Why the New IFB is a Cult Part 3

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In this last video we look into the connection between the heresies nurtured and promoted by Jack Hyles as incorporated into the New IFB. The old IFB failed to nip the Hyles phenomena in the bud when they had the chance, and now the leaven has permeated the lump. It must be isolated, exposed, and avoided by those claiming to love Jesus Christ and believe the biblical gospel.

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I was a member a a few IFB churches. Your analysis is very good. Cult is a strong word. I struggled with calling them a cult & still do.
Psychologists would call these groups "high demand" groups. The effect is the same. I could talk to some former friends & use the term high demand without triggering anger by telling them they are in a cult. It may have helped . Most disregarded my opinion as a bitter back slidden christian. I am all to familiar with the practice.
I was browbeaten from the pulpit often for not being a good soul winner. Many wasted years. The final straw was another as subgroup of the IFB. Baptist Briders aka Landmark Baptists. Some IFB, worship the KJV. Others worship a preacher like Hyles. Briders worship the "true churches". The believe you can trace the true church back to the one Jesus started. If you are not in one of those true churches you won't be in the Bride of Christ. You will be saved but not at the marriage supper with Jesus.
This doctrine seemed strange but harmless at 1st. Then I saw what it does. You become arrogant & look down on all inferior churches. You refuse to fellowship with anyone outside the subgroup of Briders.
It full of nice folks that a just deceived just like I was. Sad


I call the Hyles satellite churches the "Jeckyll & Hyles" IFB, and yes, Hyles was the guiding spirit behind Steven Anderson and his 'jackboot Baptist' cult.


Thanks for the video commentaries you've been doing! The scope of the impact of Jack Hyles is fabulous to consider. I heard him preach in NC in 1998, his sermon was "Making God Your Slave"...


Thank you for your videos. I think these cults and such are the Lords judgement on our country.


Over here in Ohio specifically Mogadore OH there is a church with a graduate for HA and they hail Hyles as the great Dr....his extreme cult behaviour is still loud and strong
The other IFB's still push Hyles's dogma even if they don't outwardly admit it


Hey brother, I am enjoying your expose of the NIFB. It's rather strange as it sounds like you left the cult of Hyles, only to get caught up in the weeds of Calvinism. Are you a proper 5 point Calvinist, a compatiblist?
Can you clarify please?
Thanks, Ryan


Sad that you are so stuck on Dr Hyles as you were supposed to prove your point.


The first 2 videos gave NO proof of tge NIFB being a cult. This 3rd video, the evidence is their theology is the opposite of the typical reformed soteriology. The IFB & NIFB ARE very cultish and cult-like, but you gave no proof. SMH
