Trying To Get Someone To See Something? Do THIS First!

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Teal Swan is a bestselling Author and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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My baba used to tell me that “you will go crazy trying to explain yourself to a person who is dedicated to misunderstanding you”


Their resistance is called cognitive dissonance.
Challenging someone's deeply held beliefs can make them very uncomfortable.
Their ego prevents them from seeing another point of view and being able to absorb new information.


It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they've been fooled..


My father is an absolute "denial state monster"
Its the worst possible version of deny EVERYTHING what you will say to him.
Even if you recitate his own thesis, which he proclaimed 1 minute before, he will deny his own beliefs, only because YOU said it.


People accept lies because it serves them. They can't receive truth in the face of the accepted lies.


The one option TS give is a positive way to deal with the interaction, but not the only one. There are lots of options. I use to tell my kids you have 4 options in every situation.
1. Accept the situation as it is, with you whole heart, mind and spirit, Nothing more or less.
2. Change your mental, emotional, and or ur ego's position of the situation.
3.Change the situation. Find common ground and work from there.- I think this is the base of TS 's statement.
4. Leave the situation. Especially if the other's view point is detrimental to your body mind or spirit.


In other words, I think, if someone doesn't want to hear or be helped, then listen to them.


Exactly. It's not actually about them, but ourselves. What feelings does their resistance stir up in us. Those are the feelings we are meant to process. I never tried to get people to understand very long because of their unintentional and intentional gaslighting. The lesson was do I love and respect myself enough not to waste my energy on these people who don't care enough to want to understand and who are too afraid to understand. If you're fighting for approval, you're still holding them higher than yourself and giving yourself and your life up for your illusion; the illusion that they care. It's a wasted life to spend it trying to prove yourself. Disregard their facade and continue with your dreams and goals.💜


Yeah. Took 5 years. My ex saying so smoothly, “ I don’t have a problem, you do”. Don’t know why it took years of my denial to be broken by the clarity of that one sentence from him to open my eyes. You can not help an alcoholic/ drug addict when they don’t think they have a problem. No jail time, highs that lead to physical harm to, loss of jobs, and money could make him see it.


It is called willful ignorance and the best thing to do is walk away if that is an option.


I usually ask for their take on things so that I can understand their view, because sometimes, seeing their view of things opens my eyes and dealing with a problem can then be done in a more fair way. Winning an argument is not the issue. Winning the person is my goal.


It's like trying to convince your parent that they did a lot of things wrong and all they do is deny and gaslight you because the truth is too much for them to bare.


The old saying was, “No amount of explanation will do to those who refuse to listen.” - she shared differently, yet same message over and over again. 👍🏻


They didn’t respect me and our goals did not align. I love this perspective.


I came to this realisation many years ago. One nickname I have for it is being "hard of listening". It's the ego filtering out information that people aren't ready to process. You can go through all the details, but their eyes will gloss over, and they won't hear a word of it. Psychologists tend to refer to it as being in "a state of denial", it's something that just about every person does in relation to one issue or another in their lives, because it's something they're not able to psychologically process at that point in their lives.


In the context of awakenings and religion... rest assured you need to do nothing but BE the light. Thats it. No acceptance of something, no tricks, no strings, no preaching... just BE the LIGHT in the darkness. "I know how I serve in truth."


I live with somebody like this, it’s because that’s how he controls things. He just plays dumb. I believe he knows exactly what he’s doing.


I’m having this issue right now with my MIL. She refuses to see that my intermittent fasting and keto lifestyle is a beneficial thing to my mind, body, and soul. No matter how many times I point out to her THIS benefit or THAT benefit. It goes in one ear and out the other. She says I just worry about you which is appreciated but still very frustrating. I’m to the point now to where I just nod and let her talk and I just give up. She refuses to believe me. I’m not trying to talk get into living this way but I’m trying to get her to see how happy and healthy I am! Physically she can see I’m in shape but she has no idea what’s going on inside my body. My mitochondria, cognitive function, anti-aging, disease fighting body is in power mode right now! I’ll just live my best self. It’s all I can do at this point. 🤷‍♀️


You can only work on the level of the person's perspective. So true.


I’m glad to hear this. I’ve been trying for years to convince my wife what a great catch I was but she ain’t seein it.
