How To Hand Quilt

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This tutorial will demonstrate how simple hand quilting can be. We cover hand quilting supplies, how to pick thread color, knotting your thread, marking your quilt, sewing a simple running stitch, and then hiding your knot.

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Thanks for the info! I can’t wait to start. I’m turning 50-year-old NFL curtains into a quilt for my husband!


I loved your demo. I am a first time subscriber to your channel. I was Blessed with a Quilting frame on a rectangle stand. Some one from my church gave it to me for finishing a quilt his wife made for their Granddaughter. His wife was in the nursing home and wanted to give it to her Granddaughter before she passed. I was able to finish it for her and she gave it to her Granddaughter two weeks before she passed. Her Husband was so pleased with the work I did, he paid me for the work and gave me the quilting frame too. I was so surprised. He said his wife wanted me to have it because I had made it possible for her to give the quilt to her granddaughter while she was still with us. They were a lovely couple and it was my pleasure to do it for them. I didn't even want to get paid, but they insisted. And I was told when some one does something good for you never rob them from the Blessing in doing so. I will never for get her. And I feel Blessed in knowing her.


Time after time I return to your hand quilting video as a refresher. Thank you - your videos are clear and easy to follow. Keep making more helpful videos. I am 76 and never too old to learn!


Thankyou so much for this tutorial, after watching you I plucked up the courage to hand quilt a lap blanket I am working on, knots popping at both ends of the thread, it worked!!!! Lap quilt all quilted today now just to bind, that is my job for tomorrow. My beloved sewing machine is 20 yrs old and isn't happy quilting but I now love hand quilting thanks to you.
Many thanks from Bonnie Scotland


After leaving behind quilting for 11 years I am just getting back into it, Mar. '19. I remodeled a 1, 825 sq. ft. home all by myself: EVERYTHING from electrical, plumbing, ceramic, hardwood flooring, exterior siding, etc. Very detailed construction. Project completed Dec. '16. Now it is my time for sewing once again. I have been gathering information of all kinds to see what is new in the world of quilting. I discovered Thimblelady out of Australia and I am completely mesmerized by her products and tutorials. I figured if I could do construction I can change my sewing ways to be more effective with quilting with practice. New found information was provided me by watching this informative video. Pleasant, detailed, and instructive. TYVM


Ok, so you are absolutely adorable! I’ve been sewing for 55 years, quilting for 15. I absolutely hate (I know, strong word) hand sewing of any kind, but I love the homeliness of hand quilting. Stitching in the ditch first makes the hand stitching not so overwhelming. You my dear, will have me try it!❤️


I sewed a quilt some years ago and then never actually quilted it because I was so intimidated after watching a couple of videos. I just watched yours and got totally psyched to get started! Thanks for a great lesson!


I love that style! Well, who am I kidding. I love all hand quilting styles. I think because I spent my younger years adoring Amish and Appalachian quilts, I tend to strive for those teeny tiny stitches with the thin thread and the short little sharps. I remember one neighbor telling me about a quilt that she made which would’ve been the State Blue ribbon winner one year if she had kept her stitches to over 6 per. inch!

Still, one flannel quilt I made using pretty big stitches and embroidery floss, was one of my very favorite finished quilts.

I tend to use very large decorative stitches and thread in quilts with interesting fabrics, like flannel, satin, corduroy or velvet, and I tend to use small stitches and normal thin, white, thread with my cotton.

Like I said, I think the cotton ones seem to cry out for that Amish and Appalachian tradition to me.

Ahhh! I just love it all. ❤😂


Hello from Ontario, Canada. Doing chores "by hand" is part of my farm life and discovering how to hand quilt has been on my list of Things To Learn for a while. After doing a few searches online for hand quilting, your video "How To Hand Quilt" (Oct 28, 2018) peaked my interest so I grabbed a cup of tea and sat down to watch it. Girl, I am quite happy to have found you. You inspired me to jump into this new adventure giggling with excitement. Thank you so very much, I will definitely be following you on your website as well as on YouTube.


great video ! I'm French and I discovered quilting art yesterday in an American movie and I'm obsessed ! I'm going to start soon, thank you for your video and very useful explanations !


I did a hand quilt for the first time in 1996-1997, that was completed. I dedicated to my parents. I called it " A Parents Love." I began the quilt on July 1996 and finished on July 1997. That same year my father on September 17, 1997 passed of diabetes. I dedicated in his memory and although my mom at the time was living I decided to name this quilt "A Parents Love." The quilt measured 36x36. I know that in that quilt there are a lot of imperfections. However, life is about imperfections and we learn by the nurturing of our families. Above all GOD himself when we draw near to Him. I love quilting, my grandmother did a quilt while she was in a nursing home. She had given it to my mom and my mom passed down to me. I guess it got me interested into this lovely craft. Best of luck and thank you for a wonderful tutorial. Looking forward into see more tutorials on hand quilting. I sure like to polish my skills at this. GOD bless you and your cute dog...:)


I have watched numerous videos and your video has been the most helpful. You are very detailed with your instructions, and the camera position was spot on. Your voice and tone are very pleasant to listen to. I especially love that your work space is so immaculate. Please make more videos!


I've NEVER had a desire to quilt. You just changed my mind! I think I'll start with a pillow front and go from there!


Oh dear, this is sooo unique! I am an avid crocheter and NEVER quilted but has been yearning to do so for long. Time issues though. But this video is definitely an encouragement to do hand quilting.


Just wanted to thank you so much for your clear instructions in hand quilting, burying the knot, holding fabric in my lap to make stitches even, etc. So helpful, and I did it! Finished my granddaughter’s quilt in time for Valentine’s Day, and didn’t cry once. Hope you have your beautiful baby now and are safe and well!


It took me a while to figure out what that thing she used to mark her quilt was. It sounded like "hair marker" but it is actually a "hera marker" in case anyone is trying to find one. Loved the video, Suzy. Thanks!


This is a great how-to video. Thank you so much. I'm going to start a quilt this winter. I'm hoping to complete two by next winter for my grandchildren.


I found you on the RK calculator app of all places. This the first tutorial I watched and after 6+ years of thinking I would never tackle hand quilting, you’ve converted me.


Omg! So cute. Like Snow White lol. I have never quilted but my mom does great on sewing machine. I hate sewing machine. Can't wait to try hand quilting for my husband and kids. This was sooo helpful. Thank you so much.


I can't wait to watch this video but wanted to offer up a little tip on knowing where to look. I was at recording for the longest time from my cell phone so I started just adding a little piece of the sticky part of a post it note and popping it right above my camera lens. It worked wonderfully.

I can't WAIT to see this video! I used to LOVE watching my mom lap quilt as I was growing up and am just getting started in my machine quilting journey, also! Once I get used to all of the concepts using a machine, I am going to make my first lap sewn quilt.

Now back to regularly scheduled programming. HEHE!
