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It's a senior year graduation project for my bachelor studies, so please show it some love!
Heya, I don't really address it in the video, but they diagnosed me with Hodgkin Lymphoma stage 2B with risk factors, only to call me a week later to tell me that the cancer is actually a lot more aggressive than they initially thought. So I am just waiting out for the chemo to work or not and see what my next PET-scan will tell me in 2 months. Cancer stage remains uncertain.

Thanks again for supporting and reaching out! Much love xo
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PREVIOUS: ‘LIFE UPDATE: Diagnosed With Cancer’

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xo Romee Dussenbroek
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I have my own website: ! Here you can find a forum to connect with each other. You can start a conversation about your cancer journey or a cancer journey you have been watching from the sideline. Or just talk about your bucketlist/travel plans/passed travel experiences. It's a community for all! See you there! (it's also a school project of mine for my senior year, so please check it out!)


My mom had stage 4 colon cancer with a 0-5% chance of survival. She is now 12 years cancer-free even after a reoccurrence. Keep fighting. Don't listen to statistics. There are always outliers and miracles and you can be one of them.


A friend of mine had this in her twenties - she is now 70.


My dad had stage 4 Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. The doctors told him to not even harvest his sperm and that he would likely not survive. My dad beat cancer and him harvesting his sperm is the reason I'm here today along with my brother! I'm praying for you. God will be with you every step of this journey <3


My dad was diagnosed with Hodgkins in 1962. Back then, it was a death sentence, 100% mortality rate. Now it's one of the most curable types of cancer.


As an oncologist it breaks my heart to hear your story, especially at this early age, i really sending you all the best thought, i am 100% you will manage it, you are very strong, praying for you.


I randomly got recommended this video. I don't know you, but I'm rooting for you. I'm not religious, but I pray for you and your health and that this world is gentle to you.


You are stronger than you think. Stay strong. My wife was diagnose with breast cancer 3 years ago at age 43. She went thru all the chemo sessions, total hair loss and had double mastectomy. She went without a wig. Only weared a beanie. She was in remission for 2 and a half years and then the cancer returned in May this year. This time it manifested as bone cancer. She is getting chemo again since diagnosed in May, every two weeks. She is the strongest woman I've ever seen and I still love her to bits. Looks like we're beating it again as the cancer marker count is going down, currently at 9.2. Put up a fight and beat it!


I just finished chemo for non Hodgkin’s lymphoma I am cancer free hope to stay that way I was stage 4 keep the faith you got this


Hey doll, as a cancer survivor I can tell you the loss of my hair was super traumatic. But, the loss was also the one thing I could control while everything else was falling apart! After my first chemo I had a fried who does hair replacement of all things put my long hair in small pony tails. Once I had all of these in we began to shave them off one by one! I can tell you I cried thru the whole thing! We then put them in a large envelope and donated them to an organization call children with hair loss. They make wigs for children with multi issues and they do it for free! Although it was super tough it made me feel better about this loss. I didn't have her take it totally off, but as it started to fall out I them looked like I had mange, lol. So, if ever have to do it again I will shave it totally off! With the chemo your scalp becomes very tender. I to had five chemos with each treatment, 21 days apart and it was rough! I won't tell you anything that isn't true! I can tell you to eat anytime you can for the strength. I went the night before for a nice stake. Not sure it helped, but I could taste it when everything else was like eating dirt or metal. Also, Ice cream was my friend, lol! You hang in there! Be around positive people! I also had one day each week where I didn't talk about the C word at all! I tried to get out and that day to do things that were fun and something I enjoyed. I also had 38 rounds of rads. If you burn there is an over the counter product called domboro and it was my life saving product! But, also ask your docs before using! Its a powder you put in water, dip a clean cloth and place on the burns! The pain your having could be from the shot they give you to keep up your counts. If so, make sure your taking an allergy medication it does help with that bone ache! You hang in there and sending you loads of prayers and love from Oklahoma !


My best friend's son was diagnosed at age 16 with your type of cancer. He fought it and WON. He even has a little boy now. HE is 26. Yes, you WILL WIN! Keep up the great outlook and you are surrounded with a lot of people who LOVE and CARE about you. God Bless Beautiful.


You don’t sound stupid at all. You are courageous. You are stronger than you think. This is a journey you’re on. I was diagnosed in 2010 with cancer. Just remember to rest when you feel the need to rest. And let people help you. I lost my hair too. But, it’s ok, it grows back and it will be cold so everyone will be wearing hats. :) You are an encouragement to many who watch your videos and you may not realize it. Praying for you!!


Work in radiology in the US, if you have any questions that you don't feel like your doctor's explained well enough for you don't hesitate to ask. I look forward to updates when you feel well enough to get them, hoping for your rapid healing, hang in there, know you're not alone. You're stronger than most, just try to keep pushing forward, and no we are here to help you in your journey.


My younger brother had Hodgkin's lymphoma when he was about 19 years old and he is 7 years remission and has been married since, became a police officer and ran the NYC marathon last year. He is healthy happy and blessed today, just as you will be . God bless, stay positive, and I wish you all well being and healing and love. Your a beautiful kid, and you will be when you lose your hair . Beauty comes from the inside . God bless you


Omgggg my first day of chemo was oct.7th, girl I love you were on the same track that makes me feel like holding your hand and fighting with you !!


I had stage 4B Hodgkins Lymphoma, got 3 months of AVBD. That enlarged my heart so I had to stop, so I got a BMT to finish the treatment. (I would ask for that vs radiation)
I was 21/22 yrs old through this.
Currently 34 yrs old, have a 7 yr old son naturally (couldn't afford frozen eggs)
and I am healthy since! Been in remission 10 yrs.
Be strong and POSITIVE, that makes such a difference.

Wigs SUCK!! I never wore one. Man you have a chance to be bald, LUCKYYYY! Embrace it ♡♡♡

You'll do 👍 👌 ♡


A cancer diagnosis is never a good thing, but there's a bright side in that Hodgkins is SO treatable with a very high cure rate. You have a bit of a fight ahead of you, and it won't be pleasant, but you are going to be just fine. You've got this! 💗


My friend had Cemo, her hair fell off and the hair she got after was an darker colour and the most beautiful locks. I hope you feel better 💕


You got this! I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma when I was 20 years old. I was 3 months pregnant at the time which complicated the treatment a lot. I received ABVD for 6 months during my pregnancy. My hair thinned a bit but never fell out enough that anyone noticed. Everyone’s body will react differently. I’m now 40 years old and my son is 19. Stay strong and stay positive!


You can do this! I had Hodgkin's lymphoma stage 2B, with chemo and radiotherapy as treatments. It is a bumpy ride, but there is an end to it. I chose not to wear wigs, it just did not feel like me. Instead I bought a bunch of funny caps and had fun with them. I had really supportive colleagues, and I chose to work partly, according to how my own health allowed me to. It was a way to have some kind of normal life and not be a cancer patient all the time. So hugs and good luck, take it one day at a time <3! Be kind to yourself, let it take the time needed to get a grip on everything that is happening.
