hisohkah, WMD - School Rooftop (Bird Sounds)

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hisohkah, WMD - School Rooftop (Bird Sounds)
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I have cancer. Nope how much days I live... this make me cry...


When I was younger, every single morning I would wake up to these bird sounds. So this brings back a lot of nolstalgia :)


Those beautiful Saturday mornings with my window open and the sound of these birds at 8:27 AM. I really didn't realize that I would look back on those days and miss them. Now I am 22 with a full-time job and I have work tomorrow morning. Good night, guys.


It's been 5 years without my Time passes very quickly, enjoy it while you can.


Just reading these comments makes me tear up. To think the sound of a bird cooing was enough to bring us to a shared memory in our childhoods. How small the world is.


I miss my childhood i wish i can go back...

Edit: dam thank you guys for commenting and liking my comment. Yall are goated


POV it’s 2013 and you woke up early on a school day so you go outside and enjoy nature before your mom calls you in for breakfast.


I've come to realise I don't remember a lot from my childhood, but listening to this song it brings back some memories and it makes me hate my self for not appreciating the time I spent with the people I cared about and now those people are gone and that hurts even more


3 weeks without my Dad... miss him so much, miss the old times... now he's in my heart


Rest in peace to my beautiful baby boy 2012-2023 🖤


This song reminds me my childhoods, things, and places in 2000's


Oh man. I remember in Syria, before the war. I would always wake up to this, then go out and play football with some of my friends. We just used the old run down ball that was all muddy, even the place we were playing football at was muddy. The goals didn’t have nets. We didn’t care if our clothes got muddy or if our flip flops did, we enjoyed the time like there was no tomorrow. It was was 10am, sunny day, and every kid was outside. Our parents were chilling. Now I moved to another country which is not Arab, and I don’t think I will ever experience that again… if any kid is reading this, please know. Live life to the fullest, play with your friends everyday. Because once you guys are 15~ you’re only gonna go to the mall and stuff. Please enjoy the moment. And also don’t be sad if your new shoes got creased or something. When I was young, we didn’t care about anything. When we fell in the mud, our friends would help us up and we would have a great laugh then get back to playing. Never complain about your life, because somebody has a worse one. We didn’t even get new shoes, we just had the same old shoes that got passed down from our older siblings. Oh what a time, made me tear up while writing this..


“Don’t take life too seriously, no one makes it out alive. Just think that death is freedom”


A lump in my throat, I remember elementary school, how I spent my days carefree how I went to the park with my grandmother, rode rides, walked with friends, there were no problems...


If my grandparents were alive I’d still visit them every thanksgiving and enjoy the memories… 😢😢😢
RIP Grandma Maxine
RIP Grandpa Roland
You both were my absolute favorite people I’ve ever met and loved as a kid


This reminds of the old foggy weather as a kid, the birds, the calm noises, nice people it just brings back so many memories of my childhood <3.


I think it’s easy to forget that while yes, these times were amazing, who’s to say these birds won’t sing again, who’s to say you’ll never be happy like that again? It’s just a matter of slowing down, take a moment to listen to the birds, somewhere, there’s a kid who the same age you were then, the birds have to sing for them too, and if you listen closely, you might just catch their song❤🖤


With the time you have left, meeting with friends, meeting with family, its important to cherish those moments because whats gone.. is gone..


The birds actually sound like this today. It feels great


I love him so fucking much. And not in a romantic way, not a sexual way, not “wake up on sunny mornings and make breakfast in our shirts and boxers” but truly only want him to be happy and carefree and get everything he deserves in life, be there for him however I can and know that wherever he and I are, he’s doin okay
