All animals follow me in the forest.

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Hej everyone 🐷🍃
Since this video got a little bit messy I am going to write down my main techniques as well:

The base should always be a secure emotional connection where love is the main reason to be together.
From there my main intent is always to offer my request in such a way that the animal is actually able to understand it and decide for itself to do what I am asking for or to not do it.
With that base I know that the animals are always including my well being and my desires into their decisions.
In case they do not understand why I am having a certain request or my desire stands opposing theirs, I either let go of mine or, if necessary work with positive reinforcement (treats) or also with negative pressure (pushing, pulling, screaming).
I try my best to prevent that because I know that every attempt to condition a being into a behavior that opposes their best interests is being experienced as a breaking of trust in the relationship.
Of course there are still situations in which I don't know a better way. Especially when we collide with other humans and human made structures.

Using these techniques require you to let go of many things that:
- make things look good on the outside
- give you a sense of control
- are easy to understand

But they will reward you with:
- relationships that do feel good on the inside
- a reliable sense of trust
- a deeper understanding of other creatures.

Support me and my animal family:

A huge THANKS to everybody who is supporting us in any way ♥

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Rosina the part about emotional connection is so true!! I never thought about it before, but it even makes them want to look for our approval! What a strong motivation! Bless you for this precious knowledge you share with us. ♥️♥️♥️


Hey there again. I really like your videos and all your thoughts and experiences you try to share, although get slightly disturbed (slightly) by your animals friends :D

My personal experiences are quite a plenty, but mostly with animals that were even wild or strangers to me.

Sometimes I walk threw the woods at night, just with my clothes and nothing else, no phone, flash light or any technology.
It is then when I also feel at most connected with nature and everything in a way and also the most safe, as strange as it might sound.
Since I often feel the stress and pain of humans and other things during daytime.

Sometimes I then encountered wild animals just right next to me and at times we both did not realize it until our eyes met or something.
And then they probably thought: "Wait, that's a human at night in the woods, I guess I should be afraid and run away. How the hell did a human get so close to me in the first place."

It happened to me with boars, deer and some kind of marten (or what it was) and also some other animals.
One time I also encountered a group of foxes who then warned each other an me, since they were not sure whether I was a hunter or something.
Siince often at night some hunters also shoot some animals at night around here, so they can never be sure, understandably.
I simply back off and showed them that I dont want to harm them or come in bad intentions.

But yes, because of my way of thinking and feeling in the woods at night the wild animals often dont even notice me or sense me as part of nature, I guess.
Only when I focus on them too much, they kinda feel or sense that something might be off, so they flee instinctively.
Since yeah, a hunter also would focus them, I guess and in a way we humans are/were hunters for them often.

For me it is also as you said, that in a way the forest or nature in general is our all home we share in some way.
And that also means that we humans have to "obey" its rules and ways.
So the animals might indeed run the show there at times and we have to respect that, especially since we often think that we are superior to them.
At least many people think that, since we got most of it under our control in some way, sadly mostly in a negative way.

That's why I try to show my respect emotionally or how you would call it, when I enter nature.
Depending on the region I am in, that might also be way more necessary than here in West-/Central Europe.
Because you have to prepare yourself to being attacked by some animals or insects, even if you show respect for them.
They might still see you as a thread for various reasons or just as a tasty meal or source of fluids.

It was challenging for me to keep that up in Brazil and my emotions were all over the place, to say the least.

For me it is also okay, although that sounds weird, if an animal would kill or even eat me.
Not because I would want that, but I see myself as part of all life, at least here on earth.
So when some animal needs me as their source of life in that way or I am in their way, I could understand it.
But for me that also meant to send out a special kind of love and respect for the animals or maybe even people who might act aggressive.

It is not understandable by the typical human being to think like this or understand it by mere words.
But for me it is also a kind of life saving signal in a way, although it might sound like the opposite.

I think it also is confusing for some animals or people to retrieve this kind of signal, since it makes no sense, but in a good way, I hope.
No one would willingly give themselves up for an attacker, since they would not gain anything out of it, the typical way of thinking would be.
That is also usually way more healthy, I must admit, but for me it is just like doing that at times when I dont know what else to do.

Sometimes this kind of signal might even or could be seen even as something to be afraid of for others, so they might let go of you, because they dont understand why you would want them to kill, harm or even eat you. So if they even can think much about it, maybe they come to the conclusion that you are probably sick or trying to trick them into attacking you.
It is a complicated thing and dangerous and I have to admit, that I also think that I am not fully able to handle this kind of "signal" all by myself, but probably nature or something higher itself would help me in such situations, since it sees my path and intentions, besides my mistakes and wrong doing at times and holds those back that might want to harm me.

So it might not be my doing after all, but still I did something to it as well, just maybe not all by myself.

When I was younger I also saw us humans, besides other beings as well maybe, as they supposed to be guardians of earth and maybe more.
Not that we might be worthy all the time and our human ways sadly went opposite from our task in that sense.
Misunderstanding our understanding and abilities to make all earth obey us or some of us, while the rest suffers or at least is not as free as they should be.

I also had to beg for forgiveness to something, maybe nature, maybe something else at times.
Not only for my own mistakes, but in general to open up lost connections disrupted and broken because of all our past and present bad doings.

No one has to understand it, I just feel like sharing it at times.
And since you seem like someone who knows a lot about what they are doing, it seemed right to me.

It also has a lot to do with your experiences about connecting to animals and such.

For me it is universal, be it animals, humans, insects (are they also seen as animals?) and maybe even plants at times.
Although I dont think that I really speak their languages, I just happen to be able to sometimes connect with some of them.
Not something I really can control or fully understand (yet).
Others might be way better at it, but at least I try to.

Sometimes it is also dangerous for me or I am scared of it, when it gets too deep in.
Since I sometimes can't handle a connection because I feel unworthy or unable to give back what might be needed.
But maybe that is enough sometimes, instead of trying to give something I dont have or cant give at that time.

As a child I naturally walked into the woods nearby to relax, play around a little, dream and also heal (I guess), since I felt always better there than outside the woods were normal humans usually use to live nowadays.

Only a decade later also more and more other people at least officially recognized that forests or plants in general can have healing powers or at least actually have a positive impact beyond their air cleaning ability or their resources (like wood). At least something more than nothing, but I just felt it was right without any reason or someone telling me.
But sadly I was mostly alone with it, at least no one else did really talk about it back then openly.

Sometimes I really feel how the pain kicks in when I get out of the woods again or at least when I enter my home village with all the people.
It might also sometimes just be in my head because of the way I think and connect things there, but it could also be something else.
Sadly I am often unsure about such things, since sometimes it might be one thing and the next time something else, but seem like the same thing to me or others.

Sometimes animals around me also feel somehow attracted by me.
A cat that never knew me I met by walking at night just came towards me and when I sat down on the empty street, she lied down on my lap and probably even fell asleep for half an hour maybe.

And another cat also was very broken inside, fought other cats and people and no one could handle her.
The first night she was with me at home, she wanted me to open the door to my room and then slept in my bed calmly.
Sadly she passed away last year because of some deadly disease the doctor said.
I partially blame myself for it tho because I know now that she tried to help me heal as well and got weaker because of that, while I back then went against myself again.
May she rest in peace now.

We both helped each other at times and I had a special connection with her.
In a way maybe even an intimate relationship, but in a spiritual way.
Sometimes I just followed her outside and lay down on the street with her and watch the stars or listen to the wind and noises of other animals.
And at times she followed me for a while when I went for some walks.
I brought out the best in her and she in me since we both felt that we are different behind the brokenness and mistakes.


Hey ho. Über dein Bewerbungsvideo bei Robert hier gelandet und mir ein bisschen von dir angesehen.
Mir gefällt sehr gut, was du hier so erzählst. Wichtige Aspekte drin, was den Umgang mit Tieren angeht (soweit mein Englisch mich denn verstehen lies).
Was mir nicht so gut gefällt, ist das du vor hast DE zu verlassen, weil Leute wie dich, brauchen wir hier eigtl. wirklich dringend.
Ich wünsch dir nur das Beste und hoffe du erreichst alle deine Ziele.
