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@CJmuzik SUPERPOWER is that he has PERFECT PITCH. But what is PERFECT PITCH and is it a BLESSING or a CURSE? #shorts
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I like Jack Blacks example of perfect pitch: "Someone with perfect pitch could hear a car crash and say, 'yeah that was in E'"


The many levels of gifts and talents that musicians have amazes me. Perfect pitch, relative pitch, mastery of the keyboard (or instrument they play), depth of knowledge of music theory, discipline to practice and learn, drive to be the best you can be, creativeness with music or lyrics, transferring these talents from one instrument to the other, understanding of sheet music. I know I'm missing a lot.


I've never had it, but I know that when you play enough, you can get darn close. Then, when you encounter a person with real perfect still blows your mind.


That reminds me of a musician joke. How do you know if someone has perfect pitch? Don't worry, they'll tell you. :)


I'm convinced that some people have perfect pitch but just don't realize it. E.g., some people can recall a song and automatically sing it in its original key without having heard it recently. Perfect pitch is just remembering notes, and you don't come out of the womb with the ability to name individual notes -- you have to practice to some degree.

So, if you're good at recalling music in its original key, it's likely you can develop perfect pitch WRT individual notes.


He has true pitch. That just means he has took the time to learn what each notes name is. It's very impressive. Perfect pitch is endemic. I've had perfect pitch since I was a toddler. I can replite sounds like other people know what green and red is when they see it. I learned true pitch as I got older.


They made a channel for musicians! I have been waiting for a perfect pitch video forever. Strong content. I love this.


I always thought drummers with perfect pitch would be frustrated that it doesn't really help them, but then I learnt about people like Michael Bland, who often tune their snare to the tonic pitch of the song they're playing!


In some ways it would be cool, but I've heard that it's a real pain when you get older and you lose perfect pitch, because you don't have the learned skills to deal with it. It's like taking away someone's GPS and handing them a paper map and a compass when they've never used those before.


I love having perfect pitch, it's very fun to play around with. The one frustrating thing however, is when my friends knock on a wooden surface and ask 'What's the pitch'. 😂


B flat is the same as A sharp and F# is the same as G flat.

Perfect pitch does not mean identifying the notes as such. It means being able to reproduce the notes and to remember them in a melody or song. There are people with perfect pitch who know nothing about the pitch names.


I have perfect pitch too, but I'm a lot slower. He's fast which is really cool!


Only one of many ways Charles is freaking amazing! ❤️😁👍 Cool beans!


i had no idea i had perfect pitch until people started freaking out about it. i thought everyone was able to easily recognize notes and what key songs are in. i've had this ability since i was a child.


I like to refer this to languages. The note name is the written word and the pitch is the pronunciation. People with perfect pitch are essentially people who speak the "pitch" language. They see the word and they can pronounce it or spell the word when they hear it. In contrast, normal people can't do any of that because they haven't learnt the language yet.
They say that you can't learn it if you're older than 5 but tbh that's just bullcrap. You can learn it pretty much at any age but it's much easier to learn as a kid, same as any other language. I never had any pitch regconition skills before the age of 14 and got perfect pitch when I was 17. Eddy from TwoSetViolin also got it during highschool.
Also not everyone's perfect pitch is the same. Some people like Jacob Colier can hear that a note is not in tune while others can barely identify the notes. This is just the matter of how much you work with "in tune" (according to the standard tuning system) music.


The guy with the hat looks like the zig zag man.


I think the guy in the middle give a good example, we're so use to see colors that we can tell which one is, I guess if most of us were more expose to music, most people would be able to recognize notes.


as someone with perfect pitch, i wonder what other people hear if they don’t know the note of what they are playing. like for me, i do not understand the concept of do re me when singers in choirs use it, because how do you know what note to sing?


I don't know musical notes I wish they taught it in my school. But I believe I have perfect pitch as well, is there any other way to test this skill? Thank you.


What if you don't know the name of the note? How'd you know if you have perfect pitch?
