10 Style MISTAKES You Should AVOID | Don't Make These Rookie Style Errors

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When it comes to improving your style, most advice requires you to buy something new or spend money on clothing alterations. You could call this additive advice. Buy those. Wear this. Spend more money of that.

Even if it's great advice, sometimes you just don't have the time or money to implement it. But what if there were ways to improve your style by avoiding certain mistakes (i.e. subtracting certain garments or behaviors)? Rather than buying a new piece of clothing, what if you simply avoided certain combinations?

Well, I have good news for you. There are ways to improve your style with minimal investment, and they're very easy to follow right now. Here are 10 style mistakes that every man should try to avoid.

#mensfashion #stylemistakes #dresswell

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I'm 5'6" with shoes on and about 123 lbs after dinner. I have a 34" chest; I usually wear XS tops and 28x28 pants (sometimes hemmed to 27").

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Have you seen guys making these mistakes? Let me know in the comments!


I wore white sport socks with tennis shoes while wearing a beige suit as a kid. I thought I looked like a million bucks back then.


1 wearing athletic socks, when not doing sport
2 wearing a backpack with dressy outfits
3 wearing casual pants with dress pants
4 wearing casual outerware with suits
5 wearing dress shirts untucked
6 wearing darks socks with light pants (or vice cersa)
7 wearing dress shoes with jeans
8 wearing boat shoes with dressy pants
9 wearing v neck sweaters with nothing under (breakable)
10 wearing casual watches with dressy outfits (breakable)


I'l just stop dressing all together and be done with it


I love wearing v-neck anything by itself. One of the many perks of going to the gym. Big tip for any fellow short guys out there, WORKOUT. It is much easier for short people to have the appearance of muscle growth due to our smaller frames.


Brock, you nailed it with these tips, I have seen men wearing these style mistakes for years and have even seen some of the YouTube men’s style guys stating that it is OK to wear these mistakes because that is their individual style. Keep these coming as your advice is not just for the vertically challenged. Would like to see more on clothing/styles for the heavier man. Thanks again. Louis USN(Ret).


I definitely like the simple problem/solution approach, specially when it doesn’t feel like the entire video was just an excuse to promote a sponsor. Kudos!


These rules make perfect sense! I've always worn black socks to be safe but I have sometimes let my dress shirt hang down at the end of the evening but never again! Thanks Modest Man


for me fit is most important. if you're gonna break any of the rules, fit will most often save the look. I sometimes break one rule with my outfit to pop it with a dash of quirkiness. fashion should be fun.


You are so photogenic in those pictures mate haha. I look like I'm photobombing my own selfies haha


Being from London, where many many men work in the mind numbing, soul destroying financial sector, men in suits with huge backpacks on is definitely a pet peeve of mine!


Whatever you wear, please just make sure it's clean and pressed. And shower. The world thanks you.


Being conscious of the rules makes a big difference. When you know you are being a bit daring and breaking a rule, it can be okay. It’s when you are NOT aware that you are making a faux pas, that’s when it gets embarrassing.


To add onto the wearing a backpack with a suit mistake, I've found that it also adds unnecessary wear and tear to the shoulder pads of you suit.
And let's be honest, do you really want to destroy an expensive suit jacket with a cheap nylon bag?


The boat shoes one drives me nuts too. #1 thing I see college guys do


I can agree on most of the tips, except the one where you said that really crazy socks are overkill. I personally have been wearing Happy Socks for 2 years now, because I like vibrant, funny colours and socks are a subtle way of making my outfit unique. Also, funny socks just make me feel good about myself and also, they have become my signature thing on my uni campus. The entire campus knows me as the guy with the funny socks, and I have gotten more compliments on my socks than anything else related to my appearance. Especially from the ladies, which can never be a bad thing.


Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate your efforts here. Many men got exactly no fashion advice from our fathers. I've always wondered why a few of my friends always seem so well put together and do well, even when the rest of us come up with the better ideas :) . I've been telling myself my whole life that fashion has no meaning. I'm beginning to come around.


Awesome video and I appreciate the tips!


Another great and super informative video... Thank you so much for your vids☺️💞👍🏼


Thank you so much for all this tips. Nice video!😀
