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Welcome to ‘Healing From Within” I am your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit which shares stories of spiritual awakenings spiritual communication healing energies intuition and ways to understand your energetic and human aspects. Today we welcome Dr. Julia Mossbridge co-author with Theresa Cheung of The Premonition Code which addresses an unprecedented shift in scientific understanding of reality and the underlying potential for psychic and precognitive abilities that are within all of us.Listeners of “Healing From Within” have come to expect over the years that Sheryl and her guests share intimate experiences and insights into the world of mind body and spirit as they seek to understand the creative forces of life which influence our subconscious and conscious view of reality and the world. Beyond time and space, there is the eternal life force of soul and spirit. When we transcend the limitation to that thinking we know ourselves as energy beings having a physical life.In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Dr Mossbridge will share with us what precognition is and the different types, how to tell when premonition is a genuine precognition or just a coincidence, an overview of the science of time, scientifically validated evidence for precognition, including what is known, and what is still a mystery, and tools to help cultivate our own precognitive experiences.We begin by discussing that having a hunch that an old acquaintance will make contact, dreaming about a plane crash or feeling excited by a knowingness that you will win a raffle are all examples of premonitions, assuming the event you predicted does occur. Precognition is the scientific name for premonitions—precognition is the knowledge or perception of the future. Premonitions are common—precognitive dreams are by far the most reported psychic experience by Westerners with between 15-30 percent of people having experienced them. Premonitions may also occur in waking visions, auditory hallucinations, flashing thoughts entering the mind, a sense of knowing and physiological changes that portend future events.Originally premonitions were considered to be forewarnings of negative events. Now however people use the word to mean receiving any information about a future event positive or negative. Precognition is also a scientific name for a group of abilities that have to do with knowing or using information about the future without drawing on information from the five senses memory or logic. Premonitions are one of those abilities—a premonition is a feeling or sense about a future event. Clairvoyance seeing things in the present beyond the range of ordinary perception and psycho kinesis, changing or moving things in the physical world using only your mind, or telepathy, two minds sharing information are other psychic skills.Sheryl says, “ As a medium or clairvoyant I receive information for people so they can know themselves and understand the nature of both human and energetic life, but for our listeners to know, sometimes information comes in and doesn’t make much sense at that moment, so we simply dismiss it. Years ago, I was flying in from Toronto to New York City and it was a bright clear day. I could see the whole skyline. Suddenly a thought went through my head, “If a plane goes into the city, it will cause a lot of damage. I was distressed by that thought and a week later, the planes hit Twin Towers. Other psychics and mediums picked up similar premonitions but weren’t able to completely understand it. Some events it seems, as unfortunate as they are, must happen. Sometimes a premonition can be extremely helpful and at other times there is little that can change events which we deem to be dreadful.Precognitive events have shaped the lives of our authors and most of the case studies described in the book. In the book Julia tells the story of Theresa who co-authored this book with her. Theresa tells of a premonition in a dream that saved her lif...
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