Hisohkah - School rooftop (Slowed+Reverb)

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This song makes me realize how alone i am. I'm wlaking through school playing this song in my headphones, hearing the fated laughs of everyone with their friends, watching the smiles on their faces, seeing them eating together. I feel for others who also go through the same thing. But it really does make you feel alone.


I feel like there was a memory that can only come out by this melody


Who ever is reading this I lost my best friend today please don’t make fun of me but I miss them so much they made my life amazing and they were my only will to live and it’s my birthday and I hope I will over come this tragic time in my life I love you all good night ❤


“I like walking in the rain because when I cry, nobody can see my tears”


Since everybody else is writing, i suppose i will too.

I recently turned 17, and this song perfectly captures how i feel, about everything. Its an overwhelming sense of loneliness, a "tired" that you cant quite sleep off. Its been "one of those days" for a few years now. One of my worst fears I've had is slowly being realized. Me and my friends are gradually starting to break apart and drift away. Im also growing somewhat distant from my loved ones. They arent the ones that did anything wrong, i just can't help it, its the overwhelming sense of fear and loneliness that has taken root for about 3-4 years now. And I have less than a year to live stress free. I just feel so hopeless in life and I haven't even really started it yet. Those are just my thoughts though

No idea if anybody is actually reading this, but if you are, know that somebody out there loves you, and wants to see you keep going no matter what happens. Even if you feel like you're alone, reach out, you'll never be completely alone, somebody will always have your back


It's not an alone feeling, to me.
It's like, saying goodbye to a past that just won't wave back at you and you know they're not coming back and all you have are memories.

Just look back, relax and really appreciate those times. Be happy that you had em.


it's such a simple melody yet you can feel so much through it, music really is incredible sometimes.


For me, this song isn't really sad, it's just kind of like you're all alone in the middle of the night and everything is so still and so calm and the stars are shining


Damn. This just gave me 8 years of nostalgia. I will miss elementary school bro. All the friends, memories, recess...It's gone.


This music unlocks the true sadness of not being able to go back in time to the good old days. I miss it too, we all do, it really sucks.


isn't it just the best feeling, when someone actually cares about you.


Walking in the halls, the many faces of joy and laughter. But I stand from afar watching them all as if I was watching a story unfold from none of their perspectives. Wandering through my head about how nice it would be to be one of them.


A group of friends, randomly decinding "Fuck it, lets take a walk" at midnight in winter
Walking through a forest, singing and dancing. Playing in the snow.
Walking to the lake, sitting down on the end of the pier. And then just watching the mist over the lake, silently, nobody saying anything. Just enjoying the view.
Thats the memory that came to my mind when I heard this song.


it gives me an inexplicable tranquility, but it also gives me sadness and I start crying.


Thank you. I felt alone but this song make me break down then made me expect my problem. I’m lonely like a lot of these comments, but it makes me feel better reading about others peoples struggles, it reminds me that most of us go through it and depending on how we handle it we all come out in a different direction. I feel empty, but it’s better than being. Im wrong


That feelings i can't explain ...


This is the kind of song that has no words, but fills you with infinite thoughts.
I feel like when I'm listening to this song, i don't need to express my thoughts, the song "knows".

_Have a nice day/night._



I've had this feeling since I was 11 years old. I'm 15 now. I don't really know how to explain it. I feel like I'm missing out on everything that goes on in the world. As if I'm in this loop where I wake up, go to school, learn useless information, go back home, rush upstairs blasting music in an attempt to block out my parents arguing, then I lay in bed until I cry myself asleep. I'm just wasting my life on the internet. I'm even know as the class clown at school so when I try to vent about my problems to my friends, they just think it's another joke. How can I escape this "loop?"

edit: thanks for the support, i just wanted to be a sad internet boi. honestly things havent gotten any better. ive found some new hobbies but thats pretty much it.

edit 2: I've just taken a big break from social media and now I'm seeing this. once again thanks for the support. currently, my life has gone down a spiral of hell the past few years. Ever since I first wrote this comment 7 months ago, things have only gotten worse. My parents are no separated and my girlfriend has broken up with me. anything helps ( ` :


This song inspires me to write and bring out everything I feel.
I want to be heard without being judged or scolded just for thinking about a person who is no longer on this plane but who I love still... Sometimes I would like to walk alone, darkness and loneliness is a fantastic mix in that place I can dance and be myself without being judged or singled out.


Don’t be sad it’s gone, Be happy it happened!

….Keep thriving …you got this …

Don’t wait for your future, Make your future ! ❤
