school rooftop

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The original got deleted so I'm uploading this one !
(I just didn't want to lose this great video)

Original by: 1171domino

Credits for the music:

[If the original author of the video or the music wants this taken down please tell me down in the comments, thanks !]
Рекомендации по теме

ep.1: can't wait to watch this anime about robots
ep.24: what is our purpose?


This makes me nostalgic, comforted, anxious, happy, and sad all at once

Edit: i think thats called melancholy


thank you for reuploading. this song and clip pulled me through some dark times and it holds a special place in my heart.


I love the clip, and the song fits this anime pretty well, a hint of nostalgia, a little bit of emptiness, a little bit of everything


for everyone living tough times: dont give up, you will get over it.


Being an Eva fan, watching this video mixed with the song School Rooftop hit me in a way I can't describe. It's a mix of relief, sadness, and emptiness.


this gets me in the feels. It reminds me of how my school is known for being a really diverse one. But it also reminds me that all my friends in that school have either abusive parents or depression, so they come to me or someone else to vent about it and cry out their feelings. it reminds me of how I’m more then happy to help people through their feelings and I give them advice, but when I start feeling depressed and hopeless, I can’t take my own advice, the same advice that I give to my friends..


the scream always gives me chills. whenever i hear it a certain morbid scenario comes to mind which id rather not think of. i still love this song nonetheless


Thankyou so much. I was sad when I saw it got deleted


Ironically, I've been listening to this song for 3 years, at that time I was in a very different situation than today, (I was in a pre-depressive phase) before, I listened to this song and felt lonely and sad. She accompanied me during this journey, and as time went by I changed my thoughts about her. I have immense affection for this song and I feel very comfortable and happy listening to it. totally different from the bad phase of my life, which thank God I overcame. I see it as a sign of overcoming myself.


How I see this song based on the song's name (School Rooftop)

It all happens in a school, obviously

From 0:00 to 0:22 - I see a girl, head down, while she climbs up some stairs in a low light ambient.

From 0:22 to 1:08 - The same girl in now on the school rooftop. It's nightime, she can see the city lights. Meanwhile, the girl is thinking about everything that is consuming her and that is filling her with emptyness and sorrow.

From 1:08 to 1:30 - She takes a breath to have courage to jump from the rooftop

The scream - She jumps.

From the end of the screen to 1:54 - Time starts to pass slow, and it gives her all the time necessary to think about everything she lived and everything she could lived.

The little beat stop - She "wake up" and start regreting the fact that she jumped. Unfortunately, she just understands now that killing herself wasn't a solution...

From the end of the little beat stop to 2:18 - She is desperete knowing that she's going to fade forever, and there is nothing she can do to stop it.

2:18 to the end of the song - She hits the ground. The screen slowly fades to black.


We will get through this. We will get through this. We will get through this.


This makes me feel nostalgic like when you look at your gallery back in 2018. Or something i would play this when im still in my pjs and lazying away in my room as i sip tea. And look out at the raining sky.


Just finished Eva, again. Every time I return, Im reminded of why I love it in the first place. It gives me hope for myself.

Thanks for reuploading. This is the video that not only got me to watch Eva, but it got me into lo-fi too. <3


I used to watch this video two years back and I never understood it but I could feel the emotions but now that I've finally watched evangelion and finished it, I understand these moments and understand the raw emotions from this (outside of the song itself). While watching the movie, most of the scenes just reminds me from this video and this song. Literally gives me chills


Been listening to this for 4 years now…love it


this audio makes me so scared and uncomfortable but i love it, because at the same time it makes me feel safe??? idk, i always pour my heart out here in the youtube comments, but yeah... i love you all and never forget that 💖 okay? promise me you wont :) okay... bye for now! i hope you see you all soon :’)


You guys remember those times where everything was just perfect except some days? This vid. shows the perfect days of my childhood in my opinion. Like you came after school on a Friday and knew there was a really hyped up premiere on Nickelodeon this weekend after you watched it and enjoyed it you came to the conclusion that you should just go out on a near playground with your friend and play until the sun went down. And during those activities, this song was playing. Even when there was a really dark time the song describes it so well at 1:09. And on 1:31 you want just forget all the bad things that happened on 1:09 and you try to cover them up with ur daily activists, but eventually, you get older, the time passes by, and things are even worse than before now on 2:19, you are at this point lost, no one can help you anymore out of this situation except yourself but you just don't know how, so you are just trapped there isn't a solution every possible helping method failed. That's it hope and other things are just an escape from problems while these are building up higher and higher day by day. If you don't understand what I meant by that here is an example: So imagine you are alone in a Well that is located in the middle of nowhere, and every day there comes a person that shoots you lets say in your arm and that is going to repeat every single day. On one day you just don't feel anything anymore your arm is completely stunned at this point. You don't care you aren't gonna try to change something you just accept it and do nothing against it because you don't have the power for it, it wasn't given to you early on in your life, you are lost, dead end for you I guess, well good luck, bye.

I know it really doesn't make much sense when you read this comment but I don't know how to describe it else.


I always described this song as "My depression if it was a song". Just go through the motions, feeling numb. Then at times it feels like the walls are caving in around you and you don't think you can take it anymore. Internally screaming in anguish, just to continue on as if that doesn't matter. Everyday is the same and you just feel tired all the time, just existing is exhausting.

I don't feel like this now but that's because of the work I put into changing my mindset, and it's still exhausting. Every once in a while it creeps up on me and this song comforts me in that darkness until I can pull myself out again.


That scream is perfectly fit to this song. Both timing and feeling.
