The Real Origins of the Philistines and Palestinians

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In this video Seth from the "World History by a Jew" YouTube Channel, takes us into the Bronze Age Collapse, the origin of Philistinians and Palestinians.

From archaeology, written history, DNA studies and etymologies he gives a broad and in-depth overview of the origin of Palestinians and the Philistines while dispelling many myths and misconceptions about these two subjects.

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As a Palestinian, I have family who are both Christian and Muslim. Our mix is a mess of Mediterranean Peoples, Arab Nomads and Religions. Actually, in the 21st century, it turns out we are HUMAN BEINGS just like everyone else. Who knew?


My friend who thought he was 100% Palestinian came up 97% Greek in a DNA test. Interestingly, I am Greek and had Egyptian, Turkish, and Jordanian in my DNA test and only came up like 30 % Greek when I’m supposedly 75%.


Ariella Oppenheim at the Hadassah Institute in Jerusalem has done a great deal of research on the DNA of the present dwellers in the Holy Land. Her findings confirm the fact that the Israelis and the Palestinians are the next of kin. This knowledge has been codified in a book "Brother Shall Not Lift Up Sword Against Brother" by Tsvi Jekhorin Misinai. I highly recommend it.


I hated Bible study as a kid, but this is fascinating!
Who knew that in order for me to enjoy learning about Bible stuff all you had to do was add an archeological aspect to the mix?


This is what I love: a historical perspective about Palestinians. No hate, not even in comments just historical information. Great! As a history teacher I highly recommend ❤


The fact is that saying "only a sling shot is a big misrepresentation as the slingshot is a deadly weapon and one doesn't need to get close to an opponent to kill them. They were widely used even by the persian army


I was amazed yesterday watching a documentary about the Middle East conflict on another channel. They had an interview with a modern Palestinian who was speaking (presumably) Arabic. What amazed me was that every time he said the word "Palestine" he pronounced it "Philistine"!!! This was a total moment of revelation for me - much like the day, long ago now, when I instantly realized in a sudden flash of insight that the famous "Cossacks" were actually "Kazakhs"!!


Thank you, Seth for this wonderful lesson!!! I love your programs & I’m sharing to my friends.


Wow! So much amazing historical, biblical, and genetic information to explain. I am 6 decades old, so do know some but your lecture, presentation, and facts truly clear up so much for me. This is just one segment of history but very important to understanding past and current events of the region and impact to the world. Thank you so much.


I would love to hear more about the mammuthunters on the Eurasien steppes, siberien tribes. Scandinavians, American Indiana the Tarim mumies, neanderthals and denisovans and dragonman, kalash people, yezidies in northern iraq ect, yuechi in china, yuzhi of the iriqois in southwestern usa


I love all the research & effort put into lecture . I don’t mind the Tennessee accent . I live in Tennessee born in Alabama .


Very insteresting lecture though it seemed to be a littel onesided more towards the Jews. My question is - If the Canaanites were a mix of Jews and Palestinians (those that curenty identify as Palestinians), and this has been proven with DNA results, why do the Jews claim they have alsolute rights over the land that was for hundreds of years called Palestine (according to your summary if I recall after the roman invasion). And if the people living there during the British mandate (all living peacefully at the time after the mandate was established) were a mix of Christian, Jews and Muslims, then, can it not be assumed that these people at the time of occupation were the inhabitants of the land of Palestine before the state of Israel was established. And before Palestine was officially recognised as a state - of sorts.

AT the time before the take over, the people of Palestine (be they jews, christians or arabs) considered themselves Palestinians and held Palestinian passports.
Could it not be assumed that these people were the inhabitants of Palestine at the time of the occupation by the Zionists.
All these original occupants of the area were kicked out of Palestine when the Zionists took over their land, homes, businesses, orchards etc in 1948. How can these Zionists claim the land is theirs if the origins of people (proven through DNA) first recored as the people living there, were in fact a mix of Jews, Christians and Muslims. What gives them the right to claim this land as theirs when it fact it already belonged to the people living there despite the fact that it had not officially been declared the state of Palestine.
Historically (as you said since the roman invasion) it had always been called Palestine. And other studies claim that the Jews at the time, even at the time of the occupation were only abut 2% of the population.
It appears to me from your video that the people who were living there before the occupation are the owners and original occupants of the land of Palestine. How can the Zionists in all consciouce move in and evict these people from their homes, their land, their orchards, their businesses and just take over the land like a cuckoo. If I took over your home what would you do? Fight back? Resist occupation? Try to get me out of your home?

I don't think this problem would even exist if the Jews that came to Palestine after the war had intermingled with the population, built their own homes, started their own business, etc without evicting the existing population.
Unforutnately it is now a war of politics and money. The gas fields of the Gaza strip that the Israelies want to control (and the US, plus wanting to control the middle east) and the colateral damage is the Palestinians. This debarkle may never have happened if the Zionists had not been so greedy to want their own racist state. And why Palestine. Why not somewhere in America? Why not somewhere where there were no other existing people?


Thank you for such a concise and well-illustrated lecture!
Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages never disappoints!


And Canaan saw the land of Lebanon to the river of Egypt, that it was very good, and he went not into the land of his inheritance to the west (that is to) the sea, and he dwelt in the land of Lebanon, eastward and westward from the border of Jordan and from the border of the sea. And Ham, his father, and Cush and Mizraim his brothers said unto him: 'Thou hast settled in a land which is not thine, and which did not fall to us by lot: do not do so; for if thou dost do so, thou and thy sons will fall in the land and (be) accursed through sedition; for by sedition ye have settled, and by sedition will thy children fall, and thou shalt be rooted out for ever. Dwell not in the dwelling of Shem; for to Shem and to his sons did it come by their lot. Cursed art thou, and cursed shalt thou be beyond all the sons of Noah, by the curse by which we bound ourselves by an oath in the presence of the holy judge, and in the presence of Noah our father.' But he did not hearken unto them, and dwelt in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of Egypt, he and his sons until this day. And for this reason that land is named Canaan.
—Jubilees 10:29-34


The 'Palestinians' and Jews ARE 1/2 brothers. Isaac and Ishmael.


What total fun! Students always dream of having a professor like this. Would want to go to his class 💯‼️


As a Lebanese person, what I understand from this video is that, if basing on solely ancestral and genetic claims, we Lebanese should invade and claim the land. Israel-Palestine conflict resolved.

Who knew.

Edit: And also I'm very inbred. Thanks for that.

Edit2: Nevermind, we're all inbred.


The Babylonians did not exile entire populations, only a minor fraction of them, such as artisans and nobility, this applies to both Jews and Philistines. Most of the original populations (add Canaanites and other cultures than were neither one) remained in place and were not displaced. Same way, only a fraction "returned" generations later. Both cultures changed drastically after the Babylonian conquest and then again after Geeks and Romans conquests, and of course Muslim/Arab. But again, no large movements of people, mainly conversions and mixing.
There was no mass exile after the Romans conquered Palestine, and other revolts (before and after C.E.) but significant massacres, conversions and mixing between Pagans, Jews, Christians, and Muslims and then the crusades and there were MULTIPLE religions with significant variations of Paganism, Judaism and Christianity. There were no massive movements of people, that were irrelevant compared to the number of converts, that constitute most (all) of Christians, Muslims AND Jews today. During Roman times there were more Jews OUTISDE of Palestine/Judea than in it and almost 100% of them were converts (everybody was a convert at one point or another) and not migrating Jews.
Problem with bias "history" is that it likes to twist or ignore facts as convenient to their narrative, and this video is just another sad example.


Viewing this great lecture 6 days into the Gaza vs Jewish state war.
Times do not change, just the weapons and ideologies...


Great lecture! Thank you! Very relevant for now . I don't know how i found you, but wish more people would!!!
