'My Auntie Died Of Alzheimer’s' 😱🤣 RICKY GERVAIS

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Ricky Gervais: Armageddon (2023) Netflix

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Alzheimers literally killed by the brain forgetting to do the stuff that keeps us going.


Forgetting to live is right. My mum is stopping eating and drinking. It’s a cruel illness for families to watch a loved ones mental capacity slowly deteriorate, the opposite to seeing a child progress.


Ricky is so bloody funny. Always a joy to watch him


Thanks Ricky.
That's what I say to people about my Mom's dementia.
"I think one day her body is just going to forget to work".
That said, she's basically a body right now, every now and then I make myself believe she's connecting with me...but I doubt she is.
So I whisper to her..."Mom, it's OK to forget"💜


Love this man irreverence, no boundaries, he shows that life is funny...we may not think it is BUT IT IS🎉


They most often die of pneumonia caused by inhaling food because of swallowing difficulties. Also poor nutrition and dehydration because of reduced intake. It's a heartbreaking process to have to watch in someone you love. However, Ricky is a funny guy and reminds us that finding humor in the face of tragedy can often make it less painful. Thank you Mr. Gervais.


Only RG can make laugh-out-loud jokes about sad stuff. He does it every time, without fail - genius!❤


I had two grandparents die of Alzheimer's/Dementia. Sucks to watch them decline. The line "She forgot how to live" made me laugh though.


"She forgot to live 🙄🙄" WHY IS THIS SO HILARIOUS


"She forgot to live." xD LMAO


My Grandma died from Alzheimers not long ago. So the joke was a little hard on me but everyone else loved it so keep it going. Amazingly funny man and I will probably chuckle at the joke in a few years.


My Great Grandmother suffered with this, we used to visit her some Saturdays in Liverpool. I didn't like it much, as it meant a long journey into a gloomy nursing home, spending time with someone who didn't know any of us. Bearing in mind I was only eight or nine at the time. the funniest time I do recall, was when My granddad offered her a cigarette. A lot of my relatives back then smoked like chimneys, including my Great Grandmother before she went into the home. My Granddad thinking she knew what to do turned his back for a moment, only for my Grandmother to scream "she's got it in her mouth!" Turns out, my poor Great Grandmother tried to eat it.


I had Christmas dinner with my Mother last week and she opened a jar of cranberry jelly...i looked at it and said it looks a bit dark, i tried a bit and though this doesn't taste right so we opened a different jar. In the morning i looked at the first jars eat by date....april 2017 so she had bought it for Christmas 2016😂😂😂😂
Current year 2023.


A lot of Alztheimer patients die of pneumonia.
Their body forgets how to swallow.
They inhale food and drinks into their lungs.
Pneumonia ensues.


Yes, basically. My grandpa forgot to eat and drink/didn't feel hunger anymore. It was a real struggle to keep him feed and since he didn't want to do a feeding tube...


Most people think that those with Alzheimers Disease forget what they had for breakfast. So, what's the big deal. No. In the advanced stages your body forgets to function properly. Your digestion, your heart, etc. until ihe body "forgets" to function altogether. We all need to find the humour in it to get through it.


I'm definitely stealing that alzheimers joke


They forget how to breathe, or the brain forgets how to make their heart pump.


I'm honestly not sure if my Grandpa had Alzheimers. Thinking back, he probably did, but I never asked anyone. It all happened very quickly in the end. He talked less and less, and when he did, it usually made no sense. In the end, he just made noises. Can't say for sure if he recognised you anymore, since he couldn't answer. Really, it was horrible to see him deteriorate like that. Don't want to imagine how it was for Grandma. Shortly before he died, it was determined that he had the intelligence of a 1 year old.
Awful way to go out, but I guess joking about it is better than being sad about it.


Husband has "A" doc said it kills the brain.Last night son was helping me get him to😮 bed, he asked, "where's the the girl who sleeps over there". Me..l'm standing right there. Also we make a path from the bed to the bathroom, doesn't really help. Recently he peed in a laundry basket of clean clothes, into the lid of a decorative tin. He talks to a the empty bed or a sweater laying over the arm of a chair.
