CAN YOU BEAT Sonic 1 Without Pressing RIGHT OR LEFT?!

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Thanks for watching, I know you all wanted to see some more challenge videos so here it is :)

CAN YOU BEAT Sonic 1 Without Pressing RIGHT OR LEFT?!

In this video I try to do a challenge video to beat Sonic 1 without pressing right or left. It was very intense and fun. sonic challenge / can you beat / no jumping / no right or left / sonic the hedgehog / is it possible / no rings / challenge run / no coins

#BillehBawb #SonicTheHedgehog #Sonic
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Just some extra notes:
A lot of people seem to think that me using a rom hack is cheating somehow, and they want me to use the mobile port. Disregarding the fact that the hack was made by one of the developers of Sonic Mania AND one of the developers of the mobile port, using the mobile port would be less faithful to the original Sonic 1 than using the hack. The Sonic 1 & Knuckles hack still has all the original game code of Sonic 1 and still runs on the same sort of engine, so its the closest we can get to a legit knuckles in Sonic 1. The mobile version runs on a totally different engine, has different level layouts, and has slightly different physics, so really its more different to Sonic 1 than the hack I used. So that's why I decided to use the rom hack for this video.


Can you imagine getting all the way through Labyrinth Zone, beating the boss - and then accidentally gliding over the capsule? No turning around for you and you can't do the glide trick on the right side of the screen...


8:12 "You get the DRILL by now" Immediately followed by a Burrobot.


Someone in the chat: *Um, WhY iS kNucKleS iN tHe ThUmBnAil StUpId*
Me: *bruh*


everyone underestimating you man, they always say “yOu CaNt Do It iT bEcOmeS iMpOsSiBle HeRe” this must be their first time watching you lol


released 1 day after sonics birthday (nz timezones) interesting anniversary considering it involves knuckles lol


The wall in marble zone is probably why knuckles and tails are locked at the start of the mobile version, but once you get one you just skip marble zone.


This video is the same screen. I've watched it for 30 minutes


Sonic press right or left to lose is about to start soon.
Man knuckles must be chuckling at the fact that we have to wait a day for this to come out.


2:36 Time to get my parents credit card


Wow, was literally just watching through all of these kinds of videos!
Your voice has changed so much in a year


It's weird, but by spindashing and frame-perfect jumping, you can actually reverse direction in the tubes from scrap brain 2, but only the ones on the right. The ones on the left don't let you, for whatever reason, meaning the trick is still needed.


Damn, watching all of those close calls on the footage just give me anxiety


Fun fact: hitting Robotnik as he runs away is completely optional and serves no purpose whatsoever.



*_Lucky for us, Dimps is Weird_*

- BillehBawb, 2019, Sonic Advance Challenge


I wonder what an SRB2 without WASD run would look like... hmm. I'mma check that out after this video, will report here if i find anything interesting (such as a roadblock).
Update: This seemed like it would be easy at first but it is incredibly difficult, no matter what character you choose. Knuckles has precise movement, but due to the fact that climbing up walls require W, he loses the thing that made him really useful, and thus climbing onto walls is more of a detriment than an actual help. Tails loses most of his momentum in midair without any input, and thus is of little use climbing up large gaps, and Sonic is great for the thok, but is not great at basically anything else. Metal Sonic can only really move using the spindash, like tails, however the hover ability does not change directions with the camera, and is thus not useful. All in all, if it is possible, it's a real trial.
Also, my testing has only reached to greenflower 2 really, and mutiple springs with walls have barred my path. Might be possible to cheese them all with clever spindash momentum management but i have a feeling tails will be the only one able to go beyond the start of Techno Hill 1.
Another Update: You can get past the start of techno hill 1 with any character (with the spindash, fang and amy are useless at this challenge without it), although I do not know if it is possible to make it through Greenflower 2. This is kinda my personal log of this now, and i will keep all none of you reading this posted.


While I don't entirely understand how this challenge works (and feel free to explain it to me) this did not stop me from enjoying this video and I really do like how you do your commentary, and I hope you'll have a wonderful day today^^


Jumping is a option! (So is gliding too!)


In Final Zone, Robotnik spawns depending where Sonic (or in this case, Knuckles) it's looking, he always will be in the piston at your back


How do you make a video on Sonic 1 in 2020 that doesn't just say what's already said? God damn, you are some kind of miracle worker with this investigation.
