How “Perfect” is Perfect Pitch?

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In this episode I sat down with my friend Pierre Piscitelli to ask him how he developed his insane perfect pitch.

If you want to learn how to develop your ear, check out my 👂 Ear Training Program

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This video should be called "Rick tortures a guy with perfect pitch for 8 minutes straight"


You speak a language I don't understand but my dad was a jazz pianist and I recognise the sounds. Grew up to him practising, composing and doing orgistrations. Miss him now.


Perfect pitch definitely makes transcribing for piano easier! I love the complex jazz chords here. I can figure them out if I take the time. I’m sure I’d recognise them faster if they were more common in the music I listened to.

They don’t come up that often for me, but it’s kinda fun to work them out because they’re outside my usual comfort zone. Great vid, Rick!


Pierre is one of my oldest and dearest friends. He is an exceptionally talented musician and a great person. It warms my heart to see him getting the recognition he deserves.


rick you are a freaking jewel. this is why you are unique and so loved. thank you for everything


Holy poly-chords! Crazy to see/ hear this guy. Would be so cool to see a scan of his brain during this session. (Music therapy nerd here) As always, thank you @RickBeato!


Love the excitement in Pierre. He seems to be having so much fun. Great video, Rick!


4:47 is perfect explanation summary for what Perfect Pitch is and how people who have it understand it.


Ive always been musically inclined. I play but always play by ear and ive always had the ability to pkay what i hear or imagine. This video made me realize i can see the sounds and intervals that Pierre was trying to replicate. For me its not just replicating the intervals but breaking down the texture of the chord that i see in my mind. I dont play jazz but hearing the chords Rick was playing made me realize how rich in texture those chords are.


Excellent Video on "Perfect Pitch" Rick, thanks for making & posting the video. This guy Pierre is amazing & you threw some complicated chords at him & he got them. I just subscribed to his channel as in addition to 4 guitars I also have a Casio CTS-410 keyboard. I will be watching a lot of videos on his channel, thanks again.


I've seen a lot of channels about music over the years....Rick's is just about the only one i'm still interested in these days though!!!


I find this perfect pitch business absolutely fascinating. I don't have it, in fact I'm probably negative if anything but watching it in operation live is brilliant.


By far, THE most impressive perfect pitch video I've ever seen is that first one that you did with Dylan! Really nice that Pierre became friends with Lyle who, for me, is the best, most expressive pianist/keyboard player to ever grace this planet. He's sorely missed and I really think that Pat's best stuff was when he was with Lyle. I've been listening to the pair of them for 35 years now. Anyway, good video. Would have liked to hear some input from Dylan now that it's some years ago since the first. I'd quite like to know how he perceives his ability.


I'm not familiar with Pierre, but this is the best description I've ever heard as someone with perfect pitch. Amazing video!


3:39 "Hello, is it me you're looking for?" 🎶


I found Pierre a bunch years ago. I was super impressed with a transcription and performance he did. Years later his curated book on Lyle came out. I’m really glad the world now has multiple opportunities to appreciate his contributions to this important music.


I love watching music nerds talk, I just wish I had even a 10th of either of their talents!


Hey Rick, I really enjoy and love these videos, especially your takes on perfect pitch. I'm personally modeling a years-long curriculum for my son based off of what you did with Dylan and high-information music.

If you happen to see this, I'm sure I speak for many people when I say that we would love an update on how Dylan is doing with his life and how his perfect pitch has helped him, just generally how things are going. It's been a while since he was on the channel! If you or he doesn't want to, that is understandable as well.

Thank you for all that you have done to advance music appreciation, education, and communication to the masses, your life is a true inspiration. God bless you.


The thing about it being flat in his memory is actually pretty interesting. I've heard about this happening sometimes, if the piano in the home isn't tuned regularly when they're kids and getting that initial exposure needed to develop it.


Love Pierre’s tutorials. I subscribed to his channel when he showed up on my feed a few months ago.
