How To Become Irresistible To Women

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Hey YouTubers! Welcome back to my channel for those of you who have subscribed. And Welcome to my channel for those of you who are new! I’m Kate Spring, a dating and relationship coach that wants to help men understand the complexity of the female mind, more specifically, female attraction. And what you can do to become irresistible to women. That is, how can you become too attractive and tempting to be resisted. In this video, I’m going to share a number of ways that you can create a deep hunger in a woman to want to be with you, no, NEED to be with you. So let’s get started.

Remember that if you have any questions, be sure to leave them in the comments section below and I’ll be sure to get back to you, personally, as soon as I can. If you guys also want me to make certain videos, subscribe to my channel and leave your suggestions in the comments section as well. By subscribing, you ensure that you’ll be updated every time I release a new video.

Poll: I have a question for those of you watching, I get a lot of suggestions on videos to make. What would you like to see next? A video on how to build rapport with a woman, or how to make a woman like you in 10 seconds or less.

I bet you remember Charles Darwin and his scientific theory of evolution. Or the phrase, “survival of the fittest” and “natural selection.” These Darwinian phrases work to describe how organisms that are better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.

To whatever extent we agree with Darwin and his theory of evolution, there is something genetic about the survival of the fittest, for there is an inner compulsion that drives the female of the species to mate with the strongest, most attractive male. Observation teaches us that this holds true in all species, humans included. The question then becomes, what is it within a male’s make-up that draws the female of the species to him? More importantly, what are the factors that you, as a male, can exhibit in order to attract the female of your choice. To answer that question, we need to begin at the beginning, that is, with the origin of the species.

That origin derives from a deep rooted instinctual drive to adapt. All species basically have this same instinct for survival and utilize the capacity to adapt in order to survive. An obvious example is found in the animal kingdom. The short neck giraffe is a case in point. Because giraffes now live in climates with often barren land, they tend to seek nutrients from eating leaves on trees. Hence the height. Their necks give them an advantage to feed. But when you think of a giraffe, you immediately think of height. What about short necked giraffes? Because of the need to survive, and the benefit of a long neck and its advantages, giraffes have adapted. Are there still short neck giraffes, yes, but they are less common and need for survival have made them so.

How does this relate to dating? First, let me say that you don’t have to have a certain physical stature to succeed in dating, but there are some things that you can do to present yourself as the best mating candidate.

Just as Darwin’s theory looks at an organism’s likeliness to succeed at surviving, reproducing, and prospering in a given situation, contemporary women look for these same qualities, whether consciously or unconsciously, in the men that they will date. Moreover, research proves that women are biologically attracted to men who exude the ability to achieve these ends.

Focusing on the fundamentals of human instincts and behavior allows us to see how large a part they play in attraction and the need to make yourself seem like the most attractive and capable suitor to achieve the three keys to existence, which are to survive, reproduce and prosper.

How you become irresistible to women is not by sheer luck, or the magic of a fairy god-mother, or by an anonymous benefactor, but through good old-fashioned effort and knowledge. You’re responsible for the effort and I’m about provide you with some knowledge.

So here are 5 ways to become too tempting to be resisted:

Рекомендации по теме

How to become irresistible to women: Dont try to become irresistible to women. Listen to your own intuition and go find your purpose in life. If you do that the women will come, trust me. And you wont have to think about how to text her or what to say because it wont matter, youre to busy making your dreams come saved you 11 minutes


Great video! Thank you...

Quick Summary:

1) Take initiative.
Take leadership over yourself and do what you say you are going. What you are speakes louder than what you say.

2) Be vulnerable.
Show emotional strength. It shows power, and confidence.

3) Get big
Open up physically. Arms open. Let your body say, “I am here open and willing.” Let your body language (regardless of actual size) show how big you are on the inside.

4) Master Communication
Listen first, and then ask thoughtful questions.

5) Text with Intent
a) Detailed and firm invitation to specific date and time
b) Reference to shared memory/experience
c) Be humorous


Thank you for helping me with this. I've been trying to do things you said and my wife is feeling better . Me too 💝


Kate has done her research, great video! But I would say that, when she talks about "vulnerability" she's really talking about authenticity. Being who you are with no apologies.


Kate, thank you for taking the time to make these videos! I went through a really hard break up a few years ago and I've been doing everything I can to find confidence in myself again. These videos will be guide to learning to love myself, and to find someone who I can share a life with. 🙏💕


Kate, seriously this is the best teaching video I have ever seen. You communicate in a way that men completely are able to listen and learn. Not to mention that you are beautiful


It's been awhile since I have watched your videos. I like it how you explain everything so clearly and is helping quite a bit. How many different body languages are there Kate? Great video thank you, this is perfect information.


Thanx for your lovely vids. I come over at random times to hear your words of wisdom....and always go back enlightened. :)


I am glad you went scientifically, thats attractive.


My parents always said I was good at taking up space. Thanks for the tips, Kate. I've watched a few of your videos, and I appreciate the psychological insights and your desire to help us out. Have a great day.


you look like the girl that I'm trying to attract. great stuff.


Thanks for helping make a difference for people who just need that extra boost, Kate! I believe what you're saying is not only true for *attracting* women but people in general... more pacifically people that you work with, social settings etc. having the ability to be a leader amongst women and men.


Thank you for the book recommendations! I'm halfway through Models and this is exactly what I needed. So nice to finally find frank dating advice that isn't the creepy pickup artist crap.


Wow . Exactly what I was searching for


One thing I've noticed a long time ago when it comes to women looking for a man of confidence. They can't tell the difference between that and the arrogant ones.


Thank you Kate! you speak from the heart about helping us to love our women. 'A noble enterprise! You rock! -Joe


The messages was spoken in a professional style which contradicts the feeling put out by the outfit. Regardless good presentation.


Your videos have offerd me a great deal of insight on getting back into dating, i appreciate the tips, and hints.


I can't believe over 800 downticked this video. This video was really good and is spot on. Thanks Kate for sharing your insights!


Being a man of your word, doing what you say you're going to do, that is in my experience the most important aspect of not only being a man, but also keeping relationships together, whether they be just friendships, or romantic relationships, or what have you.

I think Katie Holmes said it best in Batman Begins: "Its not who you are underneath, but it's what you do that defines you."

That being said it's also the most difficult, because being a man of your word requires that you do so, even when it is not convenient.
