Is Balanced Dog Training Evil?

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Balanced means positive and negative reinforcement. A dog needs to know when he does something correctly (positive enforcement, treat, pets, etc.) and incorrectly (negative reinforcement, e-collar, leash correction, etc.). The formula doesn’t work if one is missing. It’s about… balance.


Got a 180 pound Great Dane from a woman that lost her husband. The husband hadn't properly socialized the boy and he was a handful. The only way my wife could handle him was with a prong collar. In a few hours he became exceptional on the lead. They are useful tools.


What people don't realize is that the e-collar and prong collar are just meant to be used to get the dogs' attention and put the attention back on the trainer. They are not to "punish" the dog. Dogs don't understand "punishment" anyway - they can't have a time put and think about what they have done!


100% agree!!! This is from a person from Sweden. Prong collars are illegal! Please come to Sweden and teach them about real dog bail me out!


I use a prong collar on my 14 month old, 140lb French mastiff . My trainer introduced it to him at 11 months after seeing 2 positively only trainers . Not only did it change our walking experience but also our relationship. Ballanced training is the way to go. I would say always seek professional advise before introducing any training aid


Just ignore them. Because of YOU I use Prong collars with my dogs to walk and walking them now is a blessing and relaxing and they are both loving and happy girls !!!


Spot on. Sad truth is that 90% of people using prong collars are using them incorrectly and only for the look.


I rescued a 1.5yo dog who froze with anxiety at any verbal command. The only way I could communicate with him was with an e-collar. Six years later, he's a happy, relaxed, confident gentleman who is loved by every person who meets him. Could not have trained him any other way.Thank you for not demonizing this tool.


I’ve learned so much from your videos. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you post these. My dog is not perfect but he’s come a long way and I’m nowhere near a professional trainer. Thank you!


We took in a 2 year old pit bull who'd spent his life either in a crate or on a *very* short chain. I was all on board with "positive only" training because I had no idea what they’d done to him (they mentioned a "shock collar" the first time we saw him, *clearly* as a punishment), but I hit a wall with him very quickly. He understood everything I was teaching him, he just thought he could pick and choose when he had to listen to me. He would also misbehave *just* so I would correct him and then give him a treat when he listened. It didn’t take long to figure out he was gaming the system, and after a lengthy conversation with a pitbull breeder, I got an e-collar. It's been less than a month and the results have been astonishing. He's always responded beautifully to positive reinforcement - as long as he feels like listening. The e-collar, which I use on vibrate or the beep 99% of the time, has really got it into his stubborn head that he is supposed to listen to me *all the time.* That I *really mean it* when I tell him not to jump on people, when I tell him to ignore another dog on our walks, that he is not allowed to drag me around the block, that if I tell him to get away from the cat food, it doesn't mean he can have one or two more mouthfuls. It's been a miracle.


My first dog, which I got when he was 6 months, is a GSD/Belgian Malinos mix. An absolute handful for a first dog, and training under the positive only method was subpar, to say the least. He barely learned the sit command. After finding your channel and binging all of your videos, he's done a complete 180°. Not has he learned all of the basic skills I've tried to teach him extremely quickly, but he even seems more excited for training than ever. Thank you so much for your videos and guidance 🙏🏾.


I have four dogs and you have helped me so much.
Best trainer ever..


I use an E collar and prong collar on my dog because it makes her understand there are boundaries and the ability to have more freedom but controlled. Always always always have a positive reinforcement. Give your dog love and show them how much you appreciate them and they will work harder for your happiness. There's a night and day difference. 💗🤙 Keep doing what you're doing! I always enjoy watching.




I got a Belgian Malinois 2 weeks ago. With balanced training, I took an untrained extremely hyper and needy dog to a point where she can walk off leash nearly perfectly and perform every basic command with no hesitation. Couple hours a day of focused training and playing mixed with training and she’s almost perfect at all the basic stuff.

But she wouldn’t be there without a prong and e collar, nor would she be there without the opportunity to work for her dinner and treats. She’s the happiest she’s ever been when she knows she’s doing her job properly and knows that she will be rewarded.


Coming from another certified dog trainer and certified for aggression/behavioral issues I full heartedly agree with you. What many people fail to understand is that we as dog trainers often get dogs that are aggressive or that need help to the point sometimes if our training isn't good enough that dogs life may very well be in our hands if we can't help them. So sometimes using an e-collar mixed with positive reinforcement is going to potentially be better than euthanizing a dog. I appreciate you standing up to people against prongs and e-collars as they are very good instruments in the right hands.


I have been following you since my family and I found your company on the internet. I agree with you 100%.
Well balanced, cared for… and loved. Keep up the great job you and your family are doing.


Excellent tools when used correctly! Thank you.


You are the man brother, love your video and methods. Keep doing your thing man .Sorry for your loss .


Totally agree with this method. Hero was known for chasing deer & I really needed something to snag his attention when all other methods failed. Today he no longer needs the prong collar & knows “when Dad’s talking he means business”. He knows it’s only for his best interest & still loves me even afterwards. It’s a useful tool to have in your Rolodex.
