Hisohkah - School Rooftop (Intro) (Slowed Down)

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Released by Lofi Bloom

Licenced Artwork by Matzpxl

Copyright Notice
Music is exclusively licensed to Lofi Bloom.

"School Rooftop” contains a sample from “Ficus” by WMD. Licensed Courtesy of WMD.
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"We should thank the pillow for catching our tears when no one does"


this sound makes me comfortable and it feels like i am 8 years old waking up happy and going to play until the afternoon tirelessly and then ur rest and remember how great my life is.


This makes me remember when Christmas was actually exciting :(


this song makes me wanna walk down a road late at night with street lights with this playing in my ear . no other noise.


Born 1993, when I was around 5/6 me and my family had to move to Germany, Osnabruck because my Dad was stationed there for being in the British Army. We stayed there until 2001. I can honestly say from what memories are still there in my head, are the best years of my life. If I could just relive those days, just for a few hours, I would be so happy.

I spend hours crying happy/sad tears on Google Earth Pro with the time machine of the maps. Seeing my old Primary School before it was demolished. Seeing the Army barracks my dad was at before that too was sadly demolished. Seeing my old childhood home which I haven't seen since we left 23 years ago.

It's even more saddening with how Germany's privacy laws are. Google Street view is practically none existent. So the buildings and the streets I fondly remember are mainly just these pixelated resemblances of buildings that I still vividly remember from my childhood but I can't see how are now or was a few years ago. I only have what I remember, and the odd remnants of videos here on YouTube which is extremely lacking and rare to find

Thankfully some time last year, Germany finally lifted those privacy laws for Google Maps Street view and i finally got to see my home again for the first time since we all left way back in 2001. I will be honest. I've never cried so much in such a long time. It was harrowingly different everywhere i looked around Osnabruck but I could also see things that haven't changed at all.

The walks we went on, the Warner Brothers Movie Theme Park down south near Dorsten. Pony rides in the woods and picking the oldest one there who was called Boris. I picked him all the time because he liked to eat the grass a lot which made the ride last longer so I could spend more time with him. The little & big lake walk just behind the Nettebad. The traditional Christmas Markets in the town centre. Playing video games when my Dad finally came home on my Playstation 1, we would try and beat the games in one day but never could because I didn't have a memory card. Getting excited whenever Pokemon was on the TV. Friends round mine to share the big swimming pool I had.

Watching Halloween Town before going out trick or treating. Finding our first ever pet, a kitten abandoned behind a grit bin while we were on a bike ride and taking her home, we named her Millie. So many memories. All lost to time. With only old VHS tapes & photographs to try and relive those memories at least just a tiny bit.

Oh what Id do just to go back to those days. Nostalgia is such a beautiful but cruel mistress. I hate to love it and love to hate it. I Miss you Osnabruck. I miss you childhood.

But. I have a daughter now, born Bonfire Night in 2022. Can't believe it's almost been 2 years with her already. And I honestly can not wait to be the best father I can possibly be. And to make everlasting memories with her that she can look back on and smile just as much as I do looking back at the ones I made with my Mum & Dad.

Oh Germany. Oh Osnabruck. Oh childhood. You were the best of days. I'll revisit you one day. With the whole family hopefully.


This makes me think about the most happiest things in my life back then and the most worst moments I’m currently in at the same time .. crazy tune …


this song can calm me or make me cry, I was just watching a tiktok of good parents making a core memory with their child, then started thinking of fun things I've done. Majority of my childhood memories are sad, I wish I could have fun for the couple of years I have left as a kid.


This brings back the 2000s days when we used listed to our iPods with earbuds in on a walk at night


This song reminds me of the world before Covid


i feel like absolute shit right now, and really ready for something, this song is whats keeping me around a little while longer, thank you.


"Babysit kurt for me for just a minute.."
"I Left Kurt Alone With His Toy Fish.."

This song gives me 2019 vibes..


Its 3AM, you stand from your bed and you take that old sueter and go for a walk. Everything is silent. You walk down the neighborhood and sit in one of those lonely swings and stay there for what feels like eternity


I remember being in 7th grade always getting excited for the last day of school and break starting. Now a short year has passed and I’ve already noticed that I don’t feel excited anymore. I don’t fell the enthusiasm I used to have on Fridays and last school days of the week when I was in 7th and younger. Even when spring break starts, I just don’t feel it. It just feels like any other normal day, and I don’t like that yet there’s nothing I can do. I’ve matured a little, and that’s what I hate because when you mature, life doesn’t feel too fun anymore.


This isn’t a song.

It’s a story of my life.


Just imagining old empty childhood memories and places waiting for me to return


Really reminds me of those old days when I used to play Minecraft and I was alone at home while outside was raining heavily 😢


I wanna visit my childhood street to this song. So many memories there, man...


It’s been a long day, I haven’t listened to this type of song in a long time and I’m glad that I’m finally able to rest my mind and make it stop racing.

Thank you.


This song just reminds me of something good from my childhood when I visited London for 1st time I dont know exactly wht it is but I can just feel those mornings


Pov:.. You woke up on a trampoline after that very long dream and its still 2014..
