Gallbladder Flush - The true science behind the myth

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Dr. Klaper explores the truth about how the gallbladder functions, how gallstones form and what actually happens during a 'gallbladder flush'. He offers the true science behind this misunderstood topic mixed with his sense of humor. If you learned something from this video consider watching the entire full-length version of “Sense and Nonsense in Nutrition".

Running Time: 89 minutes

Dr. Klaper explores some of the most commonly held beliefs and myths about nutrition in this 89-minute illustrated video, "Sense and Nonsense in Nutrition." He provides common-sense analysis and detailed advice on frequently misunderstood topics, including: gallbladder flushes, colonic irrigation, probiotics, olive oil, chocolate, dairy, fat burning pills, sugar, multi-vitamins, low carb diets, coffee, and more.

1. Gallbladder flushes
2. Leaky Gut - Problems & solutions
3. Probiotics
4. Does cooking kill enzymes in food? A scientific look
5. Assorted Topics - Dairy, olive oil, coffee, red wine, chocolate
6. Colonic Irrigations


Dr. Michael Klaper is a gifted clinician, internationally-recognized teacher, and sought-after speaker on diet and health. He resolutely believes that proper nutrition — through a whole-food, plant-based diet — and a balanced lifestyle are essential for health.



This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Klaper nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, exercise or other lifestyle program.
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Forty years ago, my mother was in such extreme pain with gall stones, she had to hold onto the walls in order to walk. At the ER, they wanted to do immediate gall bladder surgery. She declined, and went home to do the gall bladder flush (minus the Epsom salts). The nurses laughed at her, and told her drinking olive oil would only increase her pain. She did the flush, beginning with a few days of drinking apple juice, then drank 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1 pint of olive oil. The next morning, she passed hundreds of "soap" stones, and never had another gall stone of any other trouble with her gallbladder for her rest of her life. She died at the age of 92.


I am a medical doctor and three years back on ultra sonography Gall bladder was full of gall stones with all symptoms, I had flush with olive oil + Epsum salt and I flushed hundreds of various colored stones, I repeated this procedure after 20 days, again and again and after that ultrasound my gall bladder was empty. Now once a year I repeat it and i am symptoms free


Sorry but I had an ultrasound and my gallbladder was completely impacted. Did the flush and almost completely emptied GB according to another ultrasound done afterwards. So this is bunk


To anyone reading this, please do it.
I was taking tudca, malic acid to thin my bile sludge for almost 3weeks before I did this procedure.i was scared cause this doctor made me scared.i was having gallbladder attack every time I ate fatty meal, severe back pain and also chest pain, stiff neck very nasty pain.i was never a healthy eater so it made sense why I would have those symptoms and plus i had leaky gut due to sibo (small bacteria overgrowth )bile and stomach have a good partner connection.if you have sufficient bile flow, it acts as a detergent to kill bacteria and also lubricate the intestinal so you won’t have constipation.the longer your constipation the more bloating you get cause the bad bacteria are fermenting the food you eat.i didn’t start have gallbladder attacks unit I had h pylori infection and start eating healthy saturated fats like olive oil and lots of avocados.but long story short my liver and gallbladder seemed to have blocked, it would swoll up every time I eat and made me uncomfortable.i did the liver and gallbladder flushed when I couldn’t bear it no more, when I tell you I felt relief like never before from my severe back pain, stiff neck and my eye lids that also swoll up too and blood shot eyes.there video of dr bergs trying to somewhat bash this process but he made me understand something, he said those green balls are literally bile that over time become solid stone aka gallstones.when he said that it made sense to me that this procedure thus literally activates the gallbladder to push the stones out.

Now the real science behind the procedure which this doctor didn’t talk about

For 6 days straight your are to drink 32oz of apples juice or tart cherry a day for 6 days
The active ingredient in these juice is malic acid.I couldn’t tolerate sugar so I got the malic acid powder it self(dr bergs did give benefit of malic acid which is he said was also good for thinning bile.on top of that it in apple cider vinegar which he recommends a lot.i took that plus tudca which is a bile salt use for desolving bile sludge(pre gallstones)
The epson salt is to help relax the bile duct thus improving it elasticity(expansion) and also acts as a laxative to help you poop the sludge or stone out.

The olive oil triggers the gallbladder to push out bile as this doctor joked about.

On the day of the flush

I didn’t eat till 11am and my last meal was 1pm, you shouldn’t eat anything after 2pm

At 2pm I mixed 4 tablespoons of edible epson salt in 16oz bottle water each. Please make sure it a consumable epson salt for constipation use.

I drank the 16oz mixture at 6pm and the next one at 8pm

And at 10pm I drank a mixture of 120ml olive oil and one and half grape juice.(actual grape fruit)

The grape juice was to make the olive oil taste pleasant cause yaukkk it tastes funny by itself.

I laid down quickly as they said on multiple research videos and few minutes later I started feeling movement like I did when I normally had gallbladder attacks but there was no pain this time.

Not going to lie I was paranoid could barely sleep cause I have insomnia to begin with but when I Finally woke up all hell broke lose, my anus couldn’t close to save my life 😂😂😂.I popped every thing I ate in the previous morning and afternoon.i didn’t see any stone and got more paranoid.i flushed and went back to sleep, few minutes later my anus couldn’t close to save my life again🤣🤣🤣 i rush to the toilet, when i tell you i was disgusted 🤢 of what came out next 🤣🤣 it was disgusting 🤣🤣 a mixture of yellow and green stone balls like shape some big some small.i was shitting bile stones all day.

I felt some much relief that evening I had to eat some avocado to see if would tigger the gallbladder at that time I think the epson salt had lost it effect in the bile duct dilation and was feeling more stone still going out my gallbladder.

Can wait for two more weeks to do it again.

Before I do it again I’m taking more malic acid, tudca and milk thistle and ox bile to improve bile production.I currently do not feel any pain when I eat avocados, but some people do this procedure to the point nothing come out anymore which means they push all their sludge or stones out.

Dr bergs did say something like make sure to improve your probiotics intake cause through the diarrhea process you gonna lose some of your good bacteria and also electrolytes and also start taking stuff to help replenish the bile you’ve lost during the procedure.

Update be you start the flush, because prestones moved from their original position while preforming the flush.if the epson salt dilating effect worns out while the gallbladder is still trying to push stone through the ducts it can be uncomfortable if you can’t bear pain.found out the hard way.i was suppose to wait another two weeks before doing a next flush but the pain got worse had to do it again the Friday after the first Friday.
The prestone sizes that came out during the second flush were “scary big” way bigger than the first flush.
1st were small but in many quantities
2nd were big and not so many.

I guess because the big one settle at the bottom of the gallbladder so the smalls came out first.

But 4week after the second flush I feel so much better like I don’t need to do it again cause I don’t have attacks or back pain when I eat hella olive oil food or avocados.but I still take Tudca and ox bile everyday on empty stomach.

Some people say they do it up to 8time before getting the ultimate result.


We have Gallbladders for a reason and they are NOT meant to be removed from the body...


The first time I did a liver/gallbladder flush, my appetite increased and I was able to eat anything in big quantities. Before that I couldn't eat most foods and there were some particular dishes like lentils or barley that only a tablespoon of that would bring me in an 8 hour gallbladder attack. But after the flush I can have a whole dish of those foods and nothing bad happens. Also my energy increased some. I have done 10 flushes so far and I have learned a lot. Do your own research and experimentations. This is YOUR body, YOU experiment and learn from it, be brave. Your body will always care for your life and wellbeing. It isn't broken, it won't get revenge of you or attack you (as so many doctors say). The only reason for disease is that you didn't care of it as should and this happens not for revenge but as a means to save you using the least possible harm according to the circumstances that you gave it. Learn how to help it and it will help you, that's it's job. If you give your energy to someone else, they'll do what they know. If you give it to your body it will do everything for you.


I declined the surgery to remove my gallbladder 2 years ago. I started doing the flushes regularly and released thousands of various size and colour stones. I repeated this every 4 weeks until I no longer had any more stones. So if Dr. Klapers’s explanation was correct why my last 2 flushes did not create any more stones. I have no more pain and I actually don’t get any more cold or flu and feel much healthier. When I was in the hospital all the doctors and radiologists were so confident that there is no way the gallstones can be flushed naturally and were laughing at the idea. I don’t believe that they were bad and evil people; they just didn’t know because they were trained by the corrupt medical education system.


Easy scientific test any doctor could do to validate or not the flush instead of giving their opinion:
1 - ultrassound before flush
2 - perform the flush
3 - ultrassound after flush


You are wrong! I had gallstone pains and did the flush several times and all the pain were gone for a few years. I developed new gallstones, had the pains again (after consuming any fat except coconut oil), did the flush again the pains were gone.
Couple of things you don't know:
1) one week before the flush we consume apple juice, which has melic acid which softens the gallstones. (BTW, not all gallstones are crystallized. You seem to be too ignorant on the topic).
2) 2 cups of Epsom salt solution is drunk on the night of flush which relaxes the bile ducts so the gallstones can pass through with absolutely no pain. (Espsom salt solution is also very helpful to relieve gallstones' attack pain in general for the same reason).


Dear Doctor Klapper, I have agreed with just about everything you have ever said, until now. 32 years ago I had my first gallbladder attack and was told to see a surgeon. Fortunately I found an old book on flushing and the pain went away overnight. If there is nothing to this, *_why didn't you address the fact that people are receiving immediate pain relief_* ? including several people in this comment section. I have flushed my "soft stones out many times over the last 32 years. It is not pleasant to drink oil so I usually put it off till the pain gets too bad. I've done it so many times that I can't stand olive oil anymore and switched to safflower oil. The "stones" are still green, not from green olive oil but because bile is green.  
Starting around 6:PM after having nothing beyond breakfast, I drink a pint, about 3 tablespoons every 10 minutes with a half a teaspoon of lemon juice which is just used to make drinking all that oil easier. That's it, none of the other protocol. the next morning, bile green, "soft stones" between 1/8th inch to 1/4 inch are in the toilet, AND THE PAIN IS GONE! Inevitably I gradually eat too many chips and things and have to do the flush again, averaging about once a year or two.


I have done approx 20 liver cleanses since year 2000. The first few cleanses produced hundreds of stones, the latter ones not so many, maybe half a dozen or so. As I remember Andreas Moritz said the malic acid in apple juice soften the stones then the epsom salts hold the bile ducts open so the stones can pass through easily. A common benefit from the cleanses seems to be when people reach their 60s 70s they don't need reading glasses. I am 61 and my near sight is perfect.


Surgeons don't want you to do this if it works! It's not about helping people. It's all about money!


I can only relate my own experience with Gallstones .
About 16 years ago when I was 60 - I had a seriously bad episode
with a blocked Gallbladder .
Everyone told me to get my Gallbladder removed by a Surgeon ..
I am very sceptical about modern medicine - so at that time -
I decided to do a Gallbladder Flush myself .
The whole protocol lasted 7 days - with the Final Day given over to the
actual Cleanse . I did not know what to expect - but over the following 24 Hrs
I had approx 10 bowel movements - and what came out of my body
can only be described as incredible.
Hundreds of small green pea like stones, many hundreds of smaller rice - sized stones,
-- THREE LIVER FLUKES - and lots of sludge like material .
I separated the stones & had them in a jar & showed them to anyone who was interested.
Most people thought I was joking them - only a few believed me .
The smell from these stones was diabolical .
My discomfort & pain was instantly gone & I never looked back .
( I believe drinking the 1.5 litres of Apple Juice every day for the 6 days in
preparation - was the key to the success of my Cleanse . )


I was about to get this surgery about 3 days ago after 12 hrs of thee most horrific pain I've ever lived through, did half cup of olive oil & half cup lemon juice. Laid on my right side. Thx God Almighty i didn't need the surgery and kept my bladder, im recovering now.🙏


20-30% of people have gallstones and experience symptoms. Imagine if all these people started doing flushes and stopped getting surgery. What a huge market loss!! That's the
reason you almost never see doctors or medical site's agree on gallbladder and liver flush


Did the 7 days liquid fast and did the flush, never felt better. Surgeons just cant wait to cut us up. Gall bladder is an important organ


This is the best gaslighting video I've ever seen in my life.


That’s funny. On my last such cleanse 3 weeks ago, I happened to be doing other treatments during the days of preparation(malic acid, not apple juice, to avoid sugar) - other treatments were with heat pad and drinking lots of hot water.during the day. My stones started moving out the day before I had the half a cup of olive oil with grapefruit juice. According to this doctor’s logic, I had not yet taken the ingredients to form them stones, and they magically materialized in anticipation 😅


Doctors are not in the business of prescribing herbal, natural and other non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical solutions for health issues. I had symptoms of gallbladder problems for 3 years and finally tried an olive -oil flush along with NAC and milk thistle, ox bile and digestive enzymes.n. This is the third day for me on this protocol. I woke up this morning still with a twinge in the upper right under my rib cage and around my right shoulder, but around noon all the pain was gone. If I had complained to a Dr. about this, they would have wanted to do surgery and completely dismissed any alternatives. Hospitals are not the safest places in the world. Bad things happen in hospitals. Medicine is a business, and your health and wellness is not a priority for them.


I did the gallstone flush multiple times using the Andreas Moritz method, and each time there were less. It would be the same amount each time if this video was actually true.
