Transgender teacher upsets some parents in the South Bay | KTVU

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The union says the teacher has not veered away from approved curriculum and is being inclusive but some parents disagree.

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I disagree with the last lady who was interviewed and said “it was just a drawing”. I saw that poster - It has very advanced gender identity words like “ze” and “tree” in it. TK children are still learning basic language skills. Don’t confuse them. This is not helping them to learn, this is confusing them.


Children are not therapists. If you want to talk to someone about your mental health issues, seek out a professional.


Offer all parents an opportunity to switch their kid to another class/teacher. No questions asked. The issue would go away quickly.


I was in that meeting room. I was so shocked and disappointed by the manners of those teacher protestors. They made noises when parents spoke, and they laughed at parents whose English was not fluent. If I heard correctly they even said the words "bigot" and "fascist" to the parents' speakers. That hurted me so much.. As our children's teachers, they are supposed to teach our children to be respectful, no matter whether you agree or disagree. I am deeply worried about our children's education.


Sexuality and gender are not topics that should be discussed with/in front of children. It does not matter if you’re lgbtq or hetero, cis or transgender, it’s inappropriate period.


I'm sure is much more than some parents probably most parents.


Im moving out of California bro. Sh*ts getting weirder and weirder


As a trans person who is black, it seems as though we are expected to just going along with what everyone is saying. It’s usually our non black counterparts who are behind this agenda. I do not support them targeting children. Let kids be kids. If they are trans or lgbt, let them decide that on their own. This was unheard of during the 80s & 90s when I was a student. Oh how we’ve fallen as a civilized society. I would suggest parents take their children out of these schools if they are able to do so.


but kids are not allow to drive until 16.5 years old...


I m one of the parents. We raised concerns respectfully through the formal process to school and district, and immediately we are labeled as anti LGBtQ and all these people came to protest with CEA, which I don’t know who organized and for what. We are talking about gender identity, age appropriate TK age educations. We don’t anti any communities. 😢😢😢


Leave the kids alone! It is not okay for boys to wear a dress! Focus on math and english!


What parent wouldn’t be upset. These people do not truly care about children and are clearly showing that they do not have children’s best interests in mind. They do not care that they are spreading ideologies that are contributing to children becoming confused. Pull your children from the public school system and homeschool them if you can. I did.


When I here some dingbat say inclusivity, I think of Jules.
Ezekiel 25:17. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.


Multiple families reported that the teacher urged their boys to wear pretty dresses (not something for the boys to choose). Although most boys in the class say they don't want to, the teacher will encourage them in various ways. Quite a few kids have since unenrolled from CUSD or switched to a different school/TK classroom. This also happened last year without buzz though.
I found proof on internet with the teacher’s own words for such activism “boys can wear dresses” and the intent to bring it into the classroom. The teacher stated the mission as follows

“No matter what others say, all kids deserve to know the simple truth: boys can wear dresses.”

The teacher also clearly stated the intent to bring this into the classroom:

“This time the proceeds will be used to purchase LGBTQ-positive picture books for local classrooms.” “Let the kids in your world see that, contrary to the belief of some, boys CAN wear dresses.”

The teacher does not respect parental consent and student individual cultural background. Instead, the teacher forced the activism on innocent four year old boys. “Some parents got upset when I said "boys can wear dresses" to my TK-2nd grade art students”. “my students have a right to know the truth, so I've continued to ensure my pedagogy is gender inclusive regardless of the opinions of a few disgruntled community members.”

In summary, these are teacher’s own words of activism and intent to bring it into the classroom against parents’ and children’s will.

It was widely reported that the teacher had similar incidents with the previous employment at SJUSD where the teacher taught in TK-2nd art classes “boys can wear dresses” and was stopped by the school. The teacher sued SJUSD for discrimination but lost the case.


We had a highschool teacher who was transgender I dont agree with this. Leave our children out of ur confusion!!!! They want us to respect their wishes they need to respect ours!!!


but kids are not allow to drink unitl 21...


*lol this woke generation is ridiculous*


Gender discussion is such a mess already. Acceptance and tolerance should be the main lesson, but anything further should be expressed when they get older.


Amazing that we have to adjust our lives for .02% of the population.


Don't try to downplay the outrage. I would say 99% of the parents have an issue with this.
