Perfect Pitch Test - Do You Have Absolute Pitch?

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Me guesses one note: I think I have perfect pitch


"This audio attempts to remove any relative pitch references from your memory"
*R2-D2 droidspeaking sounds*


I feel like I need to understand how to read music before I can determine if I have perfect pitch


Heard g# and started playing fantaisie impromptu


I don’t exactly have perfect pitch, but I definitely created a state for myself where I can figure it out in under a second usually. I know all the notes by heart and I kind of match them super fast. It’s not like an on the fly thing, but more like a on the thought.


"Do you have perfect pitch?"
Me: yes
Me: lemme watch this video just to make sure


I got 9/10 notes. That first octave g was the one that got me


I don’t think a lot of you understand perfect/absolute pitch. Perfect pitch, or absolute pitch, is the idea that one can identify any given note without having another note to reference. In other words, they have a long-term memory of notes.

Relative pitch is the ability to identify notes when given an identified note to reference. E.g., if I play you a C# and tell you it’s C#, and then play you an E, you can identify E by mentally climbing up the scale.

Absolute pitch is rare. But if you can, you can. Some people are really good at it and can hear and identify notes from stomping your foot or hitting a wall. But not everyone.


"This audio attempts to remove any relative pitch references from your memory" and succeeds at being a funky little lick in Ab


Your audio to "remove relative pitch from your memory" was useless 100% of the time lol


I was off by one semi-tone for nearly every single one. I don't have perfect pitch, but I am normally pretty good at identifying notes due to pretty advanced relative pitch, so this experience was definitely really weird to me.


Me taking this test anyway even though I know damn well I don't have perfect pitch


E is the only one I can get instantly cos it's the first note of this random song that my piano that my keyboard plays


The sixth one is actually G0, and it's out of range lol. 😀


I’ve been training my ear to identify notes by memorizing C as a relative pitch. I was curious how well I can do without it… not too well, apparently 😂 Thanks for the test!


Here’s my list for references that help with identifying each note (as someone who thinks they have absolute pitch to some extent):

D - first chord of Killing In The Name / Everlong / any song in Drop D tuning
D# - first chord of Basket Case
E - first chord of Take Me Out / Where Is My Mind? / Seven Nation Army
F - first chord of Smells Like Teen Spirit (3rd chord of In Bloom also helps as a back up)
F# - first chord of I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor
G - first chord of Ziggy Stardust / You Shook Me All Night Long
G# - 3rd chord of Where Is My Mind?
A - first chord of Highway To Hell / 4th chord of Where Is My Mind
A# - first chord of In Bloom
B - the pedal note of the Thunderstruck riff (think the bass note playing beneath it)
C - first chord of Space Oddity (yes there’s a lot of Bowie songs here)
C# - 2nd chord of Where Is My Mind?

Hope that helps anyone trying to train this skill


For people her trying to train you ears, I trained my ears with these songs (they are kind of weird so be prepared) I hope these will help!
C (first note of the pvz 2 demonstration mini game)
C# (the third note before the really low part of wet hands)
D (first note of megalovania)
Eb (to me it sounded a lot like E which was my first note so I don't really have a song for this one)
E (start of tetris)
F (the second part of megalovania)
F# (this was my hardest note but thanks to someone in the comments jojo's theme is this one now)
G (first note of motzarts eine kleine nachtmusik)
Ab (first note of wet hands)
A (This will be hard to explain but it's the second part of the second part of megalovania, it just sounds like the start of the second part but higher)
Bb (This one probably won't be too helpful but we played the Bb major scale like every day at the end of 6th grade and like all of 7th grade band so it's kind of just engraved into my head)
And finally b (the spaming note at the start of somethingunreal's song with only windows sounds)


0:43 This instantly reminds me of Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu. I actually came here to test my natural notes pitch, but for this one I immediately say G#


Yeah this thing has wrong notes. I thought I was losing perfect pitch but I think you labeled some wrong.


if you're going to test a note in the first octave, you should aim to minimize harmonics and use a sine wave or similarly smooth waveform because a string instrument has too many harmonics at that frequency and the note becomes fogged
