Seeking Hecate || The Witchcraft Goddess

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Hecate is the goddess of witches and a powerful deity. When I was first seeking Hecate I did spend a lot of time trying to force her to work with me in ways that were not pleasing to her, and for this I was sorely punished. Hecate is a loving and kind hearted goddess yet implacable and those seeking Hecate's secrets should tread carefully and approach with only true intent in their hearts. Her witchcraft is not the dark kind, but the loving and healing, the ancient wise woman of the village would have Hecate as her Goddess, and a great patron she would be.

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Hecate is my deity. I’ve evoked her to consecrate my wand. I’ve also invoked her on a money issue once. I lit a candle, dropped a few moonstone and amethyst crystals in the offering bowl, and focused my intention on the candle. The spell was “Queen of all witches, mother, maiden and crone, grant me money wherever I roam”. I chanted this 9 times. My room got really cold, I didn’t feel alone anymore and the candle went out by itself. And as that happened, both neighbors on each side of my house’s dogs and my dog all barked at the same time. The very next day, my money issue was solved. She’s very powerful to work with. I never have bad intentions, so I’ve never had issues working with her. She almost has “Mother” energy. It’s kind of calming yet intimidating if it’s the first time you work with her.


Hecate is the matron Goddess of my household. My husband and I called out to her as my daughter was not able to get pregnant, but desperately wanted a child. We made a spell doll, and a spell jar filled with intentions for my daughter. Low and behold a week later she calls us out of the blue that she was with child. Now I have a lovely granddaughter thanks to Hecate.


I am a firm devotee of Hekate, i have an altar dedicated to her in my home and make regular offerings to her.
She knows her own children and clearly communicates to her own. She is very much a mother figure to me, but not in a molly coddle kind of way. She is ruthless only to those who harm her children. But fairly chastises her own if we step out of line, to teach valuable lessons for spiritual growth.
In witchcraft, she is the magick, and if the intention is weak, she gives the boost, kind of like using a cheat mode on a game system lol.
She is the power of the spell when it is done in her name.
Great vid Ginny, have a blessed day ✌️


Hecate is my deity. When I evoked her for the 1st time I did hear howling dogs! She is very powerful. I evoke her for aid with protection, working with plant, tree and herb spirits and divination. An altar and offerings are welcomed and appreciated by her. I feel her presence strongly on the Dark moon.
Thank you honouring her in your video.


I don't worship any deities. I do honor Bast and Hecate. Coming from the overbearing Christian environment that I was raised in, I didn't actually believe in any real gods or goddesses, but respected the idea of what they represent. Over the past year, I am drawn to Bast. I now honor her and have an altar to her, with special things for her on it. I love spoiling my kitties in her name! I've been curious and felt a little drawn towards Hecate, and have been seeing things that remind me of her all the time. So I am starting to honor her as well.


I work with Hekate and do have an altar to her. She has been a very powerful presence guiding me through self-transformation, helping me in my shadow work, and getting rid of blockages that are keeping me from embracing my full power. She has also been a guiding light in pointing me towards other spirits and entities that can aid me in my journey. I am so grateful for her. I often invite her to send me signs and to leave messages through dreams in order to guide me. I use tarot to communicate with her and leave offerings for her when seeking her guidance. She is like a strict parent. She will point you in a direction but expects you to put in the work and be accountable. But, my journey with her has only just started.


Hekate is my main deity, but I'm very selective with what I call on Her for. I mostly call on Her for divination and the occasional protection ritual. I get the vibe She's a busy woman, and while She's more than happy to help and is very generous, I try not to bother Her with too much. She truly is an animal lover. I had a dog once, long black fur and the most beautiful brown eyes. When she passed, I asked Hekate to hold onto her spirit for me until my time comes. I could feel She was more than happy to do so. I don't currently have an altar set up specifically for Her, but that's mostly because I don't have many resources in my area to make one that I'd be satisfied with.


There is a three fold goddess in India too. Tulsi/Vrinda/Purnamasi she is omnipotent and the abode of power.


I have involved Hecate, and she seemed to be present. But she has never been my main goddess. The Morrigan is. I’ve had unbelievable stuff with Her. She seems to be present for those of us that need to stand up for ourselves.


She has guided me many times out of the darkness, she didn't make it easy but it was worth it and I am so much stronger for it, I'm alive me and my children 💜💜💜


✨️ Love your informative videos !💜I really don't use deities. I'm afraid of the repercussion. But I love learning about them.


Hecate has entered my life with a sudden and surprising bang. I can’t stop watching content on Her. I saw an orange super moon on 15th Nov, 2024 and on the next day, the sun whilst setting looked the same Color, similar to Hecate’s two torches. It has been a bit riveting, i have to admit. I am trying to understand what’s happening to me. I’ve had black dogs for most of my life. I like your energy. I think She guided me to you. Thank you.


Sometimes Hectate seeks us, I’ve done spell work and she shows up. I hear her show up with howls and barking dogs. Which has freaked me out, because I live where there’s no wolves or a bunch of dogs. It sounded like 20 dogs were running up my drive way. And it was Just my dog who was sound asleep next to me. So she picked me, I guess. And I’m thankful for her, but she can be fickle and demanding. She is intense and can flip your magic against you, so be careful, but she is the mother of witches.

All hail Hectate!! Mother of Dogs and Witches ❤🐶🧙‍♀️


Hecate has come sweeping into my life and guided me through changing my own life. I’ve grown more in the past two years than ever before. She has empowered me to create boundaries and follow my intuition. I’ve worked/worshiped a few deities/spirits in my day and Hecate is the most responsive and swift I’ve met. 😂 thank you for the video.


Hekate called out to me, and I confirmed it through my cards. I kept having dreams and hearing coyotes and her name showing up randomly in my head


I've been "honoring" (I feel that is a better term than "worshiping") Hekate since I was 18 and I've been through hell and back and each time I've come back smarter and stronger than I was before. I have dreams on the regular with different types of snakes, and sometimes (most of the time) they are EXTREMELY VIVID and I know it is a dream and I am aware that I am dreaming so I am sometimes frightened in my dreams because I have been raised to believe that snakes are evil. Which I know they are not. They are simply an animal that lives on this planet just as we do and we should show the same respect to them as we get. If not more as they are sacred to the Goddess Heckate.


It is so crazy you post this now. I literally decided Friday that I would learn more about hecate and devote my craft to her for right now because I felt her calling.


She is one of my go to spirits.
She, and currently 12 others regularly, I give tribute to and honor, talk with etc. from a single altar.

I have been giving each spirit their own dedicated space as I physically am able, but still mainly use my personal altar for everything.


What's a good way for a still somewhat new beginner to ask the goddess to come into my life blessed be to all


Wonderful video as always, Ginny! I worship the Gallo-Roman Diana, and I consider her a part of a triple goddess, one of her aspects being Hecate, so this was right up my alley 💜
