The Pagan Origins of Christianity

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Judaism, Christianity and Islam are typically grouped together under the same umbrella of “Abrahamic religion”. This video is going to show that far from being a religion in the monotheistic lineage of Abraham, Christianity in fact has its origin in pagan cults.

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When I was young below 10 years old, I have so many questions why Jesus become God because I'm lessening to my mother's story about the Bible and Jesus. My Mother can't answer it. Even my grandmother who were born again Christians can't give me the clear answer and saying Bible is holly that as a human we can't understand what was written. They all explained me about holly trinity. Until I landed in United Arab Emirates Year 2009 were I see how Muslims live and started to understand Islam. All my questions were clearly answered. Now I'm a Muslim praying to one and Only God Allah SWT


This is why as a Jew I am allowed to go into a mosque to pray but not a church. Church is idol worship pagan. Mosque is monotheistic therefore although the message is different we know it’s the same God in theory.


Alhamdulillah for tawhēd (oneness of God)


This was brilliant and sensational. An absolute masterpiece. As an ex Catholic and Ex Christain who understands Jewish history and familiar with Greek history this makes so much sense. Jews died for Monotheism for 100s and 100s and 100s of years and were oppressed for 100s more because they wouldn't align the Roman occupation and worship their God's... The Roman's used the prophet Isa(as) and turned him into God because it already aligned with their pagan practices. Strict followers of Monotheism (Jews and Muslims) have always been an oppressed people dating back 6 to 10 thousands years ago and the same is true today. Anyone who aligns with the 1 God, who doesn't associate partners, who knows God doesn't have children, wives, roommates etc, that God doesn't share his divinity to any of his creatures and that there is nothing comparable to him wins in this world and the next and we are willing to die for it. Literally everything else is nothing but conjecture.


I grew up as a Roman Catholic but I always saw Allah ( God). I remember praying directly to Allah when I was 14 for a whole month and my dua was answered in that time. My answered dua gave me many blessings.


Hello I used to be a Christian, but thank Allah I converted to Islam. Love your channel from brother Murad



0:25 Trinity

3:05 God-Man (Incarnation)

5:45 Death and Resurrection of Jesus

9:25 Life through Flesh and Blood

10:58 Symbol of Resurrection

12:30 How Paganism infiltrated Christianity

16:30 Purity of Islam


Paul preached “Paulitheism” and it is not the message of Christ peace be upon him


I’m a Christian and found this fascinating.


"Hamza's critical analysis of character of Prophet Mohammad" argument:

1. Was prophet Mohammad a liar?

=) Human beings lie due to their motives. If there is no motive why should a person lie. He was known as truthful and trustworthy before claiming prophethood. People used to keep their bailment with prophet Muhammad pbuh. Because they knew that this person will never cheat. When two tribes went in conflict, they used to call prophet for making a decision. What was the emergency to lie after spending 40 years of his life. Let us analyse all the possible motives.

Money: We know that prophet Mohammad pbuh was married to richest women in Mecca. After claiming prophethood, he became the poorest in the city. His wife Aisha RA narrates that for 40 days there would be no food to eat except dates.He was offered too much money and status by the pagans to stop preaching the message but he denied it by saying "Even if u keep sun in my one hand and the moon on the other, even then I won't stop preaching this message of truth" . And by the way inventing a religion is the last thing that a person will think to earn money🤑😂

Fame : fame without money and luxury is useless. After claiming to be a prophet, he and his companions had to face oppression and severe torture in Mecca. Due to which they had to migrate to Madinah. Even there they were attacked by the mushriks of Mecca several times. What kind of motive is that and why would a person spend his whole life to gain such a fame? 🙄

Women : Prophet got married first at the age of 25 with a widdow who was 15 years elder to him. All the marriages that he did were non virgins except one. He also commanded women to cover their body after maturity. Will a man with lust do that? Also he prohibited illegal sex. People believed he was a prophet and he could have easily allowed that. Creating a new religion for women is the last thing a person can do🤣

Here we exhaust all the major motives of Prophet being a liar.

2.Was prophet Muhammad crazy?

=) For a non Muslim's perspective this claim may have a stand. But being a Muslim I can only laugh at such a claim.
If this claim is true that means 120k companions was following a crazy man.
If this is true then 2 billion people on the earth are supporting a crazy man's theology. Can a crazy, illiterate man create a book which has no contradiction and errors in it, has grammatical miracles, has true prophesies, has guidence in every aspect of life such as family, governance, marriage, divorce, defence, morals and all the social issues u can think of . Answer is

3.Was prophet Muhammad deceived and misguided by Satan?

=) The only people who make this claim r the Christians. The first question you should ask to yourself is what is the need for Satan to come and miss guide people who were pagans and worshipping 360 idols? What need does the Satan faced to bring them to worship one true God?
The Christians at this moment claim that
satan wanted you not to believe in Jesus's divinity and sacrifice. But wait a moment, those pagan arabs did not believe in Jesus's divinity and sacrifice even before. And according to Jesus, Satan can't curse himself or can't destroy his kingdom. Every tym Muslims start to read the quran or starts a good action, it is recommended that he should take refuge from the acursed Satan.
I think Satan want u to curse jesus and Paul does that😇

4. After exhausting all the possibilities, we r left with him pbuh being truthful.


I had chills running down my spine when surah Ikhlaas was recited .


As a Christian watching this video was very interesting and insightful, it made me re assess many assumptions I had and increased my existing interesting in Islam. However, while I am a still a Christian and obviously disagree with him in certain ways and I don't think some of his language is the best for peaceful inter-religious dialogue, I can see his point of view and hope he continues with his channel. Mashallah


One of the reasons that makes me stick to Islam badly is the pure monotheism . Alhamdulilah for being Muslim . I tried several times to imagine that I am Christian and listen to their responses and try to make it pass through my mind and my heart but seriously I couldn't get over the fact that their doctrines are very weird and all pagan .
Something inside me still rejects their doctrines .


I thank Allah for guiding me and my mother to Islam 🥲.


Sikhism to Christianity to Islam 👍
Alhamdulillah Muslim 👍


These videos are free Iman boosts, jazakallahu khair for this


SubhanAllah so true. I was reading the Bible yesterday because I felt sad and missed my old life (asrifirgAllah, May Allah guide me and us all) and the first thing I read was about rituals of sacrafice to God. Burnt offerings and all this strange stuff. Sounded just like the pagan religions of Ancient Rome!! But when I was Christian we never heard of this from the Old Testament, only focusing on the New Testament and how Jesus “saved” us all. The old and New Testament are such different books that it’s obvious it was written for 2 different religions and a lot of it feels very pagan. May Allah strengthen us in our deen!


May Allah bless anyone who reads this comment and those who will not see this ❤💙


I smiled so wide when Surah Ikhlas was recited ❤️


Here before other Islamic platforms use this video
