You CAN learn Perfect Pitch

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#shorts #music #perfectpitch

Contrary to popular belief. You CAN learn and acquire perfect pitch as an adult! There are three types of pitch development: relative pitch, which is hearing one note in relation to another note. Perfect Pitch: knowing a note off the top of your head. True Pitch; essentially, memorizing the timbre of all pitches.

It is incredibly difficult to learn perfect pitch as an adult and is impossible for MOST but not ALL to acquire. It has to do with how well trained your memory is, as well as how developed your ears are. Also most people who have already developed a good relative ear have a harder time learning it too.

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True pitch is exactly how I learned it, and I now know how to explain it to people, thanks


I don't want to pretend I *know* these things like they are scientific facts but after 20 years of working on different kinds of ear training, I personally split "true pitch" or "pitch memory" into 2 different skills one can work on separately and combine to improve their ability to recognize and recall pitches better.

"True pitch" is what I personally call "micro-timbre". You learn the sound of the subtle timbral differences between each individual note on just one instrument (see my videos where I demonstrate this and explain how I did it). Of course it can be done on multiple instruments but it'd take forever. I don't know if there's a kind of threshold at which, having learned true pitch for enough timbres, you suddenly find you are able to identify pitches across all timbres. Unfortunately, I can't say exactly how I when this started happening for me because it was initially unconscious. I just started noticing I could identify pitches while listening to music and the instruments didn't seem to matter. Now though, I'm going about it in a more conscious way.

As far as "pitch memory" goes, I call this "pitch location". It's different than true pitch in that it isn't timbre based. It's our ability to internalize the general tonal pitch level (or location in pitch space) of a song, or part of a song, or any complex sound, really. We are able to do this because of the large amount of information (multiple instruments, production values, rhythmic elements, emotional impact, etc.) that all come together simultaneously to "imprint" the sound in our memory. From there, we can generally recall the sounds at the correct pitch, or within a semitone or less for most people.

Together, micro-timbre and pitch location can be combined to construct a strong conception of each pitch - the direct sound of a pitch (the sort of contour of how the pitch is "shaped") and a feeling of where the pitch sits in our perception of pitch space (kind of like how "high" or "low" it is but more complex than that because pitch classes aren't really higher or lower than each other).

These perceptions are difficult to accurately describe but they can be perceived and refined over time.


As a self proclaimed bathroom singer, I'm proud I got 13/15! √•√


Which studies are you referring to exactly?

Could you please put links
or at least some more details about those studies
so we can find them and check them out ourselves too,
just like you probably did?

Thank you.


I'm so happy I have True Pitch... I'm not useless after all🙂


My piano is out of tune and has been for the past 16 years (I’m too poor to have it tuned) so I have true pitch to *my* piano, but perfect pitch because I’m literally any other piano I could also tell you what key you played 😭


I learned true pitch by knowing what the first note of a song I know or have played and learning each note over tome


I want to learn as I am 14 and most likely still have a chance at learning this in around 6 months


I have perfect pitch, and used to play piano, but I gave up on reading music because I couldn’t for the life of me remember the names of each frequency.


It's funny every time people accuse me of having just advanced relative pitch instead of actual perfect pitch. I have perfect pitch that I happened to be gifted with. But believe it or not my relative pitch is actually quite poor in comparison. Every time I try to do a relative pitch test or training I just end up using perfect pitch instead you determine the note AND THEN work backwards to logically figure out the interval between the two notes. This is actually not good because if I hear a song I only know the melody in that specific key with those specific notes but I can't correctly transpose the song into a different key. For example, I've memorised the notes for Happy Birthday in the keys of C, Cs, D, G, A, and A#. But if I were to try to start singing from G# without having figured out the notes beforehand I wouldn't be able to sing it.
So yeah, you can debate whether relative pitch or perfect pitch is better but they are certainly different things. I have perfect pitch but my relative pitch is very poor. So every time people accuse me of "just" having advanced relative pitch I always reply with "bitch I WISH I had advanced relative pitch."


This video was actually pretty helpful, i think i might have true pitch


Your description of "true pitch" is the textbook definition of relative pitch. I majored in comparative composition and music theory and I've never heard of true pitch.


I wad trying to perfect my pitch in baseball


you got the words mixed up, perfect pitch is the thing you learn in infancy and true pitch or pitch memory is when you get so used to a pitch based on timbre or other factors that you can evoke it from memory or you recognize it without a reference


I’m still confused, what’s the difference between perfect pitch and true pitch? Also what is relative pitch and what is absolute pitch


I got that true pitch then cuz i couldn't tell ya the name of the note but i can find it eventually lol


wow i didnt know true pitch was a thing, i guess i maybe have it then. i can tell when a key is played if its A-G. i just have to think which octave or whatever it is called it is (piano is what im talking about at least)


Isn’t it all just memory??? If you know what color blue is you can see blue and go “that’s blue because I know what blue is” unfortunate I never really did music so idk for sure, I’m just really good with keys and being on key and identifying if the key is off or not or reproducing a song perfectly in key without fail. I personally know the scale (C, D, E, F, G, A, B) but I only have C, D, E, and F in memory. A, B, and G are a bit weird they aren’t properly stored in there. I know what they sound like and can him it on call but I can’t like tell you if a note is a b or g without humming it first


Perfect pitch: Native language
True pitch: Foreign language
It's as simple as that
