The Nihilistic Morality of Immanuel Kant

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“If man makes himself a worm he must not complain when he is trodden on.” ~Immanuel Kant


Perhaps you can find the source of a categorical imperative in the law of non-contradiction.

If the law of non-contradiction is not fullfilled, it doesn't matter what maxim you will say, someone else will nullify it.

Is coertion objectively moral or immoral? (since what matters is the coertion that sparkles from the beliefs people happen to think)

If it's moral, you'll exercise your coertion on me...but I will also exercise it on you, thus nullifying your right will...but you'll act the same: there's no ending, it doesn't work.

A) "It's wrong to eat dogs" = so governor 1 decides it's illegal to eat dogs, coertion is justified.
-A) "It's right to only eat dogs" = so governor 2 decides it's illegal to eat something that is not dogs, coertion is justified.
Who is right? Nobody. If coertion was right they would be both right to exercise it...but of course A and -A (opposite maxims) cannot be right at the same time.

The objectively right answer is the following: it's wrong to impose my will on others, as it's wrong for others to impose their will on me.

So is mandatory taxation right? No, because coertion is wrong.
People should be free to create a state, and apply taxation, but those who don't want to be taxed should be free to refuse, while not being entitled to the benefits the state guarantees. (but they won't be free to pursue criminal/coercive activities)

(coertion is not a mother forcing his son to eat vegetables: since the son is not independent, he has to respect the rules of the parents)
(prison for criminals is not coertion, it's self-defence)

I would never vote for someone who wants to abolish mandatory taxation, I accept it.
So the thing is that we have to recognize we live in a world that is not moral, and where different interests happen to prevail in places and times, and what we can do is just accept them or make the most to make our vision prevail.


*Ultimate goal and standard of moral value:* To be alive thanks to yourself and for yourself.
*Central Purpose:* Any goal that involves a long-term creation out there and tradable.
