Overview new features 3ds Max 2021
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We have 3ds max 2021 with us! Lots of new features!
I will cover some of the new OSL nodes, together with QT interfaces, Physical material enhancements, Important improvements on viewport like the new AO, improvements on IBL from skylights. Material nodes can be selected now with a single click instead of double click.
Mikkt display on viewport, baking and rendering!
Also we had improvements on modeling: Weighted normals, Explicit Normals preservation across several modifiers (that I dont cover on this video), and yeah, lets not forget our beloved chamfer improvements! Now also available from edit poly.
On the rendering side we had Arnold as default, as well Physical material as default, Arnold had multiple updates, and the star is the new Baketotexture, basically a total new interface done from zero to replace the old rendertotexture, compatible with Arnold and any third renderer.
I didnt cover incorporation of Python 3, because is not very "visual" to showcase, but a lot of work has been added in to it.
Other than that multiple improvements on performance on multiple areas.
And.... Dont forget the new web installer (way faster than before), with more options to install, max will open faster.... and there is no SDK break with 2020, so all your plugins from 2020 will work in 2021.
Models are free to download from sketchfab from different artists: