What a great teacher! Before, I barely knew what gua sha was, but after watching this video with such thorough explanations and excellent demonstrations, even I understand it now.
Mahn i really need this especially after that shoulder operation from 5 yrs ago..my head neck and shoulder has never been the same again
Best Gua Sha video I've watched so far
If you want someone over 55, an undisciplined Heyoka who physically carries unconscious trauma. ( diagnosed and medicated over 40;years)
I have offered my service as an sensitive to doctors but now I realize serving others means reaching out and collaboraing with healers like YOU!
nice video, informative and relaxing 👍
I'm going to do this to my husband when he has his days off (: 💕 he would love this !!
Great ability as instructing and marketing naturally...while priority is healing of another.
Would love to collaborate?
Ugh my neck is killing me. Near the occipital bone/base of the neck. I have a lot of tension there. I’d love for someone to do this to my neck. 😫
Instructor was the best but what about the legs treatment
use arnica gel it will help get rid of the dark marks faster
The experience shows. Pressure when using gua sha looks just right.
Why type of licensing or certification do you need to preform Gua Sha?
Bonjour le guasha peut il aider à donné de la graisse, car je suis maigre ?