How To Make One Minute Mayonnaise | Easiest Homemade Mayo

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How To Make One Minute Mayonnaise | Easiest Homemade Mayo

Hey! Thanks for stopping by to cook with me!
In this video I’ll show you the easiest one minute mayonnaise recipe. This is an easy immersion blender mayo that is so easy it will probably surprise you. Most people don’t know that you can make homemade mayonnaise in one minute or so. If you have tried to make mayo in the past, try my homemade mayonnaise method for quick easy mayo that is much better and fresher than store bought.

This is one of the best stick blender recipes out there. The immersion blender makes it so you can make your whole egg mayo right in the mason jar that you are going to store it in. Mason jar mayo, salad dressings, and other sauces are so convenient to keep in your fridge for snacking at a moment’s notice.
Thanks for following along to learn how to make easy mayonnaise in one minute in my one minute mayo video!

This homemade mayonnaise is keto friendly

300 ml vegetable oil
1 egg
Dijon mustard (I like 1-2 tsp)
1/2 tsp Salt
Cider vinegar or lemon juice

What are you going to do with your one minute mayo once you've made it? Here are some of my favourite ways to use mayonnaise:

Comment below with your favourite foods to slather in one minute mayo!

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#howtomakedinner #oneminutemayonnaise #oneminutemayo #homemademayo
Рекомендации по теме

Thanks for watching my video! Who is going to try this one minute mayo method for the first time?


This should have much more likes than it does


Luv your videos. Enjoy watching you drink beer from a glass jar. You're awesome!


Oh wow thank you so much for the share very easy to make


It came out perfectly! Thanks for the great tutorial :)


I don't have an immersion blender but this is adding to my list of reasons to get one


Hello Paula, I finally got around to trying your Mayonnaise recipe, and it turned out GREAT! Creamy, Delicious, I'll never buy Mayo in the store again! I think next time I make it I may use a little more Lemon Juice and a little less Vinegar. The oil I used was Peanut Oil, because it has a very mild flavor and I have a large quantity of it. Maybe I'll try making Kewpie Japanese Mayo, next. Thank you so much for sharing your video!! My success with making Mayo made my day!


Hi Paula, I just watched your One Minute Mayo video. I love its simplicity! When I was young, a friend's mother used to make her own mayo and it was SO delicious! When I got a bit older, and more into cooking, I was inspired to try making my own mayo using an electric egg-beater. The result was a disaster that got flushed down the toilet :( Your video has inspired me to try again with the hand-blender that has been gathering dust in my closet!


Hello, just subscribed to your channel. Quick question: I’m not a fan of vegetable oil, can I use olive oil or avocado oil instead?


Is there something you could use to replace the egg??


Thank you so much - yes, I won't be buying mayonnaise again!
