5 Ways You Can Be So Irresistible He’ll Never Want To Leave

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I want to add something to your last point in nurturing men. I agree that men need nurture from women but we women need to know who is worth our nurture. If he deserves it. A lot of women nurture men who don't even care about them.


1. Set Boundaries
2. Allow him to be vulnerable
3. Get rid of those insecurities
4. Get a life
5. Nurture him without being doormat


"Walk like there are three men walking behind you" - Oscar De La Renta.


There's a line in Jane Austin's book Emma where when asked what does she deserve she simply replies: "I always deserve the best treatment, because I never put up with any other."


Set boundaries-respect yourself, know your worth.
You are indeed the big Sister all of us NEVER have/had.


"Why Men Love Bitches" is a great book going hand in hand with this topic. The title is funny, yes, and it has some great truths about, as Anna is saying, setting boundaries, and feeling empowered to enforce them. A favorite quote from that book about enforcing boundaries: "A man does not respond to words, a man responds to no contact". PERIOD. When a man crosses the line, become gone! This will ensure you do not stick around for bad treatment, and it excersizes your boundary muscles ladies! -Katt, LMT


I asks my mom once—after my divorce/ he left— “ mom what have I done wrong” she replied “ because they more women out there who are willing without any standards “ she was write.
I stayed single for a long time —I was hurt—and then was setting high boundaries…believe it or not—I found than the love of my life..a man who carried me on clouds and spoiled me more than I had even imagine. He passed away last year of cancer and my world came to a halt…my love is gone and I miss him every day. No one will ever treat me like a Queen like he did. …miss you my darling.


Dear Anna, this advice comes from true wisdom! I am a 42 year old lady, happily married with a high caliber man, after many unfortunate relationships. The key for me to change my attitude was therapy. I believe very much in the power of therapy and I am very happy that you, Anna, are also a strong advocate for it. It is a life changing experience. I am tired of women saying it is very expensive, while they spend their money on expensive bags or shoes. Therapy is the ultimate investment we can do in ourselves!


Spend your time taking immaculate care of yourself. Be self indulgent, read, relax, travel and self reflect. Whatever your personal interests are, just focus on yourself. Keep developing your own sense of self. Enjoy spending time with yourself. This way you will naturally develope healthy boundries for yourself by prioritizing yourself. I find that this naturally makes you more interesting and appealing to be around, especially to men.


Can we talk about how stunning and beautiful she looks?


A guy messaged me wanting to casually date and I said, I don’t date anymore. Instead, I court with the intent to marry and gave him a list of expectations I have for myself and marriage and he honestly thought it was the hottest thing ever. We didn’t pursue anything after that but hearing that made me aware that men actually like when we have high standards for ourselves.


Every single man I’ve met in the past coupe years moved on when he realised I won’t do everything he wants and won’t tolerate everything he says. But I know at least I have a good relationship with the person in the mirror. ❤️


I am just 17 years old, but I am so grateful to grow up with a role model like you. I am just starting my life, but I will always know my worth. Thank you Anna 💕


You teach people how to treat you, by the way you treat yourself ❤️ beautiful video ✨


"Maybe you are so used to having men being jerks to you that you are just looking for signs that your man is a jerk too...." mmmm, that is one powerful sentence!


Insecurity is so essential to recognise. Low value men often go for women who are insecure because they know they can leech off them finacially and emotionally and sexually. They also festishise women who are insecure. High value men definitely prefer women who are secure in themselves.


"People are only offended by you setting boundaries if they were the ones benefiting from you having none." This was such an eyeopener for me.
Appealing to his shadow-self and being aware of both of our attachment styles helped me a lot. What you described in point number 3 could classify as anxious-preoccupied attachment.


This is so smart. I became my husband's cleaning lady, cook, &c. He takes me completely for granted. He doesn't notice the lovely meals I cook or how lovely our home is. I guess I have known this for a long time, but I am encouraged to change my pattern.
This woman is very intelligent.


Unfortunately, the man I was dating was trying really hard to make me jelous. When you are secure and confident, watch out, men are not used to that and they will try to stir you up. No reaction given of course, but I am turned off. A man is supposed to value a woman like this, not be threatened by her. Sad!


I couldn't do any of these when I was 16-17. I thought sacrificing yourself 100% was the description of love. I thought that acting like I deserve good things was narcissistic. I'm 19 now and the moment I realize I'm not cared about enough, I just run away. Those don't deserve me at all. And I deserve everything good, always.
