The Science of Precognition with Dr. Julia Mossbridge

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Precognition is the scientific name for the knowledge or perception of the future, obtained through extrasensory means. Often called ‘premonition’, precognition is the most frequently reported of all extrasensory perception (ESP) experiences, occurring most often in dreams. It may also occur spontaneously in waking visions, auditory hallucinations, flashing thoughts entering the mind, the sense of “knowing” and physiological changes. Combining science and practice, Theresa and Dr Julia unravel the mystery of precognition. The book covers:

• What precognition is and the different types, clearly explaining the cutting-edge science, including what is known and what is still a mystery.
• A brief summary of cutting-edge time-related topics in physics, psychology and neuroscience.
• Experimental tools to help you cultivate and harness your precognitive experiences to help improve your career, relationships, financial situation and to serve humanity.
• Personal experiences of the authors, detailing how premonition has shaped their lives and interviews with leading scientists and experts in the field.
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Re: 45:20 — I’ve heard this before from other authors/thinkers. I think one of them was Alan Watts


i am prolifically precognitive(every night) i have satisfied the scientists of Edinburgh's a wonderful gift.


It seems more and more likely the universe is magnetic . I had a psychic lady who was amazing. She would always see which month I would see people. Sometimes predicted two months ahead. Not likely i d see them. No reason for seeing them, but she knew. She said you sense energy. I'm desperate to know how it works


Whats you take on hallucinations
(possibly psychosis) and its link to precognition? Ive had many visions into the future, ive never discussed them with anyone, because of the stigma of having a different mind & also because i dont really know what to call it. There are other abilities i can use on a day to day basis, but i can only tap into precognitive visions when i enter a state, poss hallucination, that is not a sleep or waking state, but one that i only witness, as if im seperate from my mind & body. I dont know the terms to use, i apologize, but i was wondering does any of this sound like something that you have heard of or that makes any kind of sense to you? Thank you.


I hate being alive at all levels.. and I’m pretty sure everyone else feels the same


When you buy a book do you want to know before you read it what happens? Do you want to change the script to coincide with your "happy" expectations?
No one would ever be able to produce a story that could surprise, delight, terrify; because we knew the script.
Seems like that's what it means to cultivate precognition in such a purposeful way; the desire to circumnavigate that which is seen as unpleasant. (I like the plan, but it doesn't seem to develop a meaningful story)


I'm at 53% after 17 sessions. C'mon, the water's fine! Challenge yourself!


Hey I have precognition and have practiced my gift, can I try to win that money


...and furthermore: What happens when your "precognition team" creates a solution to a problem that my "precogs" see as creating more new problems? In team is dedicated to preventing the implication of your "visionary solution."
Looks like we got the same old problem with a new twist:
We still won't agree upon our "vision" of anything. But...someone will want to get rid of the other, because they "saw" how much better the world would be without those "other" people. Lol


I NEVER work for money interests(corporations)... very negative.


Re: 45:20 — I’ve heard this before from other authors/thinkers. I think one of them was Alan Watts
