil, i use a pea size amount on my dry hair everyday and since ive been using it (almost a year now) i hardly get split ends and have been able to grow my hair so long


You're the I have been doing all things things to help my hair. When I got my haircut short they said my hair looked great and healthy. Thanks😊❤


Best to skip blowdryers and heat styling tools as much as possible, and any time you can.


Oh the ponytail! That's me! When I sleep at night, I like to pull my hair on top of my head so it doesn't end up in my face. As a bonus, the next day, my hair has some lift! But I should probably switch to a scrunchy (sp?). Thank you for these warnings!!!❤❤❤


You are simply amazing! I listen to every word in your videos and the way you describe it is so on point and great and engaging. I am a big fan and all the tips that you’ve said, especially the pointing down of the blow dryer on the shaft, hands up amazing!


Love the advice. It all make sense ❤ thank u


I really enjoy using several different hair oils. They make my hair look healthier!
